Ontario OUT of DOORS
Canada's best read outdoors magazine. Get the latest hunting and fishing tips, gear, news and more from our Ontario OUT of DOORS experts.
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
Canada has been home to many firearms manufacturers, but the short-lived North America Arms Corp (NAACO) may be the only one that met its demise after partnering with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and allegedly supplying arms to Latin American countries.
My first brush with the company was around 1962. “Big” Bill Roper, a game warden in Sprague in southeastern Manitoba, showed me his new NAACO Mallard. It was the first three-inch-magnum chambered 12-gauge shotgun I’d ever seen. I did not see another until buying one in an online auction a few years ago. This piqued my interest and I s ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
Across this province and beyond, ticks are an increasingly troublesome reality for sportsmen and women. These little bloodsuckers are more than just annoying — they carry a host of ailments to which outdoor enthusiasts are especially vulnerable. Along much of their southernmost range, moose are struggling to adapt to the growing influence of ticks, and Ontario is no exception.
Tick troubles
By and large, human-tick encounters involve one of two species: the dog tick (aka wood tick) or the black-legged tick (aka deer tick), the latter of which is responsible for a rising incidence of Lym ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
When ice fishing, there are many instances when an upsized bait gets the job done better than a smaller one. Here is a look at when going bigger can work to your advantage.
Upsized state of mind
Before getting to a few scenarios, it’s best to be clear. Upsized isn’t a synonym for super-sized. Certainly, there are times when an extra-large presentation is tough to beat, but the concept embodies much more.
Upsizing can be as simple as choosing the next model of your favourite lure. Going from a two-inch to a two-and-a-half-inch lipless crankbait might not seem like much, but this tweak can make ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
Ice fishing has come a long way, baby! When I look back on some of my first memories — watching gads, catching fishstick-sized perch and huddling close to a fire in the 1980s — it’s incredible how much hard water tech and tactics have evolved.
Things really started taking off a couple decades ago. A boom in quality and availability of reasonably priced gear helped participation grow. Modern ice fishing had arrived, and if there was a unifying, rallying cry resounding across the ice belt it was — “Mobility!”
Drill, drill, drill. Move, move, move.
So it went, and so it continues for many angler ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
Feeding wildlife is often a complex and contentious topic. Unlike in many states and provinces, feeding whitetail deer is perfectly legal in Ontario, and done routinely by hunters and non-hunters.
Let’s look at the potential issues associated with feeding whitetails, and consider if they are outweighed by the benefits.
The good
Baiting can attract deer to your stand and create a level of predictability that’s hard to replicate without food
Certain foods can increase herd health by supplementing their natural diet with minerals and nutrients that may be lacking
Proper feeding can be used ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
Ross’s goose
An effort led by the American Ornithological Society (AOS) to rename any bird species named after a person will also affect three species of waterfowl.
The Ross’s goose, which is common in the central and western flyways, and breeds in Ontario along Hudson’s Bay, is one. It was named for Bernard Rogan Ross, a fur trader and naturalist who worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company in the mid-1800s.
The Barrow’s goldeneye, found mainly along the west coast of North America and with small numbers in the eastern Arctic, will also get a new handle. This bird shouldn’t be confused ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
Being a gun dog guy for most of my life, I seldom find things more enjoyable than experiencing the partnership of hunting with a well-trained bird dog in the field.
There’s immense satisfaction in handling a lab with whistle commands and hand signals on a blind retrieve as I guide it to a duck. Or to be in the uplands gingerly stepping around a setter intensely locked on point to a woodcock or grouse. These are the moments I live for when the leaves start to change colour. Thankfully, things don’t stop for me at the end of the season, as there is always more dog training to complete. This yea ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
8M ago
The lake trout — sometimes called grey trout — is a species designed by Mother Nature for winter. The colder, snappier, and brighter the winter day, the more those grey trout like it. They usually strike a jigged line with ferocity, and when hooked through the ice, rarely fight with anything less than full commitment. The laker, however, can also be a fickle character. Here are some of my thoughts and reflections on catching the perfect winter fish.
Cold and bright is right
It’s not that you can’t catch lake trout when it is mild and cloudy. You can. However, if I were to choos ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
9M ago
Canada’s compliance with the United Nations marking system has once again been deferred.
First introduced in 2004, the United Nations program is being interpreted differently by individual countries. In Canada, the regulations would require all new firearms being imported into Canada be identified with a unique identifying number after being imported into the country. It also requires the year of import and Canada or CA to be stamped on each gun. Successive governments have delayed implementation numerous times, usually in two-year increments.
The latest date for the program to come into forc ..read more
Ontario OUT of DOORS
9M ago
Q: I’m looking for more info regarding your Ask a CO, “Are Jaw Jackers legal?” posted on oodmag.com. It seems the CO puts an emphasis on the spring mechanism rule. YouTube is full of DIY jaw jackers that use mouse traps and other things as a trigger. Are these illegal?
Andrew Foerster, Ottawa
A: There is emphasis on the manner in which a spring is used because possession of a spring gaff in or within 30 metres of any waters is prohibited. A spring gaff includes any device which uses a mechanical spring, other than the fishing rod under tension, to set the hook for an angler.
Devices tha ..read more