Lock N More
Lock-N-More is America's Neighborhood Locksmith. Check out our locksmith blog for useful tips and the latest information on locks, keys, security, and more.
Lock N More
3y ago
All businesses worldwide, including locksmiths, took a bad hit from the recent COVID-19 crisis. No one probably imagined that a pandemic like this would hit us in 2020, when we thought we are safe and secure in an era where you can turn off your lights at home from the supermarket using your phone.
We are fully aware that this is a public concern and it requires collective effort. Seeing how fast and easily transmitted the virus is, every effort is being made to eliminate the virus and getting more people sick. We take this very seriously and put our safety and yours of primary and equa ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
The days of walking into a hardware store and getting duplicate car keys made for pennies are long gone. In fact, many drivers today have never seen the older metal car key that looks like a house key. Today’s cars use everything from the simple black-headed transponder chip key to the much more complex keyless remote proximity fob. Newer keys have electronic components that do everything from operating the door locks to disabling the car’s immobilizer. Of course, all these electronics are prone to wear over time. So, at some point, you may need to repair your key or get replacement car keys m ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
If you own a home, you may have a yard. A yard is a beautiful extension of your interior living space. It can be a joy to use in pleasant weather. Many of us who are fortunate enough to have pretty outdoor space go to great expense to decorate it with landscaping and furnish it with chairs, tables, and grills. Some people even have outdoor kitchens! When we lock up our homes at night or when we are away, we protect what’s inside the home. However, how can we protect outdoor furniture that is sitting out in the open?
Why is Outdoor Furniture a Target?
If you have ever bought patio furniture, th ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
When most people think about unlocking a door without a key, their first thought is burglary. After all, wouldn’t anyone who is supposed to enter a home or business have a key? Well, of course that is not always the case. We don’t believe we will ever get locked out of the house. The truth is, people lock themselves out of their homes and offices every day. If this happens to you, you can prepare yourself for it by learning how to pick a lock.
Lock-picking has been around for thousands of years – as long as locks have, in fact. And, it does take the right tools and a little finesse to pick a l ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
You love your motorcycle. It gives you a sense of freedom when you are on the open road that is hard to duplicate. Motorcycles are often targeted for theft, though, so it’s important to take every possible precaution to secure your bike when you leave it outside in order to prevent motorcycle theft.
The Most Stolen Motorcycles
Motorcycle thieves seem to prefer certain bikes over others. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) between 2013 and 2016, overall thefts were up 2 percent, for a total of 46,467 stolen motorcycles. For 2016, the NICB reported the following statistics re ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
In today’s electronically-oriented world, we keep many important records in digital form. We go to great lengths to protect our digital files. We password-protect our computers and encrypt individual computer folders and files. Yet many people still rely on flimsy file cabinet locks to keep prying eyes away from sensitive papers. These locks prevent drawers from opening, but they are weak and picking a file cabinet lock is very easy. Anyone who wants to get into that cabinet can do so in less than 30 seconds with minimal skill. When you have sensitive or confidential paper files, you nee ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
Society is changing. Many people are waiting longer to marry so the number of young people living alone is higher than ever. And, people are living longer, so many seniors can live alone for many years after a spouse passes away. Whether you are living alone by choice or necessity, take these steps to improve your security when you live alone.
Install The Best Locks You Can
The easiest way into a home is through a cheap lock. And, most burglars enter homes through front or back doors. So, make sure all your exterior entrances are protected with the best locks for residential doors. Yes, they ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
Anyone who owns a bicycle these days knows that a quality bike is expensive. Prices range anywhere from $500 to a whopping $500,000 for a bicycle. Alright, so perhaps you won’t be buying a bicycle that is covered in real butterfly wings and was ridden by Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France! But, whatever you do spend on your bike, once you own it you don’t want someone to steal it. So, whatever bike you choose, you need a good bicycle lock.
What Makes a Good Bicycle Lock?
There are several different types of bicycle locks, and each has its pros and cons. The four most common bicycle lock typ ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
On February 14, 2018, a school shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, FL. This event took the lives of 17 people making it one of the worst school shootings in American history. As a result of this horrific event, guns are a hot topic, with heated arguments on both sides of the issue. One thing is clear, though — we have an ongoing problem with gun violence in the United States. This article will not address the second amendment, or whether or not gun control laws are effective. The second amendment is the law of the land, and many Americans have firearms in the ..read more
Lock N More
3y ago
An Illusion of Security
Nostalgic people in small towns often fondly remember the days when they never felt the need to lock their car or house doors – a time when one could leave your car keys in the ignition without fear of someone stealing the car. Today, in most places, it is unheard of to leave your home unlocked. Today, people are very concerned with safety and security, and locking our doors when we leave is now something we do automatically. Are those locks really protecting our homes as much as we think they are? Or does locking our door do nothing more than create an illusion of sec ..read more