Women of Teal
Women of Teal is a play on the words "Man of Steel" used to describe Superman. I have found my fellow ovarian cancer survivors to be the strongest, most helpful women in the world. They are truly Women of Teal!
Women of Teal
1M ago
Wishing you all a Happy and Health 2025. It's time once again to put together my list of what I aspire to do in 2025. Let's start off with something that has been on my list since 2014. Yes, Visiting Maine remains on my list. Maybe this year?Amber is going to be 15 years old this year. I hope to continue to take her on those long walks. I will continue to create art - watercolor in ..read more
Women of Teal
1M ago
This year our one large Christmas tree is filled with lights and ornaments, there is no ribbon, garland or tinsel to be found. After many years of marriage, the ornaments represent memories through the years including older family ornaments, hand-made ornaments from our children and grandchildren and ornaments from places we have visited. My grandson was looking at the tree and asked ..read more
Women of Teal
2M ago
In 2013, Christina Lizaso and I founded the #gyncsm chat and community on Twitter/ X. This year, eleven years later, we made the difficult decision to cease hosting the #gyncsm chat. You can read more about our decision on the #gyncsm blog. Our last chat will be Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 8pm ET with special guest and long time #gyncsm chat supporter, Cervivor. We have done ..read more
Women of Teal
2M ago
Monday was Gyn Cancer Poster day at #ASCO24. Here are a few posters along with their study conclusions that I found most interesting this year. Tumor-informed ctDNA as an objective marker for postoperative residual disease in epithelial ovarian cancer. #5544"The present tumor-informed dPCR SV fingerprint ctDNA approach demonstrated feasibility with remarkably high detection ..read more
Women of Teal
4M ago
I have know Kimberly Simmons-Emory for over 10 years. She is a fellow ovarian cancer survivor and amazing advocate. We met in person in 2017 and I knew she had a strong faith, loved her family and generously gave of herself supporting other women through the Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance. Recently, she published her memoir, Pieces of Me Perfectly Imperfect . In her book, she ..read more
Women of Teal
5M ago
Last week, I was invited to speak about my advocacy work and my experience with ovarian cancer during the DOD Ovarian Cancer Academy . The Academy began in 2009 through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program Ovarian Cancer Research Program (CDMRP OCRP). Dr. Michael Seiden stated “the amount of science that needs to be covered to really get a global understanding ..read more
Women of Teal
5M ago
September is ovarian cancer as well as gynecologic cancer awareness month. Each year since my diagnosis, I commit to doing an activity related to raising awareness and funds for research. This year on Sept 8th I registered for and walked the Kaleidoscope of Hope Ovarian Cancer Foundation Walk in Morristown, NJ. Since 2006, I have been involved with KOH through walking, serving on the Board of the ..read more
Women of Teal
7M ago
Nineteen years ago today I heard the words, "I'm sorry Dee you have stage 3 B ovarian cancer and I will do everything to make you well." I would not be writing this blog if not for my diagnosis. What path would my life have taken if I had not heard those words? I will never know. On this cancerversary, I am ever grateful to the two women gynecologic oncologists who brought me through two of the ..read more
Women of Teal
7M ago
The first time I read the writings of Suleika Jaouad was in her the NY Times column "Life Interrupted" . She wrote about her leukemia diagnosis and treatments. In 2022, I shared in this blog a piece Suleika wrote for Nancy's List ( https://nancyslist.org/). That post mentioned her best selling memoir, Between Two Kingdoms , A Memoir of a Life Interrupted. Back then I added ..read more
Women of Teal
8M ago
A few days ago @DrYukselUrun shared on X the ORR ( objective response Rate) and CRR (Complete Response Rate and OS (overall survival) for the Phase 3 CLEAR trial ( combo of Lenvatinib and Pembrolizumab in advanced renal cell carcinoma). In response, @StrijbosMichiel posted "Most impressive results from the CLEAR trial: the percentage of patients that have to endure ..read more