Is Iodine Essential for Health or Healthy Skin?
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Iodine is an essential nutrient that helps our bodies to naturally detox in order to prevent harmful chemicals from affecting thyroid health and function. A deficiency in iodine can cause health issues in our skin and body as a whole. Eg. Iodine also plays a role in hormone regulation which affects acne breakouts. Iodine Health […] The post Is Iodine Essential for Health or Healthy Skin? appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Is Eating Sugar Bad for Your Skin?
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
We all know that eating fatty junk foods like burgers, pizza, bacon, and chocolate is unhealthy for us and almost always leads to skin issues like acne and breakouts. Most people assume that this is because of the fat content in these foods, but recent research shows that it’s actually the sugar that causes these […] The post Is Eating Sugar Bad for Your Skin? appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Seasonal Depression/Winter Blues Leading To Worsening Eczema? Small Tips That May Help
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
There are certain people who suffer from depression when winter comes. These symptoms are commonly known as the winter blues, although the condition is medically known as the SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Those who suffer from this condition tend to become moody, depressed, stress and lethargic when the winter season comes. This can worsen […] The post Seasonal Depression/Winter Blues Leading To Worsening Eczema? Small Tips That May Help appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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10 Ways to Manage Your Oily Skin
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
We can all agree that having an oily skin is very annoying. Aside from making you look terrible, the oil can clog your pores and will eventually lead to breakouts. But you should know that having oily skin is normal. In fact, oil can benefit your skin in many ways, such as keep your skin […] The post 10 Ways to Manage Your Oily Skin appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Different Ways to Use Tea Bags for Health Benefits
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Tea drinkers, instead of throwing away those used tea bags, why don’t you put them to good use? You will be surprised to know that used tea bags can actually benefit you in many ways. If this is the first time you hear about this, then here are 8 ways on how you can benefit […] The post Different Ways to Use Tea Bags for Health Benefits appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Top 3 Benefits of Vitamin K1 and K2
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Vitamin K is mainly known for its ability to assist in blood clotting but it’s actually a collection of vitamins that offer a wide range of other health benefits. In this article, we will share with you all the information you need to understand this vitamin. You’ll also learn the difference between Vitamin K1 and […] The post Top 3 Benefits of Vitamin K1 and K2 appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Top 3 Benefits of Collagen for Better Skin and Health
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know all about collagen’s skin tightening properties. The good news is that collagen is a naturally occurring protein and there’s plenty of it to go around in the body. It’s mostly available in the connective tissues and the bones. Taking collagen can lead to brighter, firmer […] The post Top 3 Benefits of Collagen for Better Skin and Health appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Dealing with Cracked Skin on the Bottom of the Foot
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Having dry and cracked feet is a surprisingly common problem among men and women. This condition is known as Xerosis and most of the time it’s a superficial issue that’s not linked to any underlying disease. The most common symptoms of Xerosis include calluses and cracks on the soles and heels of the feet, and […] The post Dealing with Cracked Skin on the Bottom of the Foot appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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Understanding Linden Extract
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Linden extract has several health benefits. It has the ability to prevent some forms of cancer and improving the immune system. It is also very effective in calming and detoxifying the body. Other benefits of applying the extract include lowering inflammation and elimination of anxiety. You can as well lower your blood pressure upon application. […] The post Understanding Linden Extract appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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What is Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Battle Eczema Blog
by Sou
4y ago
Seborrheic dermatitis, a form of eczema or dermatitis, affects areas of the body that are rich in glands, such as the scalp, face, and trunk. While it’s more common to affect males than females, it’s found in babies under the age of three months (and sometimes between six to 12 months), in young adults, and […] The post What is Seborrheic Dermatitis? appeared first on Battle Eczema more
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