Resolution Eats
This is a blog about pop culture, low carb recipes and Keto cookery. Emily was diagnosed a type 1 diabetic so she took a New Year's resolution is to cut out sugar and switch to a low-carb diet and shares her regime.
Resolution Eats
2y ago
These Air Fryer Jalapeño Poppers are spicy cheesy goodness wrapped in bacon. And they come together in a snap.
Greetings ?
Here's a tongue twister for you. Peter Piper prepped a peck of Air Fried Jalapeño Pepper Poppers. How many proper pepper poppers did Peter Piper prep? Phew!
Making these poppers is much easier than saying that!
That's all because of our new friend, the air fryer.
As I'm sure you know, air fryers are mini appliance-sized convection ovens that cook food by surrounding them with hot air. They "fry" food with air instead of high-calorie oil. And they ..read more
Resolution Eats
2y ago
Almond Flour Peanut Butter Cookies are easy to make and tasty to eat. And because they use almond flour as their base, making them low carb is a snap.
Today I'm going to share a recipe for easy Almond Flour Peanut Butter Cookies, but first, I want to talk a little bit about individuality. About making your mark in the world. That's because I learned something about my mom recently that I never knew before.
She showed me her pie signature.
She explained that when women used to bring pies to events and contests, they each used a distinctive mark on the top c ..read more
Resolution Eats
2y ago
Piecaken is a Frankenstein's monster of a dessert. It is a pecan pie, topped with a pumpkin pie, topped with a spice cake, topped with frosting and apple pie filling. It's a total yum.
[feast_advanced_jump_to] ? What is Piecaken?
Piecaken is the Turducken of Thanksgiving desserts. And just as Turducken is made up of three birds stuffed inside each other, Piecaken incorporates four classic Thanksgiving desserts into one big beautiful cake. The bottom layer is pecan pie, the middle is pumpkin pie, the top is spice cake, and it is topped with apple pie filling, cinnamon buttercream frosting, and ..read more
Resolution Eats
2y ago
Air Fryer Butternut Squash is a superfood that is super delicious. And each serving has just 61 calories and 6g net carbs.
A short story: I was scrolling through my comments the other day and getting all sorts of good feedback. "Great recipe!" and "Even my picky husband liked it." and so on. Until I came to this one: "Too much B.S." Well. That's a day ruiner.
So I've got a public service announcement I'd like to make.
It's easy to dunk on the loquaciousness of food bloggers, but why bother? Just use the JUMP TO RECIPE button and go straight to the good stu ..read more
Resolution Eats
2y ago
Air Fryer Zucchini Fries could not be easier to make. And they are a tasty way to get some veg into your diet.
Let me guess. You are here because you have a boatload of zucchini that you don't know what to do with. Trust me, it's that time of year. Your neighbor has just offloaded some of her bumper crop and you are trying to figure out how to make zucchini edible. I've been there.
And I am here to help.
Why not whip up a batch of Air Fried Zucchini Fries?
This is the quintessential way to cook zucchini. It's an easy appetizer that you can whip up in 15 m ..read more
Resolution Eats
2y ago
Mandarin Orange Jello Salad is a retro dessert that comes together in just a few minutes. Add some chill time, and soon you'll have an easy breezy citrusy dessert with only four ingredients. Sweet!
Quick question: can anyone spot me 50 clams to buy a book about Jello? Nobody? Nuts. I just found this promotional cookbook that Jell-O put out in 1937 and I simply must have it. It's called Jack & Mary's Jell-o Recipe Book, and it's by Jack Benny and his comedy and life partner Mary. Just think of all the fun old recipes I could share.
(And terrible terribl ..read more
Resolution Eats
3y ago
This is a Creole-style Keto Gumbo made with chicken, sausage, and shrimp. It’s a savory stew with only 188 calories and 5g net carbs per bowl.
[feast_advanced_jump_to] ? What’s in gumbo?
A better question might be: what ISN’T in GUMBO?
It’s a savory Southern stew made with a plethora of meats or fishes and a boatload of vegetables and herbs. It can be as thin as soup or as thick as thieves. The vegetables should include celery, bell peppers and onion and may or may not include tomatoes, depending on whether it is Creole or Cajun. And it might be thickened by ok ..read more
Resolution Eats
3y ago
This Keto Tuna Casserole has real honest-to-goodness noodles in it. And the carb count is still just 6 grams per serving.
Greetings ?
If you are looking for some pure 1950s comfort food, then you've come to the right place. In fact, we've been waiting all day for you to come home from work. And we've prepared your favorite dish, tuna noodle casserole.
So tuck a napkin into your collar and dig right in!
Just kidding, you are going to have to make this retro casserole all by yourself.
But don't worry about the carb count, because this is a Low Carb Tuna Casserole. That ..read more
Resolution Eats
3y ago
This Keto Chicken Ramen Soup recipe is a low carb take on a classic dorm room meal. It's got just 360 calories and 4g net carbs. And you can whip it up in 10 minutes flat!
Hi ho ?
Today I'm going to show you how to make the noodle dish that is beloved by college kids the world over. Good old ramen noodle soup. So comforting, so easy to make. Just boil water and mix it with the uncooked noodles and that neon yellow flavor packet. Heaven. But the instant version isn't so Keto-friendly, so we'll need to improvise.
So let me show you how to make a quick Keto Ramen Soup ..read more
Resolution Eats
3y ago
Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower Bites are crispy, spicy, and delicious. This tasty appetizer has just 20 calories and 2g net carbs. It's the perfect healthy app.
Good morning glories! ?
It’s 10 am and I’ve spent the morning taking pictures of Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower Wings. As one does. Then I gobbled them up. It was a mighty fine breakfast if I do say so myself.
So come, and let me show you how to make these devilishly delicious snacks.
? About Buffalo Cauliflower
What is Buffalo Cauliflower?
This is an appetizer that replicates spicy buf ..read more