How to manage your personal finances in 2023?
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
2y ago
Hi girls! It’s me, Cíndy, your “save and invest your money” bestie and I am back with a new blog post inspired by one of the many personal financial books I have read lately, that changed my life and will most likely improve yours too! I have recently read the book "Your Money or Your Life" based on a set of financial principles and practices that are designed to help us improve our financial well-being and achieve financial independence. This is a topic that speaks a lot to me as I take to heart helping and educating women from any background to learn to take care of their personal finances more
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Avoid this big crypto mistake !
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
WHAT’S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU HAVE DONE IN THE PAST WITH CRYPTO ? So, we can ALL learn from it ! Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach YOU how to start investing for and in yourself. The biggest mistake you can do in crypto is to be greedy by for example buying crypto on leverage. Kevin did that in the past and thought it was smart to do by using a 2x leverage. However, this was a huge mistake as he lost 80% of his net worth within just a few hours, back in March 2020, when the pandemic started. Thus, we highly suggest you to avoid buying crypto on leverage more
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Évite cette grosse erreur en crypto !
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
QUELLE EST LA PLUS GROSSE ERREUR QUE KEVIN A FAITE DANS LE PASSÉ AVEC LA CRYPTO ? Il nous dit tout, afin qu'on évite de faire la même erreur ! Question et réponse de la semaine sur la crypto pour les débutants, basées sur VOS questions. Nous vous apprenons comment commencer à investir pour et en vous-même. C'est parti mon kiki ! La plus grosse erreur que vous pouvez faire en crypto, c'est d'être trop gourmand en achetant par exemple des crypto avec un effet de levier. Kevin l'a fait dans le passé et pensait que c'était intelligent de le faire en utilisant un effet de levier de 2x. Cependant more
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Meilleures plateformes pour s'informer sur les dernières news en crypto ?
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Existe-t-il des plateformes nous permettant de nous tenir au courant des dernières actualités sur la crypto ? Par exemple Twitter ? Instagram ? YouTube ? Google ? Ta propre page ? Dis-nous TOUT ! Question et réponse de la semaine sur la crypto pour les débutants, basées sur VOS questions. Chaque semaine, nous vous apprenons comment commencer à investir pour et en vous-même. Vous êtes prêt ? Le meilleur moyen d'obtenir les dernières nouvelles en matière de crypto est Twitter, que nous appelons " Crypto more
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Best platforms for us to stay updated on the latest crypto news ?
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Are there any platforms for us to stay updated on the latest crypto news ? For example Twitter ? Instagram ? YouTube ? Google ? Your own page ? Let us know ! Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. Ready? The best way to get the latest crypto news is Twitter, which we call “Crypto Twitter”. But it’s not something we think you should do. Something you should do, is to educate yourself on crypto. So for that, you can for examp more
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Iced coffee & Investing... Uh ?!
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Here are some pics of my latest collaboration with Starbucks Switzerland. There are people who make fun of women who invest, while still enjoying getting an "expensive" 6 bucks coffee every now and then. I personally think that it is important to treat yourself with things you like eventhough you are into investing. After all, it's recommended to invest 10% of our monthly income into crypto and/or stocks. Which still leaves you with 90% to pay all your bills AND also to enjoy your favorite things (whatever it is) ! Iced coffee has been my fav' and happy morning drink for years and it's not ab more
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Quelles applications d'échange de crypto et quels portefeuilles pour acheter de la crypto ?
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Question et réponse de la semaine sur la crypto pour les débutants, basées sur VOS questions. Chaque semaine, nous vous apprenons comment commencer à investir pour et en vous-même. Vous êtes prêt ? En crypto, vous avez besoin de 3 choses : 1) Vous avez besoin d'une plateforme échange, vous pouvez donc utiliser les apps Coinbase, Kraken ou FTX, pour acheter et vendre de la crypto. 2) Ensuite, vous avez besoin d'une plateforme de prêt de crypto, donc en gros, Celsius Network ou Yield App, où vous allez e more
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Which crypto exchange apps and wallets can you all recommend us to use for us to buy crypto ?
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. Ready? Here are the 3 things you need in crypto: 1) You need an exchange, so you can use Coinbase, Kraken or FTX. This is to buy and sell crypto. 2) Then, you need a crypto lending platform, so basically, Celsius Network or Yield App, where you are gonna send your coins to earn yield or interest on your crypto. 3) And then you need a portfolio tracker, such as Blockfolio aka now FTX, o more
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Why you should NOT trade your crypto!
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Welcome back to your Weekly Crypto Q&A for beginners, based on YOUR questions. We teach you how to start investing for and in yourself. Here’s why you should NOT trade your crypto : 1) If you trade, you are going to underperform just simply buying the asset and holding it in the long term. 2) You are gonna absolutely ruin your mental health ! You are gonna try to get in and out of these crypto markets, which are very volatile and it’s gonna completely ruin your sleep, give you massive stress and an more
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Ne trade PAS tes cryptos !
BellezaRebel Blog
by Cíndy Coco Follonier - @Cocorebelista
3y ago
Bienvenue à nouveau à la Question de la semaine sur les investissements en crypto-monnaies pour les débutants, basée sur VOS questions, reçues sur nos comptes Instagram. Nous t'apprenons comment commencer à investir pour et en toi-même. Les raisons pour lesquelles tu ne devrais PAS trader tes cryptos: 1) Si tu trades, tu vas sous-performer au lieu de simplement acheter tes cryptos, les laisser faire "des bébés" et les conserver à long terme pour un max de retour, tout en tranquillité. 2) Tu vas absolum more
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