Roar-some New Video!
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
2w ago
Do your kids LOVE dinosaurs? Then they will go bonkers for my brand new music video - The Dinosaur Dance! The song is one of the first songs I wrote for children back in the day, and is still a firm favourite. It's action-packed with easy-to-follow signs that young children can quickly pick up. I sing this at school with the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. (The Year 6s sometimes request it to go back to the good old days!) The actual dinosaur dance at the end of the song gets faster and faster - and if you all join in, you'll feel like you've done daily your work out plus your 10,000 more
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Little Green Men...
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
1M ago
They landed on my roof last night…! OK, this may be a tall story, but it's a good one! In fact the song is a classic old favourite…but the video is hot off the press! I'm thrilled to share my brand new video with you, with plenty of little green men and crazy adventures! I've been tinkering with green screen filming techniques, I'm learning as I go along. I have found some graphics and clips and tried my hand at some simple animation too!  Many of my songs don't yet have cool videos, so it's something I'm focusing on this year. Particularly as these hi-tech kids seem to watch more videos more
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Brand New Christmas Song and Video!
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
1M ago
How can you tell Christmas time is coming?  What are the clues?  What are your favourite things about this time of year? I hope I've included them in this brand new song and video! Watch my new music video right now and all your seasonal questions will be answered…. “Here Comes Christmas Time!” is on Youtube right now!  While you're there please subscribe to my YouTube Channel - it's a children's channel, and all the videos are ideal for your primary school age children and their younger siblings.  You can sing and sign along with the subtitles and my most excellent Makaton more
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Harvest Festival - NEW video for your assembly
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
4M ago
“Let's Harvest!” is one of my most popular songs to date. Hundreds of schools and thousands opf children sing it every year in their school or church's harvest celebration. This year I've got a nice fresh, colourful video for you.  It still features me singing and signing along (the me from this actual era rather than a 20 year old version!) and subtitles below so your children can learn the words and signs. Plus the video is stuffed full of the wonderful fresh veg, fruit and gorgeous golden fields that we are singing about to give a visual boost and support learning. I have 2 different e more
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Our LIVE monthly Go Kid Music Club is back!
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
4M ago
Summer is over…awww - but fear not, one door closes and another opens! Our new season of Go Kid Music Club live events are back with a BANG! A “bang…scream and a woooooooo!” actually, because you know I can't resist a spooky October event - and that's exactly what we're serving up this October 13th at the fabulous Brunswick Pub in Hove.  If you've never been to one of the Go Kid Music Club monthly events, I'm actually quite jealous of you! You and your children are in for a treat: Each month we vary the theme to mix up the music, art activities and games, check out the tickets page for al more
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Britain's Got Talent - Ravi's Dream Team
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
10M ago
  Wow, I'm writing this blog post the day after our appearance on the show (last night, Sunday 21st April 2024) what a blast! As you may know, we won Alesha's coveted Golden Buzzer! I've known Ravi since he started school and began singing with me each week - a real super-star! But not long after his school life started Covid hit and then, tragically, so did a brain tumour. This had a huge impact on Ravi's health as you can imagine and the road has been long and tough for him and his lovely family. Getting back his speech, balance, ability to walk, eat and just sing and play as he did bef more
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Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
10M ago
Come on down to the farmyard! Check out my latest video - Big Red Barn! It's counting down from ten cows munching on grass to a tiny mouse asleep in a shoe….and it's reeaaally catchy!! Follow the link to watch on my video page HERE Find it on YouTube HERE Oh, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel as I'm making this the year to upload as many new videos as humanly possible!! I'm doing quite well! more
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The Go Kid Music Club Monthly Event Finale
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
10M ago
We've had a wonderful run of monthly shows at the Brunswick pub in Hove for the last 6 months. Most months we have sold out before the event, and every event has been packed to the rafters with wonderful families. April is our final show for the season and we're putting on a mega open mic with your kids being the stars of the finale! The whole reason I started Go Kid Music was to involve children in fantastic singing, music-making and learning through singing educational songs - in all topics. The monthly show really hilights why music is such a crucial part of children's early lives. Parents more
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When Al met Ed (Sheeran)
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
1y ago
Once upon a time... ...I was touring singer-songwriter on my big solo tour. I'd been in America for 5 weeks and was now touring the UK, so was feeling pretty confident. One evening I was in Suffolk at a lovely venue called the High Barn. It had been a long drive, but I was backstage getting ready and in bounded a young chap with ginger hair and a big grin! The event organiser apologized and said this was a young person called Ed they were helping out, he was going to play a couple of songs in between the listed artists (like my support act!). Sorry if he was bo more
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New Video Out Now!
Go Kid Music Blog
by Go Kid Music
1y ago
Whatever the Weather Yep it's been a right old rainy half term and start to 2024. But kids don't mind the weather! It's just us grumpy grown-ups who can't stand dragging ourselves around the local playground in the rain! So here's a song to inspire us all! (Watch on Youtube) (Watch on my VIDEO page) Whatever the Weather is about the seasons and the weather - and how there's always fun to be had come rain or shine! In my new video I'll teach you the signs for all four seasons as well as loads of vocabulary around the topic. Perfect for Key Stage 1 classes, singing assemblies or just a fun song more
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