Toy Training Tricks: Creative Ways to Utilize Dog Training Toys
Acme Canine
by acmecanine
1y ago
Dog training is essential to responsible pet ownership, helping your furry friend become well-behaved and obedient. While traditional methods like commands and treats are effective, incorporating dog training toys into your routine can add an extra dimension of engagement and excitement for you and your furry friend. In this article, we’ll explore creative ways to... The post Toy Training Tricks: Creative Ways to Utilize Dog Training Toys appeared first on Acme Canine more
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Fitness Fun for Fido: How to Choose the Right Dog Exercise Equipment
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by acmecanine
1y ago
Dogs are not just pets; they’re also our exercise buddies and companions in staying active and healthy. To keep your furry friend in top shape, it’s essential to provide them with the right exercise equipment. Whether you have a high-energy dog that needs an outlet for their enthusiasm or a pup looking to shed a... The post Fitness Fun for Fido: How to Choose the Right Dog Exercise Equipment appeared first on Acme Canine more
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How to Slow Down Your Dog’s Eating
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by acmecanine
1y ago
We all know our dog’s rush of excitement when the food bowl is about to be placed down. The eager look, sitting obediently and with furious energy, only to wolf down the wet food faster than one can take a breath. And some don’t even wait for it to touch the floor. They’re keen eaters.... The post How to Slow Down Your Dog’s Eating appeared first on Acme Canine more
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The Perfect Backyard Playground for Dogs: 5 Elements to Create a Canine Paradise
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by acmecanine
1y ago
Did you know that kids aren’t the only ones who can benefit from a backyard playground? Your furry friend can, too – but their idea of a playground is slightly different! A backyard playground for dogs doesn’t involve swings and a slide. It involves providing your dog with a safe and enjoyable outdoor environment to... The post The Perfect Backyard Playground for Dogs: 5 Elements to Create a Canine Paradise appeared first on Acme Canine more
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Senior Dog Enrichment Ideas: Activities for Older Dogs
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by acmecanine
1y ago
As our four-legged rascals change into elderly dogs, it’s common for a dog owner and their pooch to fall into a rut. Pet owners may stop teaching their dogs new tricks, take them on fewer adventures, and introduce them to other dogs less often. This results in your dog’s mental stimulation slowing to a crawl.... The post Senior Dog Enrichment Ideas: Activities for Older Dogs appeared first on Acme Canine more
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How Many Cups of Dog Food Are in a Pound: Measuring Dog Food
Acme Canine
by acmecanine
1y ago
When feeding our dogs, whether our pet prefers dry dog food or wet dog food, we have to be careful with the measurements for their health. Dogs tend to wolf their food down faster than they should, which can lead to bloating, vomiting, and even gastric dilatation. Q: How Many Cups of Dog Food are... The post How Many Cups of Dog Food Are in a Pound: Measuring Dog Food appeared first on Acme Canine more
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Dog Enrichment Activities: The Ultimate List
Acme Canine
by acmecanine
1y ago
If you want to give your dog their best life, there is no better way to do it than a dog enrichment activity. Dog enrichment involves mental stimulation, physical exercise, and food rewards to conduct great training sessions and improve your dog’s mind. Enrichment benefits your dog’s mental and physical well-being and teaches them to... The post Dog Enrichment Activities: The Ultimate List appeared first on Acme Canine more
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How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Too Fast
Acme Canine
by acmecanine
1y ago
It’s no secret that some dogs swallow their food faster than they can digest it. If given the option, they’ll keep going, which carries many health risks for your pooch, all of them best avoided. For this reason, pet owners should slow the speed of their dog’s feed to alleviate these risks and develop better... The post How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Too Fast appeared first on Acme Canine more
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How to Tell if Your Dog is Bored – And What to Do About It
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by acmecanine
1y ago
Doggie boredom is universal in the dog world. We all know how much attention and care dogs need, especially if your furry friend isn’t getting enough mental exercise and physical activity. When we’re busy, giving our dogs the stimulation they need can be difficult, but it’s no excuse. It must be a priority. Today, we... The post How to Tell if Your Dog is Bored – And What to Do About It appeared first on Acme Canine more
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Understanding Dog Foraging: Why Your Dog Looks for Food
Acme Canine
by acmecanine
1y ago
Dog foraging is an essential part of the nature of many dogs and dog breeds. It’s difficult to trace it back through history to its primitive root, but it has to do with working for food, which is hardwired into your dog’s psychology and physiology. This is why we often use treats when dog training.... The post Understanding Dog Foraging: Why Your Dog Looks for Food appeared first on Acme Canine more
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