How Much Should You Weigh If You Have Hypothyroidism?
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
6d ago
Why does your body weight matter if you have hypothyroidism? Shouldn’t you just learn to be happy with your weight? While I have no problem with how you think about your weight, there’s one thing you should know: Your body weight may just be the single best measure of thyroid function (1). And with up to 80% of thyroid patients struggling with weight gain, this means a lot of… Source more
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Can Hashimoto’s Be Reversed With Diet Alone?
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
6d ago
Contrary to what you’ll hear from most doctors, Hashimoto’s is a disease that can absolutely be managed and put into remission. And one of the best ways to do this is through the foods that you put into your mouth (AKA your diet). There is a big difference between “curing” Hashimoto’s and putting it into “remission”. Putting your disease into remission or reversing your disease… Source more
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Should You Use Iodized Salt If You Have Hypothyroidism?
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1w ago
It depends on who you ask. If you look online at some major league health websites like the Cleveland Clinic, they will tell you that you should. If you ask me, I would say that there are much better options available and that you’ll have much more control over your iodine intake if you avoid it. Iodine is critically important for thyroid function and not having enough of it can… Source more
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New Treatments for Hashimoto’s 2024
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1w ago
Despite being the #1 most common cause of hypothyroidism in developed countries, there are very few approved treatments for Hashimoto’s. Why? Because, as far as most doctors are concerned, it’s an autoimmune disease with an easy solution: Prescription thyroid medication. But there’s one problem: While thyroid medication can definitely help you feel better by supporting… Source more
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How to Get Rid of Hypothyroid Puffy Face & Eyes
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
3w ago
Hypothyroidism usually doesn’t cause problems with your eyes but it can definitely cause problems for your face and the skin around your eyes. And when it does, you’ll end up with a puffy face and bags around your eyes (1). Not only are these side effects common, they can be cosmetically annoying because they impact your physical appearance. If you are a thyroid patient who… Source more
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How Much Weight Does Hashimoto’s Make You Gain?
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1M ago
How much weight will you gain if you have Hashimoto’s? The short answer: On average around 5-15 pounds. The longer answer: It could cause as much as 50 pounds or more, depending on specific risk factors. Don’t let this bring you down, though, because it’s absolutely possible to maintain a normal weight even if you have Hashimoto’s. Whether or not you gain weight… Source more
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The Thyroid Body Type Explained (And Debunked)
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1M ago
Are you predestined to have a specific body type just because you have a thyroid problem? Definitely not. But is it the case that some common trends occur among patients with thyroid conditions? Absolutely. And it’s this idea that has led to the theory of the thyroid body type. This theory suggests that if you have a thyroid problem, you will end up with certain… Source more
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Signs of Low Collagen In Hypothyroid Patients
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1M ago
Thyroid patients think I’m being facetious when I say if you aren’t careful, your thyroid will steal your beauty. I’m not. And the thyroid’s effect on collagen is a perfect example of why that is. Thyroid hormones are known stimulators of collagen (1) which means, if you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, your collagen will suffer. Given collagen’s important role in… Source more
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How Much Selenium Should You Take For Hashimoto’s?
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1M ago
Taking the right amount of selenium can protect your thyroid gland and help reduce your antibodies (1). Taking the wrong amount can make your thyroid symptoms worse and may even increase your risk of diabetes. Want to make sure this doesn’t happen? Here’s how much you need to take: Patients with Hashimoto’s should aim to get a dose of selenium around 75 to 150 mcg per day… Source more
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Should You Take A Statin If You Have Hypothyroidism?
Dr. Westin Childs Blog
by Dr. Westin Childs
1M ago
If you have hypothyroidism and you’re thinking about taking a statin, hold on for just a minute. Is it true that most hypothyroid patients have high cholesterol? Yes. Does that mean they need to take cholesterol-lowering medications? Not necessarily. The truth is there are plenty of proven natural treatments that can help you lower your cholesterol and these treatments don’t… Source more
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