Poesy In Chrysalis
Reading is my favourite thing to do in my leisure time. I am a librocubicularist; I love to read in bed. Apart from reading, listening to music is another one of my hobby. I am not really selective about reading but fantasy and horror genres of books, doesn't hold a great appeal to me. I am a proficient writer and I love stringing around with my words to have a good word play! Other than..
Poesy In Chrysalis
4M ago
Hello Book Dragons! How’s your reading coming along? Have you been closing in on your Goodreads goal of this year? I personally haven’t set a goal this year. I am just going with the flow ?. This year, my reading progress have been slower but still better than last year. One of my recent additions ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
4M ago
Hello Book Dragons! How have you all been doing? Fall season is here and it’s time to get cozy with some witchy reads! For all my fellow Bengali subscribers, wishing you all Happy Durga Puja! ?? One of the recent books that I read was Beyond Beliefs by Sohail Husain. It is a memoir that ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
5M ago
Hello Book Dragons! August has come to an end, and I am still processing it! Like how?!? August wasn’t great in terms of reading since I was struggling a little with my mental health. I think I have read around 5 books this month out of which four were perfect fits for me while one ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
6M ago
Hello Book Dragons! How have you all been doing? While I have still continued with my reading, I took a little break from blogging. You all might have noticed the absence of regular posts ?. The Sherpa Trail was one of the books that I read this month and wanted to share my thoughts with ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
7M ago
Hello Book Dragons! How have you all been doing? Remember how I talked about an interesting book with autism representation a while back? If you can’t remember, I am talking about Aaron Asadi’s recent title, OhmiGod! Check out the review here. I finally had the chance to interview him to learn how he came up ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
7M ago
Hello Book Dragons!
How have you all been doing?
I recently read an interesting and peculiar (is that even the right word choice?) book called Oh Mi God! by Aaron Asadi and I wanted to share my thoughts with you all! This book was completely out of my comfort zone but highlights a lot of the social issues.
It’s Tuesday and God have come back to earth. This all seems very well and good but Sam Dalton could really do without the anxiety – there are a lot of jobs to do, and his garden is finally being sorted.
As God makes his presence felt, sending the world and Sam’s mum into a panic, life beg ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
7M ago
Hello Book Dragons!
I have an interesting series to share with you all today. If you have been following me on my reading journey so far, you would know how much I used to dislike the fantasy genre. But interestingly, I pushed myself to read more of fantasy and what I have noticed is unless there’s no complex world building and the characters are somewhat relatable, I do end up enjoying the book!
One such series that I picked up last week was the Chronicles of Arax Book 1 and 2 by Benjamin Sanford. What I loved about it is the fact that the main character is a young adult. I don’t get to see t ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
7M ago
Hello Book Dragons!
Have you ever read a retelling of the classic fairytales? Have you ever wondered why all the women in the fairytales were almost always portrayed as weak and naive? Be it Snow White, Cinderella, Alice, they were portrayed as weaklings. So, it’s nice to come across retellings that feature strong women characters with alternative endings where they make their own choices.
This time I read a Snow White retelling from none other than Kalynn Bayron! I absolutely loved the author’s previous book, Cinderella is Dead (go read this book if you haven’t already!) so, when I saw a new ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
7M ago
Hello Book Dragons!
It’s been a while but hey, I was celebrating my birthday after such a long time so, yes, it was almost a weeklong! But on a serious note, this was the best birthday I had. I have never really celebrated it before since I spent most of the time being sick but all was well and it went well this time. I am really happy about how my 27th year of life turned out! Check out my birthday post on Instagram where I talked more about myself and less of the books I read lol. I was also lucky enough to receive some of the books from my wishlist and did a cute little happy unboxing that ..read more
Poesy In Chrysalis
8M ago
Hello Book Dragons!
The weekend is finally here, and I cannot wait to catch up on sleep. I am exhausted . It also reminds me that my birthday is only two days away eeeep! I am super excited this time . In case you would like to gift me a little something, here are my Amazon US and Amazon India wishlists (I love books and I cannot deny it )
Today I have a very interesting book to share with you all. If you have read Margaret Atwood’s books before, you would be familiar with the way she uses humor to highlight feminist issues. A month ago, I read this called FURIES: Stories of the Wicked, Wild a ..read more