Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
This blog is written by TBI blogger who is a multiple-concussion survivor, now living large, living well, and sharing info about how to restore your life and sense of self after brain injury.
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
I’ve heard back from a bunch of folks who really want me to keep this blog in place.
I can do that. I just can’t maintain it, because there is too much other stuff going on in my life.
So, I’ll just do that. Who knows? More people might find it useful ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
Well, it’s run its course, and no longer have the time to keep maintaining it.
Rather than keep it around for all eternity, I’ll be taking this down next month.
Just to keep things clean.
The Concussion scene has changed a great deal since I started blogging, so I’ll let the new crop of experts handle it from her.
Adios and vaya con dios ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
Got 3.5 hours last night. I got too hot overnight. Couldn’t rest. Too hot.
Took a nap this afternoon – almost an hour, but not quite.
I’ll try again tomorrow.
Onward ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
Well, that was unexpected. I counted up how much sleep I got last night, and it was 9.5 hours. Amazing. After getting 4.5 hours the night before, and 5.75 hours the night before that… This is pretty cool.
Actually feeling like I got some sleep – which isn’t the same as being fully rested (I’m not)… it’s something I could get used to.
I keep thinking / talking about sleep, because it’s so vital – especially for those of us with TBI/concussion issues. A tired brain is an agitated brain. And being agitated on top of all the COVID stuff is just not good.
I suspect that a lot of the issues people h ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
This pandemic has been messing with my sleep. I don’t get a solid 7-8 hours each night, like I used to. Now I’m lucky to get 6.
But now that I’m working from home, I can take naps in the afternoon, so that’s what I’ve been doing.
Thomas Edison hours. Sleep 4 hours, get up and work like a crazy person for 3-4 hours. Sleep 4 hours, then get up and work like a fiend.
There are worse things, I suppose.
I’ve also taken to just lying down and sleeping as early as I like. I nap a few hours after supper, then get up and shut the lights out and go to bed.
And it feels so good to sleep. It’s the only br ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
Last week, I was on a call with a life coach who was pitching their neuro-based approach to peak performance. They’re a trained neuropsychologist, and they had a handful of ways to “hack” the brain so you can basically flip the switch on your success. Super-charge it. Turn it on in ways that we usually instinctively turn it off.
Okay, great. I’m always up for ways to do that. I’ve been doing it, myself, for years, using neuropsychological principles.
But a couple things jumped out at me during that call, that seemed really really stupid. And I don’t mean “stupid” in a way that belittles people ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
4y ago
Like most people, I’ve been quarantined. More quarantined than most. My spouse is declining in their mental and physical health, and I’m frankly not sure how much longer they have. Could be weeks. Could be months. Could be years. I just don’t know. And they’re not very forthcoming about what is really going on with them, so it’s well nigh impossible to tell what the deal is with them.
Well, anyway, all the heartbreak gets exhausting to think about and talk about, so I won’t.
Not now.
I’ve been pretty stressed out over a lot of things in my life. The job. The house. The spouse. The COVID-19 sit ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
5y ago
Yep, I’m still here.
Funny thing – it appears I’ve posted with that title before. So, this must be a pattern.
Life has been extremely busy for the past year, which is about how long I haven’t posted. I got really busy with some extra business activities, and I also had a bit of family and workplace drama.
Basically, I’ve been quite over-worked, and my spouse has been having health issues, as well, so I’ve had to cut back on pretty much everything that isn’t survival-related.
I also kind of fell out of touch with the TBI recovery scene. In all candor, I got really tired of hearing the same kind ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
7y ago
It’s been a wild couple of days. I had to work overtime twice in two days, which meant I was up from 4 a.m. on Tuesday morning till 3 a.m. yesterday, and I was working intensely for most of that time. We had a big project we had to get done, and we were missing two people on the team, since they had previously scheduled vacation and the big project’s schedule got changed to the worst possible dates.
Oh, well. We just had to deal with it.
And deal with it, I did.
I got 90 minutes of sleep between the two marathon testing sessions, and that was it. Half the time, I felt like I was dead on my fee ..read more
Broken Brain – Brilliant Mind
7y ago
Today there is not one minute of my day that is not scheduled for a meeting. Non-stop. Eight hours. No fun.
But that’s the deal, today, so that’s that.
Fortunately, I’ll be working from home today, so I can walk around the house while I talk on the phone. I can’t do that at the office… at least, not on the scale I can do it here. I can’t walk around the halls, talking on the phone. I can reserve a conference room and then walk around it, while I’m listening. I could even project the meeting proceedings on the big screen, so I can watch what’s happening as I pace. But it’s not the same as being ..read more