BrainLine Blog
Information and resources about treating and living with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and PTSD: research-based articles, videos, personal stories, expert Q&A, research updates and more for people living with brain injury, caregivers, family, friends, and professionals.
BrainLine Blog
2w ago
I retired from the Navy with the rank of commander after 24 years, 17 as a SEAL. To deal my PTSD I tried counseling and several prescriptions. Meditation is what really saved me ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2w ago
My husband proudly served for nearly 25 years, deploying more than he’d care to recount. After a couple TBI's and a PTSD diagnosis, now we take life one day at time ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2w ago
Retired Army Noncommissioned Officer and clinical mental health counselor, Duane France, helps those who may be struggling with PTSD, TBI, depression and anxiety ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2w ago
Five years ago life would forever change for not only my oldest son, but for our entire family. Since that time I have learned that love does win, but that love is also made up of incredibly tough moments ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2w ago
A bike ride on a fall day in New England turned out to be anything but typical. I never expected to be rushed by ambulance to the nearest trauma center with a traumatic brain injury ...  ..read more
BrainLine Blog
1M ago
The suicide rate among veterans held steady from 2021 to 2022 at roughly 17.6 deaths per day despite concerted federal efforts to bring the number down, department officials announced on Thursday. The 2022 figures are the latest available from federal census data and suggest limited progress on the issue of suicide prevention by Veterans Affairs leaders in recent years. At least 6,407 veterans died by suicide in 2022, the 14th time in 15 years that number has been above the 6,400 mark ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2M ago
Sometimes it takes a good story to get people’s attention. That’s what University of Oregon (UO) researchers found when they launched a study on the most effective ways to get parents to take notice of the high risk of childhood concussions in sports, and what needs to be done to prevent injuries. Two UO associate professors from the school of journalism and communication noticed many parents disregard the warnings about concussions when it comes to their children participating in school sports ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2M ago
Anjali Verma was sitting in the gymnasium, fluorescent lights beaming down, Advanced Placement test booklet open—and she found that she couldn’t remember anything about physics. Everything looked too small; she had no idea what she was reading. Her head was pounding. The day before, guarding the lacrosse goal, she’d taken two hits to the head. The first happened during warm-ups. The shot came from just 4 feet away. Even though she was wearing a helmet, she remembers crying from the impact ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2M ago
Nearly a quarter of women experience physical abuse from partners, and up to 90% of those women have had at least one concussion. Most don’t get screened or diagnosed ..read more
BrainLine Blog
2M ago
Basketball is a sport that Troy Akins loves, but it doesn’t come without a potential for injury. “We were at practice playing fives and I got elbowed in the head. It hurt for a second but it went away as my adrenaline was running,” Akins said who’s a Woodland Hills junior. By the next day, he was dizzy and pulled from the big game ..read more