Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
Euro Secure Home Security Solutions that will keep your family & Home Safe, but wont break the bank, Patlock, Ultion Lock Lowest Online Prices Guaranteed. Get the latest home security news on Euro Secure
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
3y ago
If you are a discerning homeowner with safety on your mind, you probably already know what Ultion means, you haven’t stumbled across this site by accident right? For those few that don’t, or are here by accident, Ultion is the high security lock system created by renowned locksmiths Brisant Secure.
Why choose Ultion?
First and foremost, Ultion locks are literally unbeatable. Not only are they a Police Preferred Specification, have the highest Kitemark star rating available and have been accredited with the Master Locksmith Association’s highest standard: Sold Secure Diamond.
Ultion locks achi ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
We would like to assure all of our customers that we will remain open for business during this difficult time. Since the 18th of March, all of our staff have been working remotely and are fully equipped to provide the usual support and advice for our customers. The websites remain live and functional as ever, with all phone, email and live chat support continuing uninterrupted. We want to reassure you that we will continue to function as normal and our teams are fully committed to our customers, our staff and our partners. Below are the latest specific updates:
Quotes & Placing New Or ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
You are at risk no matter where you live.
Once upon a time and it’s not that long ago if you lived in the appropriate “postcode” district you could pretty much be certain if you were the victim of a burglary – how times have changed – now unless you live inside a walled compound with armed guards you are almost certain of running the risk of becoming part of the unlucky statistic of those who have been burgled.
At this time of year when most of us have already broken our “New Year’s Resolutions” maybe you should consider reviewing one possible resolution we are pretty certain that ever ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
Smart Security
– Is Now the Time to Make Your Home Smart?
A truly smart home begins with the
design stage and making sure you have a wired (and wireless) infrastructure to
support the technology you hope to add and while this can seem expensive,
it doesn’t have to break your budget
Ten years ago, most of us had never heard of voice-activated assistants now it seems we cannot live without them, from helping us to perform hands-free tasks, to complete home automation systems that can ‘learn’ how you live in your house they seem to be cropping up everywhere. There is a very good reason for ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
If you the owner of a Yale Smart Lock and you live in an appropriate postal code it is just possible that you could be invited to participate in a new form of grocery shopping. All you need is the aforementioned Yale Smart lock and a Waitrose store in your area plus of course – an invitation
Waitrose are currently trialing an initial 100 customers with their “While You’re Away” service where they “deliver groceries to customers inside the home and put them away while they are out”.- the putting away may be a bit ambitious for the average household, but even the delivery into you’re Kitchen ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
Security, particularly home security has
not always been the issue it is today – we have all heard our parents
/grandparents tell us that back in their day everyone left their doors open and
very rarely did anyone ever get burgled that was back in the 1960’s and beyond
– fast forward sixty years and how times have changed. The first thing most of
us do we enter our property is to make sure the door is securely locked behind
us – that is assuming that we had of course already unlocked it to gain entry.
The question “How many times a day do you
open and lock your door” which seemed irrelevan ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
The Christmas festivities are fast approaching and the dark
dismal days of winter are almost upon us. Christmas is a wonderful time to have friends and family in abundance
visiting your home, even the “Big Guy in the Red Suit” along with his Scottish
buddy who brought some coal on New Year’s Eve – but there is one visitor none
of us want – the burglar – we all want to survive the dark days of winter
without becoming a burglary statistic.
The long dark days of winter are the ideal visiting time for
one guest who will never be welcome in your home, the one who sneaks around to
see if you ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
If you were to go to your local garage for a new set of tyres for your car and you were offered a set that was “bald” no doubt you would for any number of reasons refuse the sale – safety and a fear of being arrested being the two main reasons.
So, why do so many people think so
differently when it comes to protecting their family and homes – the most
common point for a break in is the front door and the prime target is the lock and
yet with the vast choice of locks available so many of us go for the cheapest
option available (a bit like the cheap Chinese offering in the photograph) If
the ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
discovery that your valuables have been stolen is
not one of life’s more pleasant experiences particularly when the reporting of the
crime and trying to retrieve the items is likely to prove an impossible task. If you are the unfortunate victim what do you
think the odds of seeing the Police return your valuables actually are –a
number of recent surveys put this figure at under a 20% (some as low as 5-10%)
chance of seeing your treasured possessions again. We are actually more likely
to see reports of overstretched Police not having the time to even investigate
burglaries rather than repor ..read more
Euro Secure | Affordable home security protection
5y ago
When the words “I don’t know ,
nobody knows” in answer to the question “does your door lock conform to BS 3621
as featured in the “Get A Quote, Not A Quiz” as issued by Aviva Insurance – we all feel for the guy in
the advert because there are so many rules and standards out there that are
just a mystery to us all.
This now typical question is
unfortunately a symptom of the “tick the box” – “job done” mentality that
exists in much of society today so if your ever faced with this impossible
question here is a layman’s guide to how to respond. It’s also worth
remembering that knowing whethe ..read more