Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
Hi I’m Erin and welcome to Erin Parish Exercise Physiology!
I’m an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (Bachelor of Applied Science: Human Movement & Health Studies). I am so very passionate about movement, exercise and positive lifestyle habits – because we are in the drivers seat of our lives and therefore we are in control of creating positive,..
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
1y ago
We work with clients who have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia every day in the EP Studio – we know a bit about it! Something all our practitioners work hard on is educating our clients on the disease and also busting many common assumptions. Here’s a few we talk about time-and-again. Osteoporosis only affects women Nope. Osteoporosis ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
1y ago
The long & short of it We require insulin to lower our blood sugar which increases when we eat food, and to make it available to our muscles, brain, and other tissues so we can function. If our body cannot lower its blood glucose levels adequately we are in a diabetic state. When a woman ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
1y ago
Back pain, whether it’s chronic or acute is absolutely no fun. From utterly devastating (meaning you can’t move), to the annoying niggle that you put up with because it is “just always there”. Exercise Right state that 80% of Aussies will be affected by an episode of back pain at least once in their life….. yes ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
1y ago
I never really understood why I decided to go down the path that I have when it comes to my work and my passion. Until I was recently asked that exact question…. Throughout school I’d always participated in sports – netball, basketball, tennis, soccer, swimming and calisthenics. However, my love of movement and exercise really ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
2y ago
We loved Having Sally with us in The Studio to deep dive into our Thinking Styles! Sally Rundle (a client and friend of The Studio) is a leadership coach, facilitator, author, educator and, all round excellent human. You can learn more about Sally HERE. Read on to get a sneak peak into the EP Team ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
3y ago
Antenatal classes. What's right for you & your baby? (Strength training vs prenatal yoga ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
3y ago
Pregnancy classes. What's right for you & your baby? Strength training vs prenatal yoga ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
3y ago
Pregnancy classes. What's right for you & your baby? Strength vs yoga ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
4y ago
Mat Pilates is a great form of exercise and can be an ideal choice for many – but what is it, why is it so great and, will it suit me…? Benefits of a regular Mat Pilates routine… Improved range of motion, flexibility and mobility to help you with daily activities within your everyday life ..read more
Erin Parish Exercise Physiology Blog
5y ago
The long & short of it We require insulin to lower our blood sugar which increases when we eat food, and to make it available to our muscles, brain, and other tissues so we can function. If our body cannot lower its blood glucose levels adequately we are in a diabetic state. When a woman ..read more