Exercise Physiology Health Procedures for COVID19
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
3y ago
The health and safety of our clients is paramount at Inspire Fitness Exercise Physiology during this COVID-19 global pandemic. Our recent YouTube video outlines some of our COVID safe procedures implemented to maintain the safety of our facility. Maintaining a structured exercise program is important at this time to ensure you boost your immune function, and increase your health.   Our Exercise Physiologists are committed to safeguarding you and your health during this important time in history ..read more
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Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anxiety
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
4y ago
Improving your mental health during COVID19 is vitally important for your overall health and wellbeing. The benefits of exercise for mental wellbeing have shown to be positive; especially in the treatment of anxiety and depression. Implementing breathing techniques to slow your breathing and ensure deep diaphragmatic breaths can influence your nervous system and subsequently improve your mental health. Breathing techniques have shown to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity and upregulate your parasympathetic nervous system.  This response in your nervous system is a similar ..read more
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What is Diabetes type 2?
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
4y ago
Diabetes Type 2 in Australia has been increasing over the past two decades.  The Diabetes Facts and Statistics are shocking to all Exercise Physiologists working to support clients with exercise and lifestyle changes. Dietary changes, an increase in obesity levels and reduced physical activity levels across the population are all reasons for the staggering increase in Type 2 Diabetes.  The following YouTube Video What is Diabetes? is a great explanatory video of Type 2 Diabetes ..read more
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Colon Cancer on the Rise for Men aged 20-40 Years
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
4y ago
A worrying trend is emerging within young males aged 20- 40 years with an increased incidence of colorectal cancers.  These are a family of diseases that start in the colon or rectum; but are usually associated with older people or people with high risk factors such as obesity. Reported by Kimmie Ng, M.D., a Boston oncologist; this trend is concerning as many young men being diagnosed with colorectal cancer are leading active lifestyles and do not have the typically high-risk factors associated with this disease.  Most are cross-fitters, attend gym regularly and /or leading active l ..read more
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Exercise in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
4y ago
​What is Prostate Cancer? ​ Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in Australian males.   It is also the third most common cause of death for Australian males.   By the time a male reaches the age of 85 years; 1 in 6 will be diagnosed with Prostate cancer. The prostate cancer statistics are shocking for men in Australia. However, research shows that Men who are physically active have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cells develop in the prostate.  Men only have a prostate which is why only men can suffer from prostate cance ..read more
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Outdoor Exercise Physiology during COVID-19
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
5y ago
The importance of staying active and healthy during the current COVID19 lock-down has been reinforced with the Australian Federal Health Ministers direction that Exercise Physiologists are an essential service to the community at this time. Many in the community suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease; or suffer from chronic pain and injury. Accessing an Exercise Physiologist for treatment is vital for many individuals who are experiencing chronic disease or injury. ​ In keeping with the social distancing guidelines, Inspire Fitness has recently launched our E ..read more
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Telehealth Exercise Physiology
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
5y ago
In this period of forced isolation due to COVID-19, there are many in our community vulnerable to worsening health conditions, injury and chronic disease. The Victorian government introduced the Phase 3 lock-down to prevent community spread of the virus.  This included the shutting of Exercise Physiology gyms such as Inspire Fitness; resulting in the prevention of many vulnerable people to access expert advice and specialized strength training equipment. Inactivity and poor exercise structures can increase the advancement of chronic disease and injury. ​Exercise Physiology Online Giving ..read more
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Injury REHABILITATION for Knee Replacements
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
5y ago
Written by ​Devon Juniper (Accredited Exercise Physiologist) Having a knee replacement can be your gateway into a more active and engaging life, but knowing how to get the most out of it can be confusing. This article is aimed to help inform you and your family and friends on how to get the most out of your knee replacement.     You’re Not Alone: First of all you’ll be happy to know that you’re among good company with this surgery! Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas and an estimated 65,000 Australians have had knee surgeries in 2018. The prevalence of knee surgeries have sky rocketed over t ..read more
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Atrial Fibrillation and Exercise
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
5y ago
​Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an irregular pumping rhythm of the heart that can lead to poor blood flow through the body. Appropriate exercise is important (and valuable!) if you are experiencing AF as exercise can prevent some predictors such as obesity. It can also improve stroke volume which increases the amount of blood pumped out of your heart with each beat. This in turn helps improve overall blood flow. It is important to consult your GP before undertaking and exercise program. Having an exercise professional such as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist programming  and monitoring yo ..read more
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Type 1 Diabetes: Benefits of Exercise for a healthier lifestyle.
Exercise Physiology Services at Inspire Fitness for Wellbeing - Blog
5y ago
Today we are going to discuss the effects of exercise on individuals who have been born or diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Miletus and explore how exercise can impact on your lifestyle positively. First and foremost, to understand the benefits of exercise to contribute towards a better health, we must understand, in simple terms, what Type 1 Diabetes is and how it effects our bodies, in order to tailor our exercise programs to achieve maximum benefits. Upon reading this article, it is advised that you consult your local physician prior to exercising, if you have any health concerns. ​ Type 1 d ..read more
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