Osama Bin Laden’s Enduring Legacy
by Nick Turse / TomDispatch
11h ago
U.S. Troops are still haunted by the lingering demons of the war on terror. The post Osama Bin Laden’s Enduring Legacy appeared first on Truthdig ..read more
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Congressman Moves to Overturn Supreme Court Immunity Ruling
by JESSICA CORBETT / Common Dreams
11h ago
Rep. Joseph Morelle has proposed a constitutional amendment that would overturn the decision. The post Congressman Moves to Overturn Supreme Court Immunity Ruling appeared first on Truthdig ..read more
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Project 2025’s Extreme Vision for the West
by Michelle Nijhuis, Erin X. Wong / High Country News
11h ago
The demolition of public lands, water and wildlife protections are part of conservatives’ plan for a second Trump term. The post Project 2025’s Extreme Vision for the West appeared first on Truthdig ..read more
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Citizen Noogie
by Jim Knipfel
20h ago
Why a novelist gave the major Hollywood studios the brush in favor of a young first-time filmmaker with no money. The post Citizen Noogie appeared first on Truthdig ..read more
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JD Vance’s ‘Elegy’ Grift
by Thom Hartmann / The Hartmann Report
20h ago
The Ohio senator famously trash-talks his poor relatives and celebrates his ambition. But as with his story about America, he leaves out important details. The post JD Vance’s ‘Elegy’ Grift appeared first on Truthdig ..read more
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The Killing of Sonya Massey
by Candice Norwood / The 19th
20h ago
The latest death in the black community at the hands of police reignites calls to #SayHerName. The post The Killing of Sonya Massey appeared first on Truthdig ..read more
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How Extreme Heat Damages Mental Health
by Dr. Alessandro Massazza / Carbon Brief
2d ago
In recent years, discussions around the impact of climate change on mental health have tended to focus on climate anxiety. This distress regarding the future of the Earth and humanity in the face of global warming is, however, far from the full picture.  Research is helping to build a better understanding of the damage that climate change, particularly extreme heat, can cause to mental health. The latest assessment report on climate impacts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded with very high confidence that rising g ..read more
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NGOs: Break the Impasse on Disarmament
by J. Nastranis / InDepthNews
2d ago
NEW YORK | 23 July 2024 (IDN) — A joint statement for the Second Preparatory Meeting for the 2026 NPT Review Conference by nearly 50 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) —which focus on arms control negotiations—delivered on July 23 by Daryl G. Kimball of the Arms Control Association, calls for “Breaking the Impasse of Disarmament and Implementing Archive VI Obligations”. “The success of the global nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament system and our collective efforts to avert nuclear catastrophe have always relied on effective dialogue and diplomacy between the nuclear-weapon s ..read more
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The Democratic Party’s Culture of Loyalty
by Norman Solomon/ TomDispatch
2d ago
The Biden campaign drove the Democratic Party into a ditch and speculation is rampant about grim prospects for the election. But little scrutiny has gone into examining how such a dire situation developed in the first place. Joe Biden was on a collision course with reality long before his abysmal debate performance led to his withdrawal from the race. “Several current and former officials and others who encountered him behind closed doors noticed that he increasingly appeared confused or listless, or would lose the thread of conversations,” the New York Times reported five days ..read more
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Report: World’s Biggest Meat and Dairy Companies Spend More on Ads than Cutting Emissions
by Clare Carlile, Brigitte Wear / DeSmog
3d ago
Global meat and dairy giants are investing just a fraction of their revenues into cutting emissions despite being among the world’s largest polluters, according to new estimates.  Company spending on advertising outstripped that on low-carbon solutions, the report by campaign group Changing Markets Foundation found, as corporations ramped up attempts to win consumers over with their green credentials.  The meat and dairy sector – responsible for over 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions – has come under increasing pressure in recent years to tackle major climate harms. The N ..read more
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