Club 31 Women
I'm Lisa Jacobson, wife to Matthew, and mom to 8 children. I believe you can enjoy a stronger faith, a closer relationship with your husband and children, and a peaceful home.
Club 31 Women
4d ago
Do you ever try to keep difficult emotions hidden—even from yourself?
Our emotions are a gift from God, and it is good for us to feel them. Just saying out loud how we’re feeling can be very freeing. When I was acting joyful, I was allowing myself to experience only one emotion, which had me seeing the world in black and white. But when I allowed in other emotions such as sadness, anger, and disappointment, I was able to view the world in color.
Express Your Feelings
For the first twenty years of my Christian walk, I pushed down difficult emotions, believing they were incompatible with ..read more
Club 31 Women
3w ago
Today C31 is delighted to share a special guest post from beloved bestselling author Ann Voskamp.
Before Ann begins, she invites you to read all of John 8:1–11.
You are not condemned. Discover how Jesus’ words to an accused woman reveal His tender love and life-changing grace.
Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:10-11 NIV)
You are not condemned.
It reverberates off the walls of the deepest pits, straight across the universe ..read more
Club 31 Women
1M ago
Building and keeping the kind of belonging found in a strong community is not complicated, but it does have to be intentional!
Intentional & Strong Community
The good news is that very small things can keep a sense of healthy belonging growing in these kinds of relationships. Even a low investment can build a stronger network into your life if you simply make the shift to intention.
A strong community can feel like it just “happens” because of our relational makeup, but you can also grow and strengthen it on purpose. Goodness knows I’m no authority on how to do this, but I can certa ..read more
Club 31 Women
1M ago
Transform your days with sacred mornings. Discover tips to prioritize quiet time with Jesus and deepen your relationship with Him.
Mornings have been a nemesis of mine for many years. Once my babies started sleeping through the night and later in the mornings, so did I. But I learned that waiting to get up when my kids got up was a challenge of its own. Once the kids were up, I had to hit the ground running. There was no taking my sweet time to drink my coffee and allow myself to wake up first.
That’s when I realized I wasn’t getting quiet time with the Lord each day, and I’d become desperate ..read more
Club 31 Women
2M ago
Shallow self-esteem messages fail to satisfy our deepest need. True identity comes through repentance, surrendering to Jesus, and receiving His grace and lasting worth.
We Need Jesus Every Single Day
The problem with many twenty-first-century women is that they don’t see their need for Jesus. Most of us are pumped up daily with messages trying to boost our self-esteem and telling us how awesome we truly are. You are worthy. You have what it takes. You’re the queen. You go, girl! You are amazing. We believe in you. You are perfect. You’re enough!
This shallow messaging is actually keeping us f ..read more
Club 31 Women
2M ago
Feeling lonely? Friends bring joy, support, and connection. Discover why friendships matter and how to find meaningful, lasting relationships.
News articles are calling attention to the loneliness epidemic in our country. Counselors are overwhelmed with people suffering from depression. Contributing to this depression is often isolation. Social media provides connection, but it’s superficial at best.
What has gone wrong?
Perhaps one reason we find ourselves in this situation is that we lack real friendships. We long for community, but often we don’t know how to find it.
God did not inte ..read more
Club 31 Women
3M ago
Loneliness can lead us to search for temporary answers, but only by resting in the Creator’s love can we find lasting peace and purpose.
Today’s post is from the writings of Elisabeth Elliot, who was a missionary and one of the most perceptive and popular Christian writers of the last century.
What is to be done with loneliness?
The world offers its poor anodynes and they are eagerly seized–“I might find the answer in the singles bar….” It is true indeed that the lonely might find a mate, someone willing to have a go at loving them, at least for a night, but is this really the answer th ..read more
Club 31 Women
5M ago
To revive your bible reading, shift your focus away from distractions, dive into Scripture, and grow in wisdom and connection with God.
Switch Your Phone for Your Bible
A couple of years ago, I felt dry in my Bible reading. I’d read through the Bible several times, utilizing one of those one-year Bibles. I varied it between reading straight through a normal Bible and reading a chronological Bible. Like many, I got a bit bogged down in places, particularly through Ezekiel.
Enter brisk reading. I’m not sure where I first saw the concept, though my friend Keith Ferrin has spoken and writte ..read more
Club 31 Women
5M ago
If you’re feeling disconnected, why not try one of these titles to help you get back into the Bible? Reading the Bible is the best way to hear from God.
Does fall and school starting again get you in the mood to dive into studying something? It does for us! Since there’s nothing more valuable to study than the Bible, we’ve collected a list of 11 books to get you and your family back into Scripture this fall. Even if you might not have the time to read the Bible daily, reading it as often as possible is an essential investment in your faith and relationship with God.
Books to Get You Reading t ..read more
Club 31 Women
5M ago
We live in a stress-driven culture but this is not the life God wants us to live. He desires we walk in freedom and joy!
Are you letting religion stress you out? There’s a type of overwhelm that arises from our Christian life that has nothing to do with Jesus but rather religion. It’s possible to experience overwhelm when we convince ourselves that we’ve messed up so much or fallen short so often that we question God’s love for us.
For example, you might have become distracted by life or simply drifted away from your church and faith just because. The guilt crashes down and you think, “God’s ..read more