Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
This is a feminist blog, but blog entries are typically written from a radfem standpoint: radical feminists challenge, undermine, resist, dismantle, and generally fuck with the patriarchy, wherein the male/masculine is privileged and the female/feminine is subordinated.
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
3w ago
I live on a lake in a forest in mid-northern Ontario. It’s bad enough that people come here to kill animals they have no need to kill, in often painful ways, which they do every weekend all summer long, when the animals are struggling as it is, given what we’ve done to their homes and ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
3w ago
“Behind every well-respected man, there’s a woman who probably does his washing [laundry].” p103
“Why is it that men who prioritise adventure and independence over family are called ‘committed bachelors’ and ‘wanderers’ who just can’t be tied down, but women who similarly pursue a life free form burdens are called ‘spinsters’ and ‘cat ladies ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
1M ago
“… equivalent numbers of middle-aged men are not getting themselves treated in order to look less angry, aggressive, or miserable.” p49
“When female bodies deviate from the paths set by male ones, this is till treated as a design flaw … We need different ways of organizing education, work, and relationships to accommodate specifically female ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
3M ago
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
3M ago
“In response to the “informed consent” bill the Kentucky House passed on January 28th, which requires women to consult a doctor–by video conference or in person–at least 24 hours before having an abortion, Kentucky state representative Mary Lou Marzian proposed a rather tongue-in-cheek bill of her own: a law requiring women to approve their husband’s request for Viagra, and making only married men eligible to receive the drug.”
Great idea!
Covering Viagra, But Not Birth Control?
Covering Viagra, But Not Birth Control ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
4M ago
https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/us/man-bear-safety-tiktok-question-cec/index.html ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
4M ago
A Woman Who Left Society to Live With Bears Weighs in on “Man or Bear”
Read esp from “I need to get away ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
4M ago
“She glances down at the members of Parliament strolling in across the pea-green carpet below. Suits, bald heads, and shoes shinier than mirrors. The men who never in their lives had to worry about getting pregnant, dying in childbirth, or trying to access an abortion within their own restrictive system.” Looking for Jane, Heather Marshall (p140)
Indeed. If men could get pregnant– That might have been the single most thing that would have changed everything ..read more
Hell Yeah, I'm a Feminist!
4M ago
Read the whole article here:
https://inthesetimes.com/article/university-montana-rape-sexual-assault-experiment-education-training ..read more