Elect Gill Hart for Women’s Officer for Labour Lewisham Deptford
The Radical Pen
by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
On Sunday 28th October, the constituents of Lewisham Labour Party will select a new candidate for the unpaid post of Women’s Officer. Of the candidates standing for selection, two are notable, one for the controversy they have managed to stir up, the other for her years of dedicated service to the residents of Lewisham. Retired teacher Gill Hart is one of the candidates in the running for the position of Labour Women’s Officer for Lewisham. Hart was one of the women who worked tirelessly to save New Cross Learning Centre from closure in 2011, after the local Labour council threatened to cut fu ..read more
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Feminism has been co-opted but it won’t last
The Radical Pen
by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
The backlash against feminism has been going on for decades, and has reared its beastly head every time women have inched themselves forward in any way at all. However, in recent years, the backlash, in quite possibly the sneakiest attempt yet to subvert the gains Second Wave feminists have fought for, has made the most devious bid yet to derail the feminist movement – trans activism and the co-option of feminism itself. Now, its extremely common to hear calls within the mainstream feminist movement, to centre “trans women” aka biological males. Feminism is currently in reverse Not only that ..read more
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UK politics fiddles while festering misogyny burns
The Radical Pen
by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
Misogyny is as old as the hills but as many women in the UK are beginning to realise, in 2018, it’s taken a brand new form – trans activism. The bullying, harassing, and attempted censorship of women who dare to criticise the oppressive system of gender, has been going on for well over a decade, with prominent feminist activists and scholars like Sheila Jeffries and Julie Bindel being no-platformed and publicly condemned. Knowledge of the misogynistic activities of militant trans activists has been, for a good part of the past decade or so. largely confined to within radical feminist circles ..read more
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How we might bring a radical feminist world into being
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by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
Society’s current hatred of women has been taught and it can be untaught. There are many ways women can resist, from making our voices heard by standing against Self ID and harmful trans ideology, to rejecting gender stereotypes and the beauty ideal, the war against women can be fought even within society that is still a patriarchy. But women’s true liberation will never be gained under patriarchy. To get it we have to overthrow the system of control that is exercised through male dominance. Male control of our legal system, medical system, political system, education system, and monetary sys ..read more
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How YOU can help radical feminism spread…
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by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
Radical feminism is beginning to flourish again…and whether you haven’t joined us yet, or you’re already fully paid up radfem, here’s a few suggestions as to how you can contribute and help our movement grow…(as well as some pitfalls to watch out for) Something rather interesting is happening in radfem land, with the movement currently enjoying an influx of new enthusiasts, many of these women who have become disillusioned with the misogyny that has infected liberal feminism. There is a renewed flourishing of radical feminist activity, activism, strategizing, community organizing, and theory ..read more
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Crowdfunder UK suspends Transgender Trend after pressure from trans activists
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by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
The website www.crowdfunder.co.uk has just suspended a fundraising campaign started by Transgender Trend, a group of concerned parents trying to raise financial backing in order to provide schools with the full facts about the harms of medically transitioning children.  By 1pm on 01/06/2018, the Transgender Trend fundraiser account had been suspended by Crowfunder UK, due to “an unprecedented number of complaints about the project” from trans activists.  When contacted, Crowdfunder stated the account would remain suspended while they ” investigate the project further”.   Crowdf ..read more
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Dear liberal feminists from a radfem sister
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by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
Dear Liberal Feminists, If you are a liberal feminist, you probably see self proclaimed radical feminists like me as the enemy. After all, you’ve been taught to hate feminists like me, yet do you ever wonder why, when all we are fighting for is women’s liberation from male violence, male domination, and male control? Women make up around 52% of every countries population, when we unite sisterhood is so powerful. You only have to look to the past, to the incredible gains made for women by our Second Wave sisters, to see what can happen when women unite. Who would benefit from turning us agains ..read more
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Corbyn’s Labour – a breeding ground for misogynist and antisemitic hatred
The Radical Pen
by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
This week saw Corbyn’s Labour underperforming in the UK local elections, a result, due at least in part to the leader’s refusal to address the antisemitic and misogynistic bigotry that simmers amongst many supporters of the British hard left today … After eight years of a Tory government, which has seen the Grenfell disaster and Windrush scandal happen on their watch, and considering the Brexit debacle continues to rumble on, you’d expect the opposition to be enjoying a comfortable lead on the incumbent government by now. But because of the Labour leader’s dismissal, and wilful ignorance of J ..read more
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Boycott UK Labour – The Party that HATES women
The Radical Pen
by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
The Labour Party have just announced that biological women who want to apply for positions in Young Labour must self-identify, or they will not be eligible for these places.  On the other hand, anyone else who self-identifies as a woman, aka any biological male, will automatically be eligible for any of the “women only” positions the Labour Party previously reserved for the female sex. The party political decision was recently announced by Dawn Butler, and is a staggering one, not least because of the implications for biological women everywhere. The Labour Party has drawn its line in the ..read more
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Backlash Part One – The Great Libfem Con
The Radical Pen
by theradicalpenblog
3y ago
  Why were feminists always hated until now? We are witnessing a strange new phenomena, an age where even men seem keen to don the label feminist.   It might seem good on the surface right, like finally men have grown some empathy or something?   Just what we women always hoped for eh?   Unfortunately, this is far from the case.   Feminism used to be a dirty word, because feminism used to challenge the patriarchal system of dominance. Now feminism has been blunted, in the guise of liberal feminism, it poses no threat to the male system of dominance over women aka patr ..read more
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