Speaking of Polygamy…
My name is Charlotte, and I am a plural wife. This site was launched in January 2018 as a place to discuss all things polygamy.
Speaking of Polygamy…
1M ago
It may come as a surprise, but it is true! God is a polygamist. At least, he repeatedly describes himself in these terms. Yes, these are metaphorical references, but who cares? Metaphors are always placed on top of some preexisting reality. There is such a thing as polygamy, and God has no problem describing himself ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
1M ago
One objection, commonly raised against polygamy as a viable family structure, is the birth ratio of females to males. Here is an example that was sent to me by a reader of this blog: “Under normal circumstances, slightly more men are born that women, unfortunately the men die sooner, even in the first year. By ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
1M ago
Last night was the 4th night of Chanukah. We lit our menorahs, played dreidel, and ate fried foods. Later my husband Joshua read to us another chapter from the exciting story of the Maccabees revolt against the wicked emperor Antiochus, who tried in vain to force the Jews to break the Law. The retelling of ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
3M ago
Christians read the Sermon on the Mount wrong. They commit interpretive error in one of two ways. The first, and most nonsensical, way is to say that Jesus, in delivering this sermon, did away with the Law and replaced it with an easier, less burdensome, less strict set of commands. This view might be expressed ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
7M ago
Recently, I have seen the debate about polygamy getting louder and louder. I see it on Facebook and Instagram, among other platforms. I hear people who are for polygamy, wanting only to defend their right to practice. I see people who are against it, wanting to shame and destroy the doctrine of polygamy. One example ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
9M ago
Last year I gave birth to twins. Baby A had to stay at the hospital for more than a month, while Baby B got to come home right away. As you can imagine, this was a challenging time for me, for the babies, and for my whole family. I was recovering from giving birth, I ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
9M ago
My friend saw this public post on Facebook: She sent me a screenshot, asking, “Do you ever get tired of this?” No, I don’t get tired of people taking pictures of the house where Kody Brown used to live with his plural wives. At least, I haven’t gotten tired of it yet. It’s not as ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
10M ago
To be uncomfortable is not always wrong! When someone learned that I live polygamy, I was told that “she” would never share a man and that it is disgusting. (Who “she” is does not matter, because more than one woman has told me that.) I’ve also been told, “I would never do that to my ..read more
Speaking of Polygamy…
10M ago
Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn’t keep her; He put her in a pumpkin shell And there he kept her very well. Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had another and didn’t love her; Peter learned to read and spell, And then he loved her very well. -Traditional nursery rhyme ..read more