Rhode Island Striped Bass
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Rhode Island Striped Bass
1w ago
Ben Pickering holds a good size
largemouth that was landed on a small
Kastmaster with an artificial maggot
We are on a roll with the ice fishing as my sons and I have been
jigging multiple ponds in both MA and RI and catching. And, the results have been the same with big numbers of crappie, yellow perch, bass and pickerel. We've also had some real braggin' size fish. All these fish are falling for small gold Kastmasters spiced with a real meal worm or an artificial plastic maggot. The plastic maggots seem to be just as effective as the real meal worms.
With the cold w ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
2w ago
Here's a real prize that Jon jigged up.
I fished this weekend with my two youngest sons, Ben and Jon. We went jigging through the ice, something we used to do a lot when they were young. Back then we would hit the local ponds after school before supper. They loved doing it then and still like to do it. As you know, we have had very little ice the last few years, but we have it this year, so we decided to rekindle memories.
Ben landed this pickerel along
with many perch and bluegills.
I went out with Jon in the morning hitting a pond near his home, and I lat ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
2w ago
I will be at the New England Fishing Expo this weekend (Feb. 1 and Feb. 2) doing a striper fishing seminar and a carp fishing seminar. This big outdoor fishing show will take place at the Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center which is right off Rt. 495 in Marlborough, MA. It is one of the largest fishing shows in New England and features a lot of both freshwater and saltwater fishing along with some top notch seminars. You can see the complete seminar schedule at www.nefishingexpo.com
Here is my seminar schedule:
Sat., Feb. 1- 2:00- Seasonal Strategies for Stripers
Sun., F ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
1M ago
My winter seminar adventures start at the New England Fishing Expo on the weekend of Jan. 31 to Feb. 2. This big show will be held at the Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center in Marlborough, MA which is right off Rt. 495.
I've been doing this popular winter show for many years now. It is one of the best "pure fishing shows" around. It's a mix of saltwater fishing and freshwater fishing. The show is loaded with vendors and has an all star line-up of seminars.
This year I will be running two all new seminars, one on freshwater carp fishing and one on striper fishing.&n ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
1M ago
For years I had used a St. Croix Mojo Surf rod and I have a number of different models. The Mojo rod was always rated a good buy for the money and a real solid rod. My 10 1/2 footer was getting old and the reel seat was moving so I decided to change rods and purchase a replacement. With the Mojo out of production, I decided to try a St. Croix Avid rod. This is a rod that has been around for awhile and has a proven track record. It's hard to find anyone that does not like this rod, and every rating I found was very positive.
I bought the 10 footer, model # VSS100MF2.&nbs ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
1M ago
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my Loyal Readers.
Enjoy the day with friends, family and loved ones!
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Rhode Island Striped Bass
2M ago
It was a very good year for Slot Stripers.
These were our bright spot.
It's that time of year. The season has ended and the teacher in me is about to grade the season.
The catch word for the entire season has been inconsistent. I can't remember a season that has had so many ups and downs. The bait situation was also inconsistent with less peanut bunker than we've seen in past years. The adult bunker were also in short supply and non-existent from late spring till the end of the season. That greatly affected our big fish populations of stripers and blues.
Stripers will be ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
2M ago
My season ended today. I fished long and hard in a number of good late season locations and came up completely empty. In the last four outings I've landed exactly one small schoolie and one hickory shad. There was a time not too long ago that I would catch good numbers of stripers, even some bluefish, from Thanksgiving to December 1. Not this year.
It should come as no surprise that the season ended in disappointment. Most of the year was filled with on and off disappointment if you are a striper fisherman. There are just not as many fish (in all categories) as there us ..read more
Rhode Island Striped Bass
2M ago
I landed this weakfish, or squeteague, a couple
of nights ago. It's been decades since I've caught one.
I also saw others caught. Yes, they are around.
This one was caught on a NLBN paddle tail.
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Rhode Island Striped Bass
2M ago
As the sun sets on another striper season here in
RI, I want to wish all my loyal readers and their
families a Happy Thanksgiving.
We live in a beautiful state with some great fishing!
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