The Galaria Blog
Blog features posts on weddings and engagement sessions. Brian Ho has unique blend of unscripted wedding photography that has been the cornerstone of his photojournalism style.
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
Shot this almost a year ago but simply couldn’t find the time to share due to my various commitments and engagements but I guess better late than never. A cosy and small wedding complete with a Chevy Impala to boot as a wedding ride.
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The Galaria Blog
1y ago
When it comes to Pre-Wedding sessions, there aren’t many fast and hard rules. In fact, there aren’t any at all. With Pre Weddings, I always encourage wedding couples to follow their heart. What calls out to them? What’s the inspiration? So, things like “5 Best Wedding Locations in Singapore” simply didn’t make sense at all to me. Pre-Wedding sessions should be meaningful, memorable even.
Alan & Tessa went with a very simple inspiration – revisit places they frequent together as a couple and their love for travelling. You’ll notice there isn’t a Jewel Rain Vortex shot in the Changi Airport ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
Great to be filming Amanda Lee Weddings at a fashion show after almost 4 years
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The Galaria Blog
1y ago
One of those days where it just poured and poured. The rain was relentless, just to think that when I did location scouting a day before, it was scorching hot so much so that I suggested to Alan & Tessa to move the shoot earlier simply to avoid the unbearable heat.
This is where the Unscripted way of things can work wonders. Simple rule of thumb for all things Unscripted – there are simply no rules. We shape the shoot according to circumstances (favourable or otherwise) that is presented to us.
The relentless rain presented us with a respite and we took full advantage of the brief window ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
Met Claudia when I was running an artisan pop-up for Decibelist, so we decided to feature her latest collection of handmade kaftans in full glory of the old school medium of analogue film.
Filmed on Kodak Professional Portra 160
The post Maia by Claudia appeared first on thegaleria ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
12 years ago, I shot for Soon Aun & Angie’s pre-wedding session at the historic Bukit Timah railway station back in the day when it was a functioning railway station. Now, they are a family of 4. It’s moments like this that you realise how timeless photos are and how they can preserve a memory so well.
The post Soon Aun & Angie – 12 years on appeared first on thegaleria ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
It’s my first time back at this Church after a long absence for the most part due to the Covid-19 restrictions. It’s interesting to think that not too long ago, a mask-less wedding like what we’re seeing here was something that was simply not possible, something we took for granted in the past. Thank God it’s back to the norm now ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
<<Article was first written in 2019>>
Previously I wrote an article “Film or Digital?”. I wrote about the differences between Analogue Film and Digital, more importantly how the film medium might just be the thing for you. Since then, I’ve had a number of questions and misconceptions about film. Some assumptions made about film are not quite true and some are complete myths. So, in this article, I’m gonna attempt to debunk some of the misconceptions about film photography, and hopefully present the analogue film medium in a very different light.
Film is Inferior to Digital Jonathan ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
<< Article was first written on 12 July 2018 >>
Film Photography is perhaps a very uncommon choice in a world where almost everything is going digital. The question that most wedding couples would ask is “WHY FILM?”. Before I attempt to answer this question, perhaps it’s worth exploring a few other questions first.
This is perhaps one of my most iconic image taken back in 2007 on the Kodak TRI-X 400 / Charissa, Rue Malher, ParisIs there a difference?
There is really no easy nor quick way of answering this question. I’ll answer this without going too much into technical details. In ..read more
The Galaria Blog
1y ago
Back at my favourite precinct on the eastern side of the island. I must say the neighbourhood has changed quite a bit since my last trip here. More artisanal cafes, more upmarket eateries but the parts that I love most are still as quaint as I remembered. What better way to revisit this place than with company of these very lovely couple. Revisited old places and discovered some new spots thanks to the both of them.
The series was shot mainly on the Kodak Portra 160 colour film and the Kodak TRI-X 400 black & white film with a smattering of digital shots peppered along the way.
Filmed part ..read more