Wholeheartedly Homeschooling – Keynote for The Catholic Homeschool Conference
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
1y ago
The Catholic Homeschool Conference (online) is coming up on June 9 and 10, and I’m excited to be a keynote speaker! Early registration is open right now through April 28. Attending the conference is $28.97 for all access and increases to $38.97 after April 28. Read on or click over to the site to see all... The post Wholeheartedly Homeschooling – Keynote for The Catholic Homeschool Conference first appeared on Wildflowers and Marbles ..read more
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Advent Reflections and Answers
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
2y ago
One of the things that have comforted our family most after the painful loss of my husband and the kids’ dad is the Church’s familiar and soothing seasons. Rhythmically moving us from times of fasting and feasting, they are like a soothing balm to our grief and they provide a foundation for our joys. Advent is no exception. A season of the Church since the 9th century, our Mother the Church knew we needed a time of preparation before we feasted in joy and exultation for Christmas ..read more
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Advent & Christmas Planner 2022|2023
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
2y ago
This year’s Advent & Christmas planner is a tool to help your family live out the beauty and richness of the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas in the home with your children. Click to view Planner in my shop This planner is Catholic and is keyed to the 1962 liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. Every effort has been made to include information with historical and liturgical accuracy.  18 pages Cover page The book contains a two page, rich liturgical history of the season of Advent ..read more
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Mini Calendar Printable Set 2022|2023
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
2y ago
Normally, I share these printable kits in my shop for sale, but I’m so late in sharing this printable kit this summer (in preparation for the 2022|2023 academic year) that I just wanted to share it with you freely! You’ll find several printable pages in this kit! I use this kit in my homeschool lesson planner. I also have one hanging above my desk for reference. The style follows the same simple, minimal style that you’ll find in the rest of my printables ..read more
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Life at the Foot of the Cross
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
2y ago
I want to continue writing here, but I have to be transparent and say that as Rob was ripped from me, this grief was woven in, which means my writing will reflect my grief. The post Life at the Foot of the Cross first appeared on Wildflowers and Marbles ..read more
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Advent & Christmas Planner 2021 | 2022
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
3y ago
I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by! And similarly, it’s hard to believe that Advent is, once again, around the corner! This year’s Advent and Christmas planner is: AVAILABLE NOW IN MY SHOP! I am a lay Catholic who is faithful to the Magisterium and teaching body of the Catholic Church. This booklet is not affiliated with an approved ecclesiastical source. Both the Extraordinary Form Calendar of 1962 (the Latin Mass) and the Ordinary Form Calendar of 1969 (the Novus Ordo Mass in the vernacular) are represented in the planner ..read more
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The Saintmaker Catholic Lifeplanner – a Review
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
3y ago
Today, I'm partnering with The Saintmaker Catholic Life Planner to review their brand new planner. The post The Saintmaker Catholic Lifeplanner – a Review first appeared on Wildflowers and Marbles ..read more
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Create In Me – Word of the Year – free printable
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
4y ago
I realize my blog title is a little misleading. Let me explain. This is the time of year we’re all looking to refresh, to start anew, recommit, and create new ideas, routines, rhythms, habits, spaces, and goals. Attached to this new start – permeated with possibility – is the practice of choosing a word for the year. This word is chosen and it sets a theme or animates movement through a year. Words like… Create Become Restore Commit Consistence …are all popular and wonderful choices ..read more
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Advent Planner 2020/2021
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
4y ago
Here we are again, knocking at the door of the beginning of a new Church season – Advent – which begins in less than a month on November 29! Every year, for the last 10 years, I have been building an Advent and Christmas Planner and sharing it. In truth, this planner has been in existence longer than 10 years, but in those early years it existed as a few lists and scraps of paper that I cobbled together here and there in order to set an atmosphere of quiet anticipation in our home ..read more
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Makselife Goal and Weekly Planner – 2021 Review
Wildflowers and Marbles
by Jennifer Mackintosh
4y ago
2020. I think we’re all about done, am I right? And goals? Those were shaken up and tossed out around April of this year! Good news – it’s time to start thinking about 2021, and fresh starts, and new goals! This is the time of year that goal setting systems are releasing, and I’m reviewing a relative newcomer – Makselife Goal and Weekly Planner. Makselife is now a year old – and this review will share the “Makse 2.0!” After a wildly successful banner year, Sierra Friend, the creator and owner of Makselife, has updated and improved the flagship planner and added some exciting new products to th ..read more
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