It's Christmas Craft Market Time Again
No Rules Quilting
3M ago
I'll be participating as a vendor in three November 2024 craft markets.  I'm bringing many bags that I have been making this year and that need homes so they can be used and enjoyed.  Look for: First up is the Parkdale Nifty Fifties Hall Christmas Market: Saturday and Sunday November 2 & 3, 2024 10 AM  - 4 PM Parkdale Nifty Fifties Hall 3512 5th Avenue NW Calgary ****** Next is the Silver Springs Craft Market Saturday November 16, 2024 10 AM - 3 PM 5720 Silver Ridge Drive NW Calgary ******* And finally, the Tangled Tree Christmas Craft Market  Saturday more
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Calgary Christmas Craft Markets Coming Up!
No Rules Quilting
1y ago
I am always sewing, but rarely posting!  However, I'm going to be in a couple of craft markets this fall so posting pix here of items that I will be selling. I will add as I make more and/or get organized to take more pix of things already made.  Also - will post more detail about where/when as it is nailed down. Front and Back of the "Wayfarer Sling" (8" x 17" x 2 1/2") Front and Back of the "Retro Sling" (7" x 14" x 3") Wayfarer and Retro side by side - Retro is a bit narrower/shorter, but also a bit deeper. Blue Whale pencil cases - I love these! Whale Shark pen more
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Tula Pink - Eye Spy
No Rules Quilting
4y ago
This is an either you'll love it or hate it kind of quilt.  I think.  I have ended up with quite a few Tula Pink prints - left from the butterfly and added to.  I decided to make a quilt where I fussy cut the design elements for most of the blocks - hence the "Eye Spy" title.  No pattern - made it up as I went - same process I use for T-shirt quilts only with maybe a bit more control.  Some quilting detail is below more
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Small Things
No Rules Quilting
5y ago
In no particular order, here are a bunch of small things I've puttered with since before Xmas.  Some for gifts, some just to use up fabric - or both!  ? Drink coasters: experimenting with ways to use up T-shirt remains and playing with my embroidery machine.  These are just a few of many that have gone out as gifts. Three sizes of  "Open Wide Pouches".  Using up fabric.  I've given many way.  Those that are not claimed by friends/family will be donated to the next Ujamaa Grandma's bag sale. Above and below: grocery shopping bags - above the carry ho more
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Recent Customer Quilting
No Rules Quilting
5y ago
As you know, I don't do many customer quilts these days.  But I still have a few "special" clients that I just can't say no to.  In the last few months, I've done a few customer quilts.  ... Sharon did this Dresden Plates quilt.  She said she started it in 1999 so wasn't in too much a rush to get it quilted.  I managed to get it to her before another year went by!  :)  I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.  It is huge - queen size. ***** Joan R. (because I have several "Joan" friends!) asked me to quilt these little table toppers for her more
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Joan R's Pineapple Applique Quilt
No Rules Quilting
6y ago
I finished up a quilt the other day for Joan R, my special customer.  As I have mentioned before, I don't do many customer quilts now, but I have kept her as she is special.  She has limited vision and lives nearby so it's easy for me to pick up/drop off and she does such wonderful quilts.  And she's such a nice lady - how can I refuse???  This is her latest.  I did a day by day "how I quilted it" on my No Rules Quilting Facebook Page so if you are interested in that, try to track it down there.  It's probably not a good idea to do it there because FB stuff gets lost so quickly.  That's why I more
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Tropical Galaxy
No Rules Quilting
6y ago
Every year the Calgary Long Arm Group does a group entry to the Calgary Heritage Park Festival of Quilts.  This year they decided to do a group entry using my Galaxy pattern!  The theme this year is curves and someone suggested my pattern and the group agreed!  I'm so excited!  (Thank you ladies - such an honour.) So I worked hard to get the pattern into a format that  could be download and printed.   This also give me the benefit of having 15 excellent pattern testers!  I'm really looking forward to seeing the full display of 15 quilts!  I've seen most of them individually at "show and tell more
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