Georgetown Psychology Blog
A multi-disciplinary practice offering a broad range of services to children, adolescents, adults, and families. Our team of highly skilled psychologists bring decades of experience in understanding and treating a range of neurodevelopmental, clinical and interpersonal issues across the lifespan.
Georgetown Psychology Blog
1d ago
The holiday season is approaching and is often idealized as a time for celebration, joy, and spending time with loved ones. However, for many people, it can bring on a litany of tasks: cooking, shopping for gifts, managing family dynamics, and more. Likely you’re feeling a mix of joy, excitement, stress, and overwhelm. If [...]
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Georgetown Psychology Blog
1w ago
Rejection can feel like a dead end, but what if it was a stepping stone to achieving your goals? In life there are always setbacks, which is to be expected. However, in college, when your life feels like it is just beginning, it can feel like you are faced with what seems like never-ending [...]
The post Building Resilience for Rejection: “How to Handle Noes and Setbacks in College” appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
3w ago
Beyond Awareness: How We Can Support and Empower Trans Youth Every Day Trigger Warning: This article includes discussions about mental health risks, including suicide and depression, among LGBTQ+ youth. As we enter Transgender Awareness Week, it's essential to move beyond just acknowledging trans youth's existence. We must take action. Transgender and nonbinary youth face [...]
The post Beyond Awareness: How We Can Support and Empower Trans Youth Every Day appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
1M ago
Has scrolling through your TikTok for you page changed your view of mental health, or maybe even your own? Over the past couple of years, social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram reels, and YouTube shorts have drastically changed how we receive and engage with information, including content regarding mental health. According to a [...]
The post Scrolling for Symptoms: The Rise of DIY Mental Health Diagnosis appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
1M ago
Relationships with others are a driving force in so many aspects of our lives. Relationships can help us feel connected, accepted, and loved, all of which are needs that we are biologically wired to crave to thrive in the world. And yet, we may find ourselves in relationships that feel unhealthy, unfulfilling, or even [...]
The post Healthy Relationships: What to Seek and What to Avoid appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
2M ago
Let’s be honest, who really wants to talk about shame? It’s not a feeling that we like to experience or with which we want to identify. And yet, shame is a universal emotion that we all feel at different points of life, oftentimes without knowing it. Defining Shame: Brene Brown, a social worker [...]
The post Let’s Talk About Shame: What It Is and How We Can Build Resilience appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
2M ago
You may have been told that college is supposed to be the best four years of your life, that these years will be full of self-discovery, fascinating academic opportunities, new friendships and relationships, and of course freedom. However, for many students, this whirlwind of new experiences can feel overwhelming, stressful, and even anxiety-provoking. Unfortunately, [...]
The post Navigating Stress When College is Supposed to be the Time of Your Life appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
3M ago
As humans, we naturally spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure ourselves out. This process is even more complex and time-consuming for females with ADHD. We can be hyperactive, but also easily overwhelmed and quiet. We can have bursts of energetic productivity, but seconds later, struggle to finish a task. It’s [...]
The post Subtle Presentations of ADHD: Females who Fly Under the Radar appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
3M ago
Did someone say that there would be an end. An end. Oh, an end to love and mourning? - May Sarton Seeking love and connection is a basic human need, driving us to form and maintain relationships. If you’ve ever loved, you’ve also likely experienced loss, one of our most enduring challenges. In [...]
The post Necessary Losses: Dealing with Endings & Transition appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more
Georgetown Psychology Blog
4M ago
By Brett Rauch, college intern, and Dr. Divya Babbar A quick Google search defines colonization as “the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the Indigenous people of an area,” but the truth is that colonization is much more personal than that. It can have a direct impact on the psychological [...]
The post Decolonizing Therapy: Healing the Wounds of Colonization appeared first on Georgetown Psychology more