When to worry about worry: Guidelines for parents
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
1M ago
​A life without worry is a dangerous thing. It would mean a lack of concern for consequences of our actions, a reduction in reflective thinking and a reduced drive to get things done by a deadline. It would mean we would step out in front of the busy road, or test if the iron is hot by using our finger. Worry has been a safety mechanism for us throughout the evolutionary process, and has help ensure our survival. The point being, that a little bit of worry is a good thing. The other end of the scale is a debilitating experience when we cannot think of anything but mistakes we have made or h ..read more
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7 Tips for a Better Relationship with Your Body
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
1M ago
The way we view our bodies has a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves and how we live our lives. Our perception of our bodies and the bodies of others starts to take shape early, and can be influenced greatly by our family’s values and beliefs, but also by ours peers and broader influences like the media. Unfortunately, from a young age children begin to show dissatisfaction and concern about their appearance and weight, which can then lead to engaging in behaviours that attempt to control or change their young bodies. By the end of the teenage years, most young people have been on a ..read more
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​Social Media, Selfies and Self-Esteem: 4 questions to ask your teen and helpful messages to discuss
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
1M ago
How can you support your teen’s development in the age of social media? Self-esteem development during adolescence is an important area of focus for psychology. Self-esteem refers to the judgements young people make about their worth as a person and is closely associated with mental well-being.  The way that we are communicating with peers has changed dramatically over the past decade with the growth of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Although social media has made communication and keeping up with peers easier, it has brought about an added press ..read more
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What is a Cognitive Assessment and How Can it Help My Child at School?
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
A cognitive assessment is a type of evaluation that measures a person's thinking abilities and intellectual potential. It typically includes a battery of tests that assess different areas of cognitive functioning, such as attention, working memory, processing speed, language, and problem-solving. As part of the assessment your clinician will undertake a parent interview to gather information about the child’s developmental trajectory and identify any factors that may have influenced their development. Cognitive assessments can be useful for identifying a child's strengths and weaknesses, as ..read more
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Assessing Autism in Women: A Journey to Understanding and Thriving
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
​When looking at the research, different studies, together with anecdotal evidence, there are various results in ratios between males and females identified as autistic, ranging from 2:1 to 16:1, respectively!      So why are there such differences across studies? There are several possible reasons for this, some of them being: More subtle presentation in females (though subtle presentations can present in males also) Assessment measures, diagnosticians and trainers are not recognising certain autistic experiences, with some of the more common assessment tools not ..read more
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How Can a Psychologist Help My Child?
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
​Are you concerned about your child or teenager and aren’t sure if a psychologist is right for them? ​Psychologists can help people in many different ways and support looks different for each individual. A psychologist can provide a range of support and guidance for young people  who are experiencing emotional, behavioural, or mental health issues. When you take your child to see a psychologist, they will work with you to create specific treatment goals tailored to your child’s individual needs and challenges. Here are some ways that a psychologist can help your child: Assessing and di ..read more
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Five Ways to Support Working Memory Difficulties in Children
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
Working memory is a process that allows us to hold and manipulate information temporarily in our mind in order to carry out complex mental tasks. Working memory is involved in many aspects of learning and development, as well as problem solving, and decision making. Working memory is limited in capacity and duration, meaning that it can only hold a certain amount of information for a brief period of time. This is why we often forget information we were just told, especially if we were not paying close attention to it. Children with strong working memory skills are better able to follow direct ..read more
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Fixed vs Growth Mindset - What Parents Need to Know
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
As a parent, it can often be hard to support your child in moments when their only answer is ‘no’.  This is where learning about developing a growth mindset can be influential in those moments and in supporting your child's development and success. Here are some things that can help parents to know when supporting their children about fixed and growth mindsets: Praise effort, not just ability: Children with a fixed mindset may believe that their abilities are predetermined and unchangeable. Praising their effort and hard work can help them develop a growth mindset and understand that t ..read more
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How to Effectively Co-Parent with my Ex
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
​We all know we need to prioritise our kids’ well being first after a separation or divorce, and that it’s important to work together with our ex to provide our kids with a stable and supportive environment, but that can also be really challenging at times. Here are some tips for co-parenting with an ex: Communicate effectively: Effective communication is key to successful co-parenting. Keep communication respectful, focused on the children, and avoid discussing personal issues or engaging in any confrontational or argumentative behaviour. If things start getting tense, it’s best to walk awa ..read more
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Mindful Eating - What is it and Why is it Important?
Hopscotch & Harmony - Child psychology blog
6M ago
Many of us have heard about mindfulness and it’s something we can all do in our day to day lives. Mindfulness is the practice of paying full attention to the present moment, whilst noticing your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations without judgement.  Mindful eating involves paying attention to the present moment and being fully aware of what you're eating, why you're eating it, and how it affects your body and mind. It encourages us to tune into our bodies and senses, and to approach eating with a non-judgmental, curious attitude. ​ We often find ourselves gobbling down food whilst ..read more
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