Worcester Student Life
We are current students at the University of Worcester, sharing our university experiences and tips on student life. If you want to know what it's like to live and study in Worcester, this is the place to find out.
Worcester Student Life
1d ago
Work placements offer practical experience and professional development. This guide provides insights on preparing, navigating support, and making a positive impression during placement ..read more
Worcester Student Life
7M ago
Law and Psychology student Casandra considers everything students can do to prepare for university over the summer break ..read more
Worcester Student Life
9M ago
Charlotte, an Occupational Therapy student, shares her journey embracing her dyslexia ..read more
Worcester Student Life
9M ago
With summer break approaching, Casandra considers things university students can do to be productive over the summer break ..read more
Worcester Student Life
1y ago
University life is often study-focused, but joining societies and sports can boost mental and physical well-being, as well as contributing to personal growth. In this blog, Casandra discusses the impact of extracurricular activities ..read more
Worcester Student Life
1y ago
As students, learning how to eat healthily while on a budget is key. Law and Psychology student Casandra shares her best budget friendly food tips ..read more
Worcester Student Life
1y ago
During exam season, balancing studying and social life can be challenging. Implementing self-care routines is crucial. Current student Casandra gives her best tips for self-care in this blog ..read more
Worcester Student Life
1y ago
Many university students experience homesickness, but you're not alone! Here are a few tips on how to feel more at home at university ..read more
Worcester Student Life
1y ago
Returning to education after a long break may seem daunting, but many mature students find their fears are unfounded. Education Studies student Lucy shares her tips for balancing studies with family life and making the most of the university experience ..read more
Worcester Student Life
1y ago
Law and Psychology student Casandra shares the things she thought she would need in university lectures, and the five things she actually did need ..read more