The Loom Muse
Now a stay at home Mom, working on many projects to help make a little income at home. Not specially trained in anything, but like teaching dance, crafts, knitting projects, and posting tutorials on youtube, and patterns on her blog.
The Loom Muse
5M ago
Summer Salad Yummies!!
This is my summer salad that is extremely popular in my family. The key is actually to cut everything fairly small, and break up the lettuce. This allows bites of salad with full flavor. I vary my salads depending on what comes in our Tractor order each week. I will give my base, and then add suggestions. Feel free to play with this.
Salad mix (usually called a spring mix)
1/2 Cup Raddish Tops, Carrot Tops, Cilantro, or Microgreens (Add these depending on what is available, not all are needed.)
1 Large Radish or 2 Small Radishes
1 Carrot
1 Tomato or 6 Cher ..read more
The Loom Muse
1y ago
The Loom Knit Bird Book is out and available to purchase on Amazon, Ravelry, and Cindwood!!!
The book contains 40 bird patterns, a section on how to design your own bird using the patterns in this book, what you can do with the birds after you complete them, and how to easily change size by changing the gauge and size of yarn.
The book has nice large print for those with sight difficulties, there are several instructional videos that are with the book for links to youtube. All you need to have is a 24 peg loom, many of the patterns are great for scrap yarn as well.
With the ..read more
The Loom Muse
3y ago
It is time for the 75% off sale in December!!!
It includes all ebooks and patterns at 75% off in my Ravelry store for the entire month of December!!!
Take advantage!!!
  ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
How to Loom Knit a Faux Fur Pom Pom 10 Minute Project!!!
24 peg 5/8" gauge loom
looming hook
lions brand go for faux yarn
crafters needle
DSCO: Draw String Cast On
K: Knit
D: Decrease
K/K: Knit Over Knit
M: Move Stitch
SK: Skip
DSBO: Drawstring Bind Off
DSCO 24 pegs circular
Row 1-5: K
Row 6: (K2, D<-, K/K, M->), K2
Row 7: SK1, K3
Row 8: SK1, K1, (K2, D<-, K/K, M->)
Row 9: SK1, K1
Turn inside out, stuff, close up both ends and pull one tail through to the other side. Knot the ends together ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
How to Loom Knit Bug Wings or Fairy Wings
Scarlett Royale
BO: Bind Off: Knit pegs 1 and 2, place loop 2 on peg 1, and toss bottom loop over. Move loop back to peg 2. Knit 2nd stitch, move to peg 1, and toss bottom loop over. Move stitch to peg 2. Repeat from the knit 2nd stitch, move to peg 1, and toss bottom loop over, till you have no more stitches left on the loom.
CO: Cast On: Process of E-Wrapping the peg twice, and tossing the bottom loop over the top.
K: Flat Knit: Process of tossing bottom loop over the top loop.
K2tog: Knit 2 Stitches Together: Proce ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
How to Loom Knit the Windmill Stitch
This stitch I translated from a needle knit stitch. It isn't the exact translation but something that looks like it while making it easier to accomplish on the loom.
Follow the grid to help keep up with the stitch pattern. Also follow the video on questions you might have about the grid.
K: Knit
P: Purl
YO: Yarn Over
K2tog: Knit 2 Stitches Together
SSK2tog: Slip, Slip, Knit 2 Stitches Together
4RCC: 4 Stitch Right Cable Cross
EW: E-Wrap
(Note: when you see a yarn over combined with the K2tog or the SSK2tog there is will a decrease in ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
Loom Knitting Cable Reference Links!!!
If you are interested in learning more about cables on the loom please feel free to click on these wonderful links to learn from different designers. Download the PDF   ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
How to Loom Knit Eye of Partridge Stitch (Brioche Stitch)
K: Knit
SL: Slip behind the peg
Parentheses means repeat.
Row 1: K1, SL1
Row 2: K
Row 3: SL1, K1
Row 4: K
Repeat rows 1 through 4.
Row 1: K1, (K1, SL1), K1
Row 2: K
Row 3: K1, (SL1, K1), K1
Row 4: K
Repeat rows 1 through 4
This is a reinforcement stitch but also a good way to soften the color change is a color changing yarn.  ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
How to Make a Quick Valentine Keychain!!!
Wallet Size Prints
Foam Heart Stickers
Rhinestone Strips
Clear Packing Tape
Key Ring
Hole Punch
Hot Glue and Glue Gun
All the supplies for this project short of the printer and glue gun can be gotten at a Dollar Tree making this project very cheap and easy to make. This is a project that can be touching to loved ones while taking little time to complete. Add other embellishments as desired. This is just a base line for you to start from.
Lets get started step by step.
Step One&nb ..read more
The Loom Muse
4y ago
50% Off New Year Sale In my Ravelry Store It is okay if you missed the 75% off sale you can catch this months sale of 50% off all patterns and ebooks in my ravelry store. If you do not have a ravelry account and would still like to take advantage of the sale contact me and I will work with you to get the sale and the pattern or ebook you would like.
If you are wanting to know what is available and don't want to go onto ravelry try my website and look at the photo galleries for patterns and ebooks.
Sock Q&A Event This Month!!! Also will be holding a live ev ..read more