Trading Trainer
Want to learn option trading? A.J. Brown provides traders with free education, lessons, and tutorials through his stock options blog.
Trading Trainer
4y ago
Step-by-Step Mutual Fund Screening Techniques – Part 2 of a 2 Part Series from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Want to know the little-known tactics for finding the best-of-the-best mutual funds in which to invest? Want to be guided move-by-move through the process? Well, don’t waste another moment before you check out this episode.
I continue the exploration into selecting mutual funds in this episode. I depart from my usual focus of selling options premium to show you exactly how to screen using free tools available to anyone.
If you’d like to talk to us further about this topic, then go to our c ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
Sifting through the Mumbo Jumbo around Mutual Funds – Part 1 of a 2 Part Series from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Does picking the right mutual funds out of the tens of thousands out there befuddle you? Are you not sure how to decide on what to invest your hard-earned money?
In this episode, I depart from my usual focus of selling options premium to focus us on what mutual funds really are and how to drill-down into all the comparison data to the criteria that matter most.
If you’d like to talk to us further about this topic, then go to our coaching page and sign-up for your free strategy ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
Get Comfortable with Profit and Loss Diagrams from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Do you invest? Do you use Profit and Loss diagrams? Do they guide your next moves?
Even if you answer yes to the above, this episode is a must-watch.
In this episode, we talk about profit and loss diagrams. What are they? How do we use them? Do they help our investing? The primer in this episode is suitable for all.
If you’re ready to learn more about reading Profit and Loss Diagrams, then go to our coaching page and sign-up for your free strategy session. We can discuss your goals and what ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
What’s the Big Deal about Options? from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Does investing with options send fright down your bones? Do you perceive options as risky? Does the potential reward of trading options not outweigh the risks for you?
A lot of people get scared away when they hear the words derivative or options. It sounds hard and complicated. Well, that’s why we’re here. We make the complicated easy. In this episode, we discuss the big deal about options. What are they? Why do we trade them? And why should you care?
If you’re ready to learn even more about options trading, then go to our coa ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
What Is an Option, Anyway? from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Do you trade options? Do you know anyone else who trades options? Do you really know what these investment vehicles are?
Out of 100 options traders I surveyed, only 18% really knew what they were buying and selling. Buying and selling something without knowing what it is, is a sure recipe for trouble down the line.
In this short episode, I break down the nitty-gritty of options. I talk about the perks of options and the features that suit investors best.
If you’ve ever had to ask yourself, what is an option? Then this is the episode fo ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
What Should You Risk? And, When Should You Hit the Brakes? from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Have you ever closed out an investment with a larger than expected and very embarrassing if not debilitating loss? Do others’ nightmare scenarios haunt you? Do you have worries that keep you from realizing your full potential as a successful investor?
It could be an adjustment in how much of your portfolio you risk in each of your investments. Or, maybe you need a way to know when your methods, strategies, and plans need more trials with a paper account.
Little tweaks explained in this episode can make a ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
Does Position Size Matter? from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Are you sizing your investments based on the potential reward you might receive? Rookie mistake.
Have you lost in the past, and this bet, if it pays out, will cover your losses from before?
Is there something you want to buy? A couch? A car? A house? Your kid’s education? Your retirement? And, if this one investment works out, you’ll be set?
These are all amateur ways of thinking that will quickly end your journey as an investor and leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Follow along in this short episode to see the easy way to ensure your ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
Why Invest Using Options? What’s so Good About Them? from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Mention investing with options, and the first words out of people’s mouths are, “Options are risky.”
So is driving a car. And, yet, so many people do it daily without giving it a second thought. Perhaps options are risky to the ill-informed and inexperienced.
Investing in the traditional sense with stocks, commodities, foreign exchange currencies, real estate… even with classic cars, paintings, or baseball cards… you only can profit when the price goes up (or, if you’re creative enough, when the price go ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
How I Cut Up My Day as a Lazy Investor… from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Some call me lazy. I like to think of myself as efficient. I like to make the most returns with the least amount of money invested, time expended, and ups versus downs endured. I hate emotional roller coasters almost as much as I hate wasting my time. I have a life to live. Time is that commodity you just can not ever get back.
In this episode, I walk you through my daily trading routine, some of my tools, and the psychology behind certain daily trends in the market and in trading days in general. If you’ve wanted to bette ..read more
Trading Trainer
4y ago
What’s in an Option’s Price? How and Why Does It Work? from Trading Trainer on Vimeo.
Select the right option, and you reduce risk and up your profits. Select the wrong option, and you will lose your shirt.
How do you know if you’ve got the right option for what you are looking to trade? This high-level presentation will lay it all out for you. It’ll explain the components of an option’s price and what effects each. Watch now!
Are you interested in learning more about trading options? Head on over to our coaching page and sign-up for your free strategy session. We can discuss your ..read more