SiteVisibility Blog
SiteVisibility is an integrated digital marketing agency with an outstanding SEO heritage stretching back to 2001. Saying that, we’re not just an SEO agency! The SEO and social media experts at SiteVisibility provide useful advice and news on the SEO, PPC and digital marketing industry.
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
Oribi is an alternative to Google Analytics. It provides actionable data, insights for funnel optimization, and strong audience segmentation. All of the above without using code.
Oribi helps thousands of companies to:
Know exactly how each marketing activity and channel contributes to sales
Optimize their funnel
View all their key metrics, trends, and marketing budgets in one dashboard
Analyze and optimize paid campaigns
Credit every single marketing activity, from paid campaigns to newsletters and content
For 20% off your first 3-months of Oribi, use the code ‘sitevisibility’ during si ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
In 2021, the electric revolution is not just on the horizon, it’s very much in the here and now.
The effects of climate change and our need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels is unquestionable, and governments all around the world are introducing legislation that aims to limit or even completely eradicate the sale of new petrol or diesel cars in the near future.
The growth of the electric motoring is clear for everyone to see but despite this, there remain significant marketing challenges for the industry to overcome. But where can we look for inspiration on how to do this?&nbs ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
In this episode we’re joined by Smartphone Video Marketer, Daryl Cygler. Daryl is a Marketing Director at fuel equipment specialists, FES Tanks but a passion and curiosity for video led Daryl to the creation of the Smartphone Video Marketing Group where he helps SMEs get to grips will all aspects of smartphone video production.
Learn Important Smartphone Video Marketing Tips
In this episode we discuss:
How mobile journalism inspired Daryl to become a smartphone video marketing advocate
The key lessons Daryl has taken from mobile journalists and applied to marketing
How Daryl created his first ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
When welcoming in the New Year (and, let’s be honest, frantically waving goodbye to 2020), were you one of those people who made a vow to yourself to start looking after yourself – both mentally and physically?
Y’ know, that whole ‘New Year, New Me’ jazz?
I’ll hold my hands up, I make (and break) the same pledge every single year!
But this past year, in particular, has sobered up even the most reluctant fitness fans to the importance of good health. We’ve spent heaps more time at home and a lot less of it commuting, opening up our schedule to really knuckle down on our health and fitness goals ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
In this episode we’re joined by Asher Ismail, Co-Founder of Uncapped.
Uncapped offer an alternative take on capital, helping to provide growing businesses with fast and flexible funding for marketing, inventory or hiring.
In this episode we discuss:
Asher’s experiences in startups as an entrepreneur and how that led to the idea of Uncapped
Uncapped’s mission to provide an alternative fundraising option for growing businesses
The pros and cons of fundraising options for growing businesses and how Uncapped compares to these options
The VC community and media response to Uncapped
How case studie ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
Paul Cowan is CMO at the cloud-accounting platform, FreshBooks. Paul has spent his career building, growing and promoting products and has the distinct experience of working in product, marketing and product marketing roles.
In this episode we discuss:
What happens in the intersection of product and marketing at FreshBooks
Examples of marketing that’s built-in to products
What SaaS product marketers can learn from the gaming sector
What can marketing teams learn from product teams and vice versa
When to target broad audiences vs. when to go feature-specific
Referenced on this episode:
https ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
As always, we’re collating each of the speaker’s slides from the March 2021 brightonSEO online conference, right here on the blog below.
If you couldn’t make it to the online event, missed out on some of the talks, or just want to recap some of the awesome marketing tips and advice shared, we’re here to help!
You’ll notice that we haven’t quite got them all yet, but we’ll be adding to this post every day, so if you do manage to spot any that we haven’t got below, please get in touch with me here and I’ll get them added!
Remember, you can also revisit the recordings of the talk ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
In this episode, we’re joined by Xenia Muntean, CEO of Planable. Planable is a social media SaaS platform designed to make social media collaboration fun and seamless. With unique insight into the trends that make social media teams successful, Xenia shares her advice on how to build effective social media teams.
Build Your Social Media Team
In this episode we discuss:
Characteristics of successful social media teams
How the social media marketer role has developed over time
Obstacles that can stifle social media creativity
The benefits of involving people outside of marketing in your social ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
Organisation and productivity app Todoist has grown from 5 million users to 25+ million users over the last ~6 years, all without spending a penny on paid advertising. Brenna Loury, Head of Marketing at parent company Doist, has been on this journey with Doist since 2012 and joins us to share some of her key insights into Doist’s success and provides insight into what really happens behind the scenes to create word-of-mouth marketing.
Doist’s Success & Creating Word-of-Mouth Marketing
In this episode we discuss:
Todoist’s growth story, notably key factors that helped grow Todoist from 5 ..read more
SiteVisibility Blog
4y ago
In this episode, we’re joined by Frederick Vallaeys, CEO of Optmyzr.
Frederick worked at Google between 2002 and 2012, helping to build some of the key Google Ads features and functionality that we all use today. Notably, between 2007 and 2012, Fred was the first Google AdWords evangelist, helping to promote Google AdWords as well as playing a vital role in developing Google Ads to serve advertiser needs.
In 2013, Frederick founded Optmyzr, a PPC SaaS company that’s driven by machine learning and artificial intelligence and aims to empower PPC professionals to eliminate barriers in their ..read more