The process for applying patches to network servers
by writer201
1w ago
Scheduling: To minimise disruption, choose a low usage period when the Network is not in use. IT professionals must follow processes before and after installing server patches or fixes to ensure system stability, security, and compliance. Here’s a detailed overview of these processes: Before Installing Patches/Fixes Identify and Assess Patches: Gather Information: get patch details from vendors or reliable sources, including release notes and potential affects. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the risks associated with the patch. Determine if it addresses critical vulnerabilities or bugs and assess more
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Discover the differences between technical authoring and content writing. Explore the skills and expertise required for each role in this insightful discussion.
by writer201
1w ago
Agent: I have a client looking for a content writer, and given your extensive experience as a technical author, you might be a great fit. You: Could you send me the job description? Agent: Absolutely. I’ll send it over now. [Sends job description] You: Thanks. I’ve received it. Let me take a quick look. [Pause as you read] This job description requires a technical authoring role and not a content writer. They require expertise in documentation, software tools, and advanced writing skills. Agent: I see what you mean. The client seemed a bit confused about their exact needs. They wanted someone more
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The Differences Among Writers: Roles, Responsibilities, and Skills
by Michael Clark
1w ago
Companies need a better understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and skills needed for each writer. This knowledge enables them to identify the type of writer needed for tasks such as: crafting captivating blog content, producing technical documentation, developing persuasive marketing copy, designing user-friendly interfaces, or creating winning bid proposals. The Differences Among Writers: Roles, Responsibilities, and Skills Writers: 1. Content Writer Responsibilities: Writing articles, blog posts, and web content. Researching to ensure accuracy and depth. Optimising content for SEO more
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10 Key Differences Between Content Writing and Technical Writing
by writer201
1w ago
10 Key Differences Between Content Writing and Technical Writing Technical writing and content writing are often mistaken for the same, but they are two distinct fields. While both require strong communication skills, they serve different purposes and audiences. I will explore 10 key differences between content writing and technical writing in this article. The aim is to help aspiring technical authors understand the nuances of technical writing. By understanding these differences and focusing on specific skills, aspiring technical authors can speed up their technical writing journey and becom more
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Navigating the Jungle of Contracting: A Tale of Missed Checks and Shouted Specs
by writer201
1w ago
Ah, the life of a contractor—where every day is an adventure, and you’re the hero armed with nothing but your wits and a laptop. Like Indiana Jones, I’ve managed client expectations and communication challenges. Here’s the lowdown on surviving the wilds of workplace woes with a grin. Chapter One: The Case of the Missing Validity Checks Once upon a time, I suggested to a Project Manager (PM) that we should probably check the content of a PowerPoint display before chucking it into the gaping maw of Confluence. He, in his infinite wisdom, proclaimed such checks unnecessary. “Just migrate it!” he more
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UX Writer v Technical Author
by writer201
1w ago
UX Writer Skillset Checklist: Writing and Editing Skills Ability to write clear, concise, and compelling copy Grammar, punctuation, and style proficiency Editing and proofreading skill Ability to write clear, concise, and persuasive copy Grammar, punctuation, and style proficiency Editing and proofreading skills User-Centred Design Understanding Knowledge of UX principles and design thinking Ability to create content that enhances user experience Proficiency in developing user personas and journey maps Research Skills Competence in user research and usability testing Ability to analyse more
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The Art of Bad Technical Documentation: Explained by a Technical Author to a Manager
by writer201
1w ago
Dear Manager, As the dedicated technical author, let me take you through the “Art of Bad Technical Documentation.” Buckle up because we’re exploring the pitfalls and perils of wrong documentation. Here’s why your documentation is ineffective: Embrace Ambiguity: The Clarity Conundrum Why be clear when you can be vague? Inadequate documentation thrives on ambiguity. Instead of providing specific instructions, opt for terms like “thingamajig” and “whatchamacallit.” This keeps users guessing and adds an element of mystery to their experience. Remember, a little confusion goes a long way! Skimp on more
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Scene: A Discussion Between a Technical Author and a Manager
by writer201
2M ago
But have you recently checked the Helpdesk call stats? How often have you considered the conversation you want with a manager without respect for the written word? When you do, will it go something like the content below? So, let’s read A Discussion Between a Technical Author and a Manager. Characters: Technical Author (TA) Manager (M) Setting: A corporate office in the manager’s office. The room has a large desk, a computer, and bookshelves filled with documentation manuals. TA: (looking concerned) I’ve been reviewing our latest product documentation and must say it could be better. Nu more
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How to Win Over Management and SMEs: A Hilarious Guide for Technical Authors
by writer201
2M ago
So, you’ve embarked on the noble quest of a technical author. Your mission, should you accept it (and you have no choice), is to convert the mighty management and the enigmatic SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) to your way of thinking. Sounds like a Herculean task? Fear not! Here’s your humorous guide to charming them into submission while keeping your sanity intact. Remember, we’re all in this together, united by the common goal of effective communication. So how to Win Over Management and SMEs to your way of thinking. Speak Their Language (No, Not Klingon) Let’s be honest—management speaks in KP more
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How do you manage a knowledge base for a project in the development phase.
by writer201
2M ago
Managing a knowledge base for a project in development is not just a task, but a crucial step towards empowering every team member with time-saving information. So, how do you efficiently manage a knowledge base for a project in the development phase? Here are some steps to handle this:  Centralised Knowledge Repository Choose a platform: Select a platform that suits your team’s needs. Options include Confluence, Notion, SharePoint, or a well-organised GitHub repository. Organise Information: Create a structured outline with categories, such as project overview, technical documen more
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