Ending ‘visa hopping’ – 600 and 485 visas to student
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
1M ago
Ending visa hopping Ending ‘visa hopping’ – 600 and 485 visas to student Ending onshore visa hopping (1 July 2024 changes) The Minister for Home Affairs published a media release that announces further changes to the migration system that were articulated within the Migration Strategy. These changes are to stop what is referred to in the Migration Strategy and the media release as visa hopping where temporary visa holders continue to apply for further temporary visas onshore to extend their stay in Australia with little prospect of becoming permanent residents. As a measure to restri ..read more
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35 Years or Under Age Limit for 485 Visa
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
3M ago
35 Years of Age Limit for 485 Visa 35 Years or Under Age Limit for 485 Visa Changes to the Temporary Graduate visa program – proposed 1 July 2024 The Department have updated their website to outline the changes to the Temporary Graduate (sc 485) visa program as announced as part of the Migration Strategy. The changes to the Sc 485 should take effect from 1 July 2024, subject to the passage of legislative amendments. The changes are the following: Graduate Work stream – Post-Vocational Education Work stream The Graduate Work stream will be renamed to the Post-Vocationa ..read more
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Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL)
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
3M ago
Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL) Core Skills Occupations List (CSOL) Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) has opened consultation on the new Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL).  The Skills in Demand Visa (SID visa) is replacing the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) Visa with a three-tiered system for applicants based on their annual earnings and occupation.There are to be three visa pathways under the Migration Strategy:The three-tiered system is planned as follows: Tier 1 – Specialist Skills Pathway Tier 2 – Core Skills Pathway Tier 3 – Essential Skills Pathway This ..read more
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Bridging Visa R
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
3M ago
Bridging Visa R Bridging Visa R and NZYQ affected cohort The Migration Amendment (Bridging Visas) Regulations 2024 amend the Migration Regulations 1994 to clarify the circumstances in which the Minister may grant a Bridging R (Class WR) visa (BVR) to the cohort affected by the High Court judgment in NZYQ v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2023] HCA 37. The instrument amends regulation 2.04 to clarify that, while the circumstances in which a visa may be granted are generally set out in Schedule 2 to the Regulations, this is subject to ..read more
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Genuine Student (GS)
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
4M ago
Genuine Student (GS) Genuine Student (GS) Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) replaced with Genuine Student (GS) for student visas (sc 500) Related: Genuine Temporary Entrant letter sample How to choose the best course to study in Australia? As part of your application for a student visa (subclass 500), previously student visa applicants had to provide a personal statement, in English, that addresses the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement. This statement must be submitted with your visa application and should explain that: You are genuinely coming to Australia to study and no ..read more
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Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES)
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
5M ago
Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) The Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) is a new scheme, established under the Migration and Mobility Partnership Arrangement (MMPA) between India and Australia. MATES gives Indian university graduates and early career professionals the opportunity to live and work in Australia for up to two years, and to gain employment and valuable experience in their areas of expertise.  The scheme will be 3000 p ..read more
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Upcoming Immigration Changes 2024
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
7M ago
Upcoming Immigration Changes 2024 Upcoming Immigration Changes 2024 The Australian government released its much-anticipated Migration Strategy, which outlines a new vision for Australia’s migration system and a what to expect in 2024. The key Australian immigration changes in 2024 are: Summary Details Creation of a new Skills in Demand visa with 3 targeted pathways to encourage migration worker mobility in the labour market. The visa streams will include: 1.      Specialist Skills pathway – for highly-skilled migrants that are beneficial to A ..read more
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Migration Strategy Australia 2024
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
8M ago
Migration Strategy Australia Migration Strategy – Australia 2024 The long awaited Migration Strategy was released today. An overview of the new strategy, which is designed to make our skilled migration system more focused on skills required to build productivity and use permanent migration to build and innovative and effective workforce for Australia’s future can be seen below. The strategy based on 8 key actions: Targeting temporary skilled migration to address skills needs and promote worker mobility Reshaping permanent skilled migration to drive long-term prosperity Strengtheni ..read more
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COVID-19 concession period ending
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
8M ago
COVID-19 concession period ending COVID-19 concession period ending The COVID-19 concession period is scheduled to end on November 25, 2023. Since the beginning of 2020, the global pandemic led to restrictions on international travel, as well as challenging business and employment situations. In response, the previous government introduced temporary measures during an initial concession period. These measures aimed to offer concessions to applicants of specific visa subclasses who were impacted by travel restrictions, making it challenging for them to fulfill visa requirements, inc ..read more
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Expanding Employer Sponsored Pathways to Permanent Residence (PR)
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by VisaEnvoy: Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers in Melbourne
9M ago
Expanding Employer Sponsored Pathways to Permanent Residence (PR) Expanding Employer Sponsored Pathways to Permanent Residence (PR) The government is to implementing changes to Australia’s migration system to ensure temporary skilled workers have a pathway to PR. To support this, the Department of Home Affairs is currently working on changes to the: Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) (TSS) visa Temporary Residence Transition stream (TRT) of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) (ENS) and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) (RSMS) visa These changes are ..read more
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