Using an Assessment Decision Tree to align Students’ Reading Needs to Support by @ricketts_lara
by LeadingLearner
2y ago
Over the period from September 2018 to August 2022, Blackpool secondary schools engaged in a major whole school project to improve the reading ability of pupils in Key Stage 3.  The project was a collaborative effort involving: senior leaders, teachers & support staff; Right to Succeed and critical friends including Alex Quigley and Professor Jessie more
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Leadership: Being, Knowing, Doing Book Launch #LeadershipBKD
by LeadingLearner
3y ago
“My hope and intention, in writing Leadership: Being, Knowing, Doing, was to help leaders. Leadership can be learnt. The three Ways with their constituent Basics are a means of exploring leadership. They represent a window or a mirror to help leaders improve their practice. In turn, as leaders, we must support the leaders who follow more
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Leadership: Being, Knowing, Doing
by LeadingLearner
3y ago
Leadership: Being, Knowing, Doing will be my third book. If I am honest I never thought I would publish one never mind three. I need a bit of help deciding on the most appropriate front cover and would appreciate your help. Please find below the first two paragraphs of the book and four alternative front more
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What a Waste of CPD Funding
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
A simple Freedom of Information request to three local authorities showed community and voluntary controlled schools have paid £9,453,840 in Apprenticeship Levy Funding, over the past four years.  Less than 25%, a paltry £2,145,286, had been used to fund training and assessment of staff in these schools, in the same period.  It is an absolute more
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5 Evidenced Based Papers All Teachers Should Read (Updated)
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
I first wrote this post over two years ago. In the intervening period two updated versions of the papers I included – Great Teaching & Cognitive Load Theory – have been written. I thought it was time to update the post. The title is written as a statement; arguably it should be a question.  These would more
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Leading with Purpose
LeadingLearner | Fascinated by leading and learning
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
The worldwide disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is our generation’s Great Pause. We are in a liminal space – a disorientating time between the world that has been and the world that may be. These are times that are so profoundly discontinuous that we reconsider the purpose of our lives: to what extent has more
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Avoiding Examination Chaos this Summer
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
Many think this summer’s examination replacement consultation is a bit of a dog’s dinner.  The Department for Education/OFQUAL consultation seems more interested in re-establishing an examination system that’s not an examination system, then looking at ways to create a meaningful alternative in these pandemic times.  Some have already expressed the fear that this summer will more
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DfE/OFQUAL’s Exam Replacement Problem
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
Within the Department for Education/Ofqual’s consultation on this year’s exam replacement there are a whole series of distractions and much confused, woolly thinking.  The key challenge that requires addressing – and was missed last year in the need to move rapidly to a centre assessed grade – is the comparability between grades awarded in different more
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5 School Wishes for Christmas
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
Next Sunday is the start of Advent, a time of preparation for Christmas.  For many this has been the longest year of their lives; paradoxically where did the year go?  Too many school leaders and staff are on their knees as they try to manage the on-going impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  With the season more
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Ofsted’s Autumn “Visits”
by LeadingLearner
4y ago
Ofsted has now completed its set of pilot visits to schools and will start visiting (inspecting?) schools.  We can only hope Ofsted will learn the lessons from the pilot – give schools a week’s notice of their visit and don’t issue any judgemental letter. Or better still accept that now is the time to leave more
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