SnapRetail Blog
The only online marketing solution specifically designed for independent retailers. We make it easy to build and maintain your website, connect with customers, and drive sales through email and social media marketing.
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
There has been a great deal of focus on employee health as of late, and with good reason. After all, the world is still coping with the consequences of COVID-19. But on top of that, more and more employers have finally realized how poor safety standards affect retail businesses.
For example, statistical data from the Department of Labor published in 2019 shows that there were more than 400,000 work-related injuries in the previous year, with 31% of those resulting in missed days from work. According to reports, the most common causes of workplace accidents include those caused by:
equipment m ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
If you are a small business owner, and you still haven’t established a social media presence for your business, what have you been doing? Social media have been taking the world by storm, providing growth opportunities for businesses and individuals that could potentially propel your profits beyond your imagination. For a person that has no experience in using these platforms, they may be confusing at the beginning. But after a few hours, you can already be familiar with their functions!
Your Potential Customers, From all Over the World, are There, Why Aren’t You?
An average person spends appr ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
Nowadays, starting a business is easier than ever, but developing it into a successful and evolving company is no easy fit. The digital world provides the perfect opportunity for you, with no cost, to expand and develop your business. Everyone is online, making the social media platforms one of the most profitable spaces to place your business, attract new clients, meet those selling goals, and evolve. And while it may seem easy, it’s harder than it looks, but with a great plan comes great revenue!
Plan it Out
It’s easy to start using social media platforms for your business, thinking t ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
When you have a business of any size, having a constant revenue stream is what helps keep you afloat and keep your business up and running. When you first begin your business, however, it can be difficult to reach a certain customer base so that you can achieve the revenue that you need. Now, however, the importance of creating affiliate partnerships is assisting business owners in increasing their sales and in growing as a business, with as much as 30% of their sales coming from these partnerships. You can grow more specifically with affiliate partnerships in the five ways listed below.
1. Gr ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
Whether you are just starting up or you’ve been in business for some time, you probably want to do everything possible to grow your business. While this is possible, it requires focus, effort, dedication, and the right strategies.
With the increased competition in various industries today, you should strive to stand out from the crowd and capture more customers to your business. Here are practical strategies you can apply to grow your business seamlessly.
Know Your Customers
The first step towards succeeding in your business is to know who your customers are. You want to know your customer’s n ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
Small businesses have to face a new reality: the digital world may provide the only support during uncertain times. In 2020, many small businesses faced the risk of bankruptcy and closure due to the pandemic. Despite the promise of economic resurgence in 2021, more than 9 million small businesses in the United States alone feared they won’t make it through the crisis.
More and more small businesses have come to realize that improving their online presence and search engine visibility is the key to retaining a robust customer base. Some have even branched out to connect their search engine opt ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
We are seeing new businesses open almost every day. With the rise of social media, luckily for us, we get to see them online each day more and more. During the lockdown last year, a lot of businesses failed, meanwhile a lot of businesses got a huge increase.
However, the main point of this article is to help your small business grow. We are going to give you some tips and tricks that you can use for your small business.
1. Get to know your customers
This one may be obvious, but knowing what your customers want and need for your business is such an important step. There are a ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
During the pandemic of 2020 tens of thousands of small businesses moved online. Nearly 80% of their owners made the necessary adjustments to operate in a virtual environment. In some cases, it was done with so much haste that things were missed. Hence, small businesses encountered problems, especially during the initial months in a total eCommerce environment. Most of the time this was due to moves made within the business instead of hiring IT services. Yet, bringing on such an organization might have prevented several headaches.
To find out why, here are the benefits of IT services for your s ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
Gathering feedback is an inevitable result of running a business. Whether it’s through social media channels, comment forms, support tickets, or simple emails, your actions will attract praise or criticism from your customers regardless of whether you welcome it. You should welcome it, of course: you can use it to steer your business in the right direction, slowly tweaking it to better meet the desires and requirements of your target audience.
The difficulty, though, lies in getting consistent and high-quality feedback. If you don’t make it clear that you actually value the feedback you receiv ..read more
SnapRetail Blog
3y ago
If you could sell your product face-to-face to every customer, would you?
The answer is probably a resounding yes. Unfortunately, this isn’t a realistic nor scalable way to effectively grow your business. This desire, though, reinforces the idea that personalization is needed to more proactively appeal to every individual customer.
Although you might not be able to sell directly to each customer on a 1:1 basis, you can still personalize your customer journey, so it feels like you are speaking directly to them.
Masterfully accomplishing this, though, is no easy task. The extra effort into infus ..read more