Scrum is Hard and Disruptive #3 - If It Ain't Broke Blog
by Ryan Ripley
8h ago
In "Scrum is Hard and Disruptive #3—If it ain't broke..." Todd and Ryan explore how sticking with waterfall could make sense. Based on Ken Schwaber's 2006 white paper, this conversation unpacks crucial Scrum aspects that resonate even in today's dynamic business landscape. Ken's 2nd Statement: "If waterfall suits current needs, continue using it."   Embracing Pragmatism in Agile At first glance, this statement might seem to endorse the traditional Waterfall model, often seen as the antithesis of agile methodologies like Scrum. However, Miller and Ripley’s discussion reveals a more nuance more
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Mastering Measurement in Scrum: Insights Beyond Metrics (From PM to PSM 21) Blog
by Steven Deneir
17h ago
The Measurement Performance Domain in traditional project management focuses on using data to assess performance and make informed decisions. In Scrum, the approach to measurement emphasizes transparency, inspection, and adaptation, integrating concepts like the Cone of Uncertainty and the strategic use of information radiators to enhance decision-making processes. Potential Dangers for Traditional Project Managers, just picking out two from my experiences: Overreliance on Predictive Metrics: Traditional metrics often attempt to forecast far into the future, but in Scrum, the Cone of Uncert more
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[VLOG] Estimation in Scrum (Deep Tutorial) Blog
by Mehdi Hoseini
2d ago
This is a free step-by-step deep tutorial about estimation techniques.   There are three main categories of estimation: 1- Absolute Estimation 2- Relative Estimation 3- Flow Metrics In this video, I will talk about thinking guidelines for estimation and introduce 6 estimation techniques. More than that, I'll comprehensively explain Planning Poker, a technique for Relative Estimation. You can also start your Scrum journey with me if you want to learn the most accurate version of Scrum (Professional Scrum, Not Superficial Scrum). It starts with my PSM (Professional Scrum Master) class. You more
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Velocity und Goodhart’s Law ?? Blog
by Stefan Wolpers
2d ago
In Kürze: Velocity und Goodhart’s Law Stellen Sie sich vor, der Vorgesetzte Ihres Teams besteht darauf, dass ein erfolgreiches Team seine Velocity regelmäßig verbessert. Wie könnten Sie als Team diese seltsame, unangemessene Forderung erfüllen, ohne mehr zu arbeiten? Wie können Sie Velocity und Goodhart’s Law versöhnen, sollte dies möglich sein? Ich führe diese Übung mit meinen Teilnehmern an Scrum Master- und Product Owner-Einsteigerkursen durch, um ihnen zu helfen, über die heikle Natur der Erfolgsmessung, der Metriken und natürlich des Goodhartschen Gesetzes nachzudenken: „Wenn eine Messgr more
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5 Lektionen für angehende Trainer: Erkenntnisse aus über 150 Trainings mit mehr als 1800 Teilnehmern in 4 Jahren Blog
by Simon Flossmann
2d ago
In vielen meiner Trainings nutze ich Interviews. Dabei dürfen die Teilnehmer einen anderen Teilnehmer oder mich interviewen. Im „Professional Scrum Master - Advanced“-Kurs sogar ihren Product Owner, der nicht am Training teilnimmt. Für viele Teilnehmer ist dies eine neue und ungewohnte Situation. Wenn sie sich auf das Wagnis einlassen, beobachte ich immer wieder, wie sie über sich hinauswachsen und Neues lernen. Einige Teilnehmer überfordern Interviews jedoch. Ihr Kopf wird rot oder ihre Atmung sehr flach. An Lernen ist jetzt nicht mehr zu denken. Woran liegt das? Die Antwort ist die erste Ein more
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アジャイルの旅ポッドキャスト S1E13: Experience Designでより良い製品を開発する Blog
by Gregory Fontaine
2d ago
アジャイルの旅ポッドキャストについて このポッドキャストでは、業界のエキスパートを特別ゲストとして迎え、アジャイルとスクラムの世界にふかく潜り込んでいきます。スクラム、DevOps、ユーザーエクスペリエンス、プロダクトマネージメント、コーチングなど、様々なトピックをカバーします。 私、フォンテーヌグレゴリは、「アジャイルの旅」ポッドキャストのホストです。アジャイルコーチ、スクラムマスター、またはコンサルタントとして日本企業を支援しております。そして、Scrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナル・スクラム・トレーナーです。このポッドキャストは、日本語でScrum.orgの認定プロフェッショナル・スクラム・トレーニングを提供するOptilearnによって提供されています。 今回のエピソードについて 木原 朝美さんはマーケティング、プロダクトデザイン、UI、UX、エクスペリエンスデザインの分野で豊富な経験を持っています。ソフトウェアプロダクトだけではなく、それ以外の製品やサービスのデザインにも携わっています。木原さんは現在エムエスディ株式会社でExperience Designerを勤めています。その前は、RakutenでUX Designerとして勤めていました。木原さんはFriends of Figma Tokyo Community のAdvocateをされていて、日本のUX Des more
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Why Do We Need the Product Owner? Blog
by Ciprian Banica
2d ago
The PO maximises value by setting the direction for the product, reflecting the customer needs and desires in clear business objectives, assessing technical challenges, and validating assumptions. This article was first published in the newsletter. Subscribe to to be the first to receive articles like this. The Product Owners balance understanding stakeholders and trusting developers, ensuring that the work items align with the product vision and the product goal. They establish ways to collect and analyse user and customer feedback, ensuring that the product continu more
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El viaje de la entrega de valor Blog
by Joel Francia Huambachano
3d ago
El dominio de las prácticas de gestión ágil de producto es esencial para un Product Owner exitoso. Tener presente a los usuarios y clientes durante todo el proceso de desarrollo es necesario para aumentar la transparencia y mejorar la inspección y adaptación. Identificar los problemas, dolores y necesidades debe ser tomado en cuenta durante el Sprint. El Proceso de desarrollo ágil puede lograr un mejor impacto en el negocio y los clientes cuando se produce una mejora de la transparencia a través del alineamiento estratégico. Esto puede partir desde la definición del objetivo de negocio a nive more
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4 Red Flags Your Agile Team May Not Fully Embrace Incremental Delivery Blog
by Mary Iqbal
4d ago
I write a lot about incremental delivery because it is so central to the success of Agile teams. And - like the Scrum framework itself - it is easy to understand but can be hard to master. Incremental delivery is the idea that Agile teams should deliver value in smaller pieces of usable product. It's the idea that teams should deliver value frequently so that the team can increase transparency, inspect honestly, and adapt based on what is learned. This approach increases predictability and enables Agile teams to deliver value sooner and reduce risk. Although people generally agree with the co more
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How to be a REALLY GOOD Scrum Master. Blog
by Gregory Crown
4d ago
  In this Responsive Advisors Lightning Round, Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper,  Jason Malmstadt, and I explore the true skills that make a really good Scrum Master. Learn what sets great Scrum Masters apart from the rest. We will discuss important traits like leadership, influence, and managing complexity. Whether you're new to Scrum or looking to improve your skills, this video will help you understand what it takes to excel in this role more
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