Mobilizing Volunteers to Combat Societal Challenges
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Erin Halley
5y ago
We have seen how the recent protests around the world have awakened and impassioned a much greater segment of our population to consider the long history of injustice and racism that exists in the U.S. Additionally, the challenges surfacing from COVID-19 are creating greater needs in our communities, while nonprofits are struggling with filling volunteering roles. Making volunteering more accessible brings communities together to address these critical societal challenges. VolunteerMatch was built to help strengthen communities by providing a platform for organizations in our neighborhoods wo more
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Inequality is Increasing. What Can You do?
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Erin Halley
5y ago
The widening inequality gap we are witnessing as we emerge from the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic and the attention being paid to the killings of Black Americans including Ahmaud Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, and, most recently, George Floyd remind us of the absolute necessity of continuing the work to create a society that supports and values each of its members equally. How can we build a society based around compassionate communities, whose members are motivated and empowered to take action to actively improve the world for their fellow human beings? Building Awareness At a recent panel more
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Standing for Justice And Service
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Greg Baldwin
5y ago
Over the last several weeks, we have been devastated by the killings of Ahmaud Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.  These tragedies are painful reminders of the long history of injustice and racism in the U.S. that continues to tear our communities apart and leaves us living in fear of one another. We all know there is another way — a country where we would all live as “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  But we don’t live in that world. George Floyd did not live in that world.  VolunteerMatch was built to help strengthen communities by more
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Government Collaboration Key to Closing Volunteer Gap
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Laura Plato
5y ago
The challenges surfacing from COVID-19 are creating greater needs in our communities. Nonprofits are struggling with filling volunteering roles, while the people in our communities who need these services are growing. In fact from research we performed during the month of March, we learned that 93% of nonprofit organizations are seeing volunteer cancellations, with some losing 100% of their volunteer force.  Technology Enhancements Based on Nonprofit Needs At VolunteerMatch, we are actively listening and learning from our community of nonprofits since the COVID-19 crisis began. These lea more
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4 Ways to Prepare Your Nonprofit for Reopening
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Jennifer Bennett
5y ago
Moving Forward: Volunteer Engagement During COVID-19 What should volunteer engagement look like as we move forward with the next phase of COVID-19 response? While things are opening back up, we are not just returning to life as it was before March. What should we consider before inviting volunteers to return, and how can we ensure that we’re doing our best to protect our volunteers, our clients, and others in our organization? 1. Update Your Policies Ensure that volunteer staff are included in your organization’s reopening plans. What policies will apply to volunteers, and are you following al more
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Be Inspired by Those Fighting Hunger
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Erin Halley
5y ago
There has been an increase in overall demand of food from Food Banks across the U.S. because of COVID-19. It’s amazing to see our communities: individuals, businesses, governments, and nonprofit organizations come together to support the people in need. It shows that if we collaborate and work together, we can make a significant difference in fighting hunger in our communities. Here are some inspiring ways people are working together to combat this growing challenge. One Child Sparks Food Donations in His Community For his eighth birthday, Emilio Flor from New Jersey decided to ask for food d more
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4 Ways to Make A Difference Now
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Erin Halley
5y ago
COVID-19 has dramatically changed our lives, and many of us are feeling less connected to others. But, even as we learn to navigate these changes, it’s also empowering to see so many public illustrations of how we are connected — and that, when we each take actions towards helping our communities, and work together, we can make huge strides in combating these larger societal challenges.  Volunteering, A Positive Impact in Your Communities and Yourself By doing so, you are also taking care of yourself. Studies have shown that volunteering is good for your mental health. According to a Vol more
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How to Meet Surging Demand at Food Banks
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Laura Plato
5y ago
Demand is up. Supply is down. How can you help beat food insecurity and hunger during COVID-19? You’ve no doubt seen the increasingly alarming coverage in the national media about the desperate situation faced by food banks across the U.S.. From NBC to The Atlantic, the stories just seem to get more concerning as this pandemic continues. Astronomical increases in demand, often from people for whom it’s the first time tapping into these safety nets. Restaurant closures making it impossible to funnel gifts over to the pantries. Grocery stores cleaned out by nervous consumers, halting their usua more
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This #GivingTuesdayNow, Feel the Power of Giving
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Darcy Hughes
5y ago
May 5, 2020, is #GivingTuesdayNow, a new global day of unity meant to encourage generosity, citizen engagement, and support for nonprofits around the world.  Created as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19, it joins #GivingTuesday, still set to take place on its regular schedule for December 1, 2020, as a special day of focus to encourage us all to come together to create a wave of generosity and positive social action. When you give back — of your time, your talents, or your treasure — you create a special connection with the people and communities you care more
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3 Ways To Maximize Social Impact in May
Engaging Volunteers | VolunteerMatch Blog for Social Change Organizations
by Erin Halley
5y ago
COVID-19 has dramatically changed our lives in every way. As you are learning new ways of doing things, you may be seeking out more inspiration, wanting to celebrate what you and your teams have accomplished, or looking for ways to navigate in this new environment. So how can do this and connect with others virtually and learn from each other? Here are 3 ways you can be inspired, grow, and learn in May.  1. Share Generosity | #GivingTuesdayNow | May 5 At this moment, as the country continues to deal with a global health and economic crisis, GivingTuesday, the groundbreaking global genero more
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