Surviving 2022
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
2y ago
I wanted 2022 to be my comeback story. I even chose my word of the year with manifestation in mind. I chose “thrive,” because I was so sick of barely surviving. I wanted to take 2022 by the horns, feel like myself again, and smash my goals. I wanted to feel deep joy and let go of deep pain. After two years of having my life completely turned upside down by grief, loss, a pandemic, postpartum depression and anxiety, changing jobs, and more, I wanted to dig my heels in again, commit to myself and truly come out on top. I started 2022 off sick as a dog and with hives, ultimately making the decisi more
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My Progress as a Sober Person
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
2y ago
As the sober community flourishes, we are seeing more and more sober curious folks and fewer people attending 12 step meetings. We are seeing people take breaks from alcohol just because, and not feel the pressure of defining their relationship with alcohol. Frankly, I am shocked and impressed by this shift. If you told me 9 years ago when I first got sober that this would happen I would have said, “no way.” See, back when I got sober there was only one way. Well, there was only one way that anyone ever talked about, and that was Alcoholics Anonymous. Attend meetings, get a sponsor, read the b more
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The Courage to Grieve
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
2y ago
Nobody told me life was riddled with so much grief. Nobody told me at times it would be hard to see any joy or hope at all. Nobody prepared me for the depression and grief of being an adult. When you’re a child you get time to rest and your parents will likely let you lay on the couch while they bring you snacks and in general, having fun is a top priority. As an adult, your top priorities are keeping yourself and your family alive, paying the bills, giving enough at work so that you can keep your job and hopefully get a raise, and shield yourself from the inevitable wrenches that home ownersh more
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What To Do When It's All Gone To Shit
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
2y ago
I feel like I’m always bombarded by authors who write about the worst circumstances you could think of, their husband dies unexpectedly, they lost everything they have, their life goes nothing as planned, yet they always persevere. It’s a happy story about their success and their triumph. The reader is always left thinking “how does this person find joy and success in their life after all of that?” Call me crazy but I always wonder what happens in the middle when that person is absolutely brought to their knees in devastation, contemplating how to go on and live. I don’t think we talk about th more
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How TikTok Saved My Life
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
3y ago
I know what you’re thinking. “What saved your life?!” “Am I reading the right blog?” Yes and yes, you read that correctly! It’s still me and you’re in the right place…hear me out. Social media gets a bad wrap, especially lately.  Have you noticed people attributing world issues to social media? I’ve heard people say it brings out the worst in people. We know it can affect teens’ mental health and body image. I’ve personally seen influencers and business owners spend a lot of time growing their audiences over years and curating the “perfect” feed, only to then cite social media as being “t more
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One Year of Motherhood
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
3y ago
How can an entire year be simultaneously the hardest year of your life and also the one where the most magical thing happened? How can I love my baby so much, but also acknowledge that his presence has turned my world upside down? The paradox of motherhood, I suppose. I feel like I am in a state of celebration of sorts. I survived my first year of motherhood. I won’t sugarcoat it though; it was fucking intense. I wanted to be prepared for motherhood. I waited until I was 34 years old to start trying for a baby because I knew it would be…a lot. I read a lot of books. I listened to a lot of podc more
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A Year Without You, Dad
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
3y ago
Over the last year I have questioned everything. I have lost my desire to write. I have lost my clear belief in the goodness of the universe. I have asked myself over and over again, what is it all for? Does it matter? I have lost my patience for bullshit. I have lost a desire to uphold the nicety of everyday life. Thinking about where I was a year ago today makes the heart palpitations begin all over again. Over the last week, all I can think about is how a year ago, I thought everything in the world was finally going right, but the truth is it was about to all start going wrong. I thought I more
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Time is a Cruel Gift
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
3y ago
Is there anything that makes you analyze the concept of time more than death?  Ever since my dad died I have obviously been thinking a lot about death. For years, to me death meant growing old, or deteriorating as the years went on. It meant attending funerals for people who had lives well spent and a legacy to leave behind. I also thought a lot about death in relation to my addiction. There were days when I didn’t think I’d wake up, but I did. And back then, I didn’t care if I woke up or not. But when you get sober, it’s all about getting your life back. I learned to want to be alive. I more
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8 Years Sober
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
4y ago
Eight years ago I embarked on a journey that has shaped how my life has unfolded. Before I got sober I never thought about my future much. I didn’t consider if what I was doing was good or helped people. I wasn’t worried about my career or achievements. I didn’t think about yesterday or tomorrow. And though I was “living in the moment,” those moments added up and the years passed me by. Eight years ago I finally woke up and asked myself what am I doing? I realized I was slowly wasting my life away. The irony is I was convinced I was living my best life. I really thought, and portrayed, my life more
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Recovery From Grief
Sober Senorita Blog
by Kelly Fitzgerald Junco
4y ago
It’s true that grief is a part of our everyday lives. We experience grief all the time. Whether it’s from making decisions, seasons of changes with relationships and careers, quitting a behavior like drinking, or moving from one phase of life to another. The truth is when we move on and leave something behind or steer into a new direction, there is always grief. We feel grief for what could have been, what we didn’t choose, and the life we won’t have because of the decisions we make.  Grief has always been difficult for me. Letting go has never been my strong suit. You could say I’m the o more
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