How sobriety changed my life
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
When I speak to people about how sobriety changed my life, I often tell them sobriety gave me the stable foundations I needed to get my shit together and to create the life I want to live. Let me give you the back story … In 2015, I was drinking a lot. I was out […] The post How sobriety changed my life appeared first on more
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Working with your inner child
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
I know working with your inner child might sound a bit “out there” to some of you. But, it can be an amazing tool to help you feel safe, supported and more confident as an adult. Did you just eye roll at me? I hope you didn’t because learning to work with your inner […] The post Working with your inner child appeared first on more
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When gratitude is hard: a new way to approach gratitude
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
In the current climate when gratitude is hard to find in our everyday lives sometimes, what do we do?! Gratitude sometimes can feel like it’s been overdone (just me?!) and yet the benefits of gratitude have been proven time and time again. Even the notion of being grateful on a hard day conjures up an […] The post When gratitude is hard: a new way to approach gratitude appeared first on more
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How do you habit? Thoughts on how to make good habits happen
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
Do you know how you habit? What your good habit tendency is? I have been thinking about habit and routine a lot recently. Predominantly because for a few months, I seemed utterly incapable of sticking to a routine or any of the habits I WANTED to keep or start. To be able to change a […] The post How do you habit? Thoughts on how to make good habits happen appeared first on more
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5 Tips To Help You Stay Well This Winter
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
5 Tips To Help You Stay Well This Winter “Cold weather? It’s snow problem.” — Unknown The clocks have gone back, the days feel short and leaving the house without a hat, scarf and gloves is a risky decision – and its only November! Soon most of us will be going to work in the dark […] The post 5 Tips To Help You Stay Well This Winter appeared first on more
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How I Got My Shit Together
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
I have been running this blog for over four years now. I started it on the day I stopped drinking alcohol. But that day wasn’t the start of my self-improvement joruney. I am often asked where it all started, and how I got my shit together, so I thought I’d share it in one easily […] The post How I Got My Shit Together appeared first on more
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Reflections at Four Years Sober
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
  This morning, I woke up in my bed in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The fan is circulating the air, and it’s 28 degrees outside. Four years ago yesterday, I woke up in my bed in freezing cold Hackney, London, with a slight headache. On that day, I decided I was going to stop drinking alcohol […] The post Reflections at Four Years Sober appeared first on more
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6 Books to Read in Lockdown 2020
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
It has been a year. A year where many of us have probably watched way more TV than we ever knew possible, and perhaps read a lot more books too. I’ve pulled together six of my favourite books to read in lockdown from the books I’ve read so far this year. In Cambodia, we haven’t […] The post 6 Books to Read in Lockdown 2020 appeared first on more
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Is Hidden Perfectionism Holding You Back?
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
When you think of a perfectionist, what do you envisage? I see an impeccably neat, hair perfectly done, person who lives in a very clean, tidy apartment, is always on time and ticks everything off her to do list. That is not me. And so, I have never identified as a perfectionist, until last week. […] The post Is Hidden Perfectionism Holding You Back? appeared first on more
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How and Why I Moved to Cambodia
Girl & Tonic
by lauriemcallister
2y ago
I moved to Siem Reap, Cambodia, in December 2019 – if you follow me on Instagram you’ll already know that. A lot of people have asked me about how and why I decided to move to Cambodia, and how I facilitated the move. I’ve now been here for 7 months, so I thought it was […] The post How and Why I Moved to Cambodia appeared first on more
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