From £50 to £500 – Kickstarting your van fund
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
If you’ve read much of our website you will hear us talk about how we funded a lot of our van build and travels through something called matched betting. We’ve written about what exactly matched betting is (read about it here) and also how to get started yourself (read about that here) and we’ve had more
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Vanlife Interview: Leon @thediaryofavanman
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
It’s been a while since we last posted a vanlife interview so to be able to come back with an interview with Leon from @thediaryofavanman is a real treat. We’ve followed his journey with his vans on his YouTube channel for a while now and have been treated to countless van builds as Leon searches more
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Vanlife Interview: Jamie @thevanwithoutaplan
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
After reading about the death of Jamie’s van from @thevanwithoutaplan that we had been enjoying seeing popping up on our Instagram feed we wanted to get in touch with him to see what his experience of vanlife was and whether the hardships were worth it as he embarks on a new conversion. A post shared more
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Vanlife Interview: Viki and Cleo @vanilla.icedream
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
We first came across Viki and Cleo when we saw them on The Indie Projects tour of their van and so immediately started following their instagram @vanilla.icedream to see more and read more about their story. We reached out soon after for an interview about their experiences living the van life. A post shared by more
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Vanlife Interview: Marina and Odie @pamthevan91
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
I remember before me and Olivia had decided to go travelling together and I was looking for people who were living in very small vans and successfully travelling and Marina of @pamthevan91 came up on a search with an interview she had done. I was super impressed that she was living such a small life but more
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Vanlife Interview: Bee and Theo @theindieprojects
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
I’m not sure Theo and Bee need much of an introduction as most people who have any interest in vanlife will have probably seen many if not all of their videos via their YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram and Website all under the name The Indie Projects. We’ve been lucky enough to cross paths many times more
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Vanlife Interview: Izzy and Laurie @camperdreamin
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
As always we’re suckers for beautifully converted vans which is how we happened upon Izzy and Laurie’s beautiful van over at @camperdreamin and since we found them we’ve wanted to find out a bit more about them and their van so we reached out for an interview and they kindly obliged so here it is: A more
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Van Tour: Split Charge Relay
these rolling hills
by theserollinghills
5y ago
As with all vans you see on Instagram you have no idea what’s really under all the wood and panelling and our van is exactly the same. Based on the questions we get from you guys we thought we would pull back the curtain a little and talk you through what went on during our more
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