Neetsmarketing Blog
A blog on social media for writers and book marketing, by Anita Chapman.
Neetsmarketing Blog
3y ago
This is just a post to tell you that my new blog can now be found under the Blog tab in my new, revamped website: Neetsmarketing.com. First post is How Do Authors Use Social Media Now? Social media for authors has changed in recent years, and in my post, I talk about Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, plus the rise of video and BookTok. Relevant posts from this blog will be updated and gradually moved over-and posts on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter will be coming soon, amongst others.
Hope to see you there, and you can subscribe to new posts there as well ..read more
Neetsmarketing Blog
5y ago
I first wrote my beginner’s guide to Twitter in January 2015, amending it in 2016 and re-writing in 2017. Since then, I’ve added changes when Twitter made them, but it’s time to re-write this post completely again, so here goes:
Why be on Twitter as a writer?
If you’re reading this, you’ll probably know that Twitter is useful for authors for many reasons. Twitter is great for building relationships with other authors, readers, book bloggers, librarians, book shops etc and a good way to stay up-to-date with the publishing industry. By being on Twitter, you’ll get to know who everyone is ..read more