Sugo di pomodoro con alloro e cannella (tomato sauce with bay leaves and cinnamon)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
3d ago
A few days ago, I helped a friend to clear his garden after the previous day’s severe pollarding that followed a storm which had toppled one of the trees. At first, I did not pay much attention to those thick branches that carpeted the grounds; then I picked up one of them, scrunched a couple more
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Hazelnut ragù (ragù di nocciole)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
1M ago
An unusual recipe where toasted hazelnuts replace minced meat. I discovered this idea online, but there is not much information about it – I suspect this is a relatively modern recipe.The chopped hazelnuts lose their crunchiness, and, with the support of tomatoes, dried ceps, spices and red wine, become a deeply flavoured sauce, as satisfying more
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Torta di patate e porri, della Lunigiana ma con influenze sudiste (potato and leek pie, from Lunigiana but also with southern Italian influences)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
3M ago
Lunigiana is the austere mountainous area where three regions meet: Toscana, Liguria and Emilia Romagna. From the administrative point of view, it is now part of Tuscany, but historically and culturally it has always been a terra di confine, a border land, where the identities of those three regions, and of its people and food more
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Pan di mort (All Souls spiced chocolate biscuits from Lombardy)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
3M ago
Pan di mort (All Souls spiced chocolate biscuits from Lombardy more
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Polpette di pane – bread polpette or breadballs, if you insist
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
9M ago
Lucca, June 2022 . London, August 2022. This has been the best, most rewarding recipe of this summer. Just love it I am a bread collector. All those stale loaf-ends (apparently called “the heels”) that cannot be eaten but cannot be turned into breadcrumbs either, I put aside – “I will make a bread pudding more
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Torta monferrina di mele e zucca (apple and pumpkin cake from Monferrato, Piemonte)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
1y ago
Well, that title IS misleading in its conciseness. It should read “apple, pumpkin, amaretti, chocolate, figs and sultana cake with brandy and rum” – no less!. This opulent pudding is one of the most delicious and the most unusual dishes I have tasted in a long time. It comes from Piemonte (again!, as you might have more
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Miascia (Bread, grape and rosemary cake from Lake Como)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
1y ago
Miascia (Bread, grape and rosemary cake from Lake Como more
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Scarpaccia viareggina (sweet and custardy courgette cake from Viareggio, in Tuscany)
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
1y ago
It took a leap of faith and my avid curiosity to try this cake: could a basic sweet batter and some grated courgettes make a good cake? No nuts, no sultanas, no spices…really? A resolute “yes!” is the answer. This is a most unusual and excellent cake come dessert: delicate, plain and light, but not more
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Pasta china – baked pasta with mini meatballs and lots of other lovely things, from Calabria
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
1y ago
“Pasta china” is the name of a sumptuous, festive, baked pasta dish from Calabria, the heel of Italy, in the deep south. In the local dialect, “china” stands for the Italian adjective “piena”, full, and that’s exactly what this dish is about: a riotous affair of short tubular pasta dressed with a spicy tomato sauce more
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Notes on panzanella
Italian home cooking
by stefano arturi
1y ago
Panzanella On a hot, summer day in Lucca, few places are more agreeable to have lunch at than under the stone arches of the old trattoria Da Giulio, well protected from the gaze of the sun. The menu never changes (dreary to be a chef there, one would have thought) and the food is solid more
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