KDP Amazon Adds Hardcover Option
E-book Success 4 Free
by Jason Matthews
3y ago
It’s been a long time coming, as Amazon has finally added hardcover books as an option for self-publishers using their platform. From their email: In addition to eBook and paperback, KDP now offers hardcover publishing! With our new case laminate hardcover option for books between 75–550 pages, you can: Reach more readers. Feature your hardcover alongside your eBooks and paperbacks and let readers choose their preferred format. Earn royalties. Continue to earn 60% royalties on hardcover as you do with paperback. There will be an adjusted printing cost for hardcover. Publish your har ..read more
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Should You Ever Print Your Book On Demand?
E-book Success 4 Free
by Jason Matthews
5y ago
This guest post is by Reedsy writer, Desiree Villena. In this digital day and age, it can be hard to know whether printing physical books is a worthwhile endeavor, when ebooks have become so prominent and accessible for readers. As an ebook entrepreneur, you probably haven’t spent much time considering the possibilities of printing your book on demand. After all, why spend money on additional design work and printing costs when ebooks are so much easier to format and distribute? However, some authors may not realize the unique advantages of printed books, especially if you’re an indie author w ..read more
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