Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
Prowess Publishing has over 14 years of experience delivering innovative solutions to the Publishing & Media companies around the world. We have been involved with Self-Publishing Industry in US since 2011 and have helped hundreds of Authors launch their careers.
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
2y ago
Amazon has grown into an advertising behemoth challenging rival platforms for literary works such as BookBub, Facebook, and Google. The world’s largest online retailer has established a presence in marketing, selling books since 1995—a year after founder Jeff Bezos launched the entire firm—and having transformed and updated its promotional services overtime.
In 2012, the company developed Amazon Media Group or AMG, Amazon Marketing Services or AMS and Amazon Advertising Platform or AAP. The aim of its advertising business was to link sellers, such as you, the indie author, with customers ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
2y ago
The greatest marketing asset of your book is its cover. It sells the book and raises its profile in the eyes of your potential readership. As a result, you must carefully select and coordinate every component of your book cover design. Never mind that you have little to no background in graphic art. With tools like BookBrush and Canva, you don’t need one.
In this post, you will learn the fundamentals of how to develop a well-illustrated facade for your work that appeals to your readers, communicates its topic and mood, and guarantees sales. A strategically chosen layout, typography, color sche ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
As an author, you likely promoted your works on Facebook, Instagram, and specific book promotion sites. You might have heard of or used TikTok but not thought of utilizing it to market your book.
At first glance, you may ask if you can really use TikTok effectively as a tool to push your finest creation. Taking on a video-oriented, social networking platform to promote your published work may seem challenging.
Still, TikTok has proved its capacity for effective book marketing and is immensely popular. Its BookTok social media community has paid off with huge dividends for authors of any age. N ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
With your new work out on the market, you are ready to approach bloggers and enthusiasts for book reviews. After all, you’ve updated your author website, regularly sent your email and social media alerts to your readership and fan base, and received and acted on even more marketing advice. So what’s missing?
Surely, you’ve been told about the importance of a book review in marketing and selling your newly-published work. Then you are aware of the impact that book reviews have on sales and the “social proof” they give the public of the quality and value of your work. You likely also know that r ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
The task of writing a book is daunting enough. However, you may not feel you have a firm grasp on cover design or other aspects of the self-publishing process. Even if you do, the industry changes and new trends always emerge for you to learn and act on. As a result, you must turn to outside influences for guidance.
To place you on the right track, here are five of the most essential and insightful blogs you need to follow.
Kindlepreneur is the brainchild of its very accessible author, inventor, and book marketing consultant Dave Chesson. It is a free online resource that teaches ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
A publisher’s job is to fuel the constant demand for books, and now more than ever, there is a growing market for eBooks. So no matter the size of your publishing operation, you’ll want to have an effective distribution method. Choosing the right eBook distributor makes the process easy and leaves you with the assurance that an expert is handling everything.
Finding an eBook Distributor
There are many ways a publisher can find the right eBook distributor. You may connect with a distributor at a trade show or have someone refer one to you. Many services can also be found online or in trade sour ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
These days, most new authors, especially self-published ones, lean on their own professional networks to promote their works. However, if, as a new author, you choose to rely on the print and broadcast media to get the word out about your book, be prepared to reach out with a gripping press release.
And, by “a gripping press release,” we mean a newsworthy, credible, disinterested, and informative document that, as a result, grabs the attention of a news reporter and boosts your chances of gaining coverage for your book.
“Gripping” also means that your press release must also be entertaining, t ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
So you’re over the moon, polishing off the first draft of your book moreover eager to self-publish and pull off your book launch. You can just see the hundreds of copies in the first batch of sales, the thousands of dollars in passive revenue, and dozens of offers for interviews, book readings, and book signings.
But how do you go about self-publishing and marketing it? What are the first steps? How do you successfully pull off a book launch?
A Common Mistake Indie Authors Make
Often, before or after they’ve penned their new work, indie authors make the common mistake of not promoting their bo ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
Congratulations! You’ve done it! You’ve finally finished and self-published your very first novel!
All your years of hard work and dedication. All the blood, sweat, and tears you poured into this project have finally paid off. Your book is now ready and available for the world to read!
However, with hundreds of thousands of websites at our fingertips these days, how do you help narrow down the search?
How do you ensure that your book is found quickly and easily by potential readers? The answer involves descriptive book metadata and choosing the right keywords for your project ..read more
Prowess Publishing Blog For Indian Creative Writers
3y ago
Outlines have been ingrained in the writing process ever since the first great story was written. As years passed, many authors consider a question as they develop as a writer; is writing a book outline important?
Writing A Book Outline:
Some authors would argue that outlining a story goes against the organic nature of narrative writing, but others will argue that writing an outline allows for a fully fleshed-out story with a coherent plot. There is no right or wrong answer. It all depends on your writing style. If you tend to write stories with no outline, chances are, you’re not going to wri ..read more