Global SITREP B2-24: Unprecedented Events Taking Place
by Sean Osborne
1w ago
  BREAKING 13 July 2024: About 40 minutes ago a sniper attempted to assassinate President Trump at a MAGA Rally in Butler, PA. The image above is a screen capture of the Secret Service detail extracting President Trump from the stage area. Chaotic situation, details will become clearer as time passes more
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Global SITREP B1-24: The Psalm 83 War
by Sean Osborne
1M ago
Expandable Map of Lebanon, N. Israel, W. Syria 12 June 2024: Eschatology Today has so noted of late the incremental escalations in the war in the North between Israel and the host of enemies in both Lebanon and Syria it's necessary at this time to lean forward with the 2024 B-series of SITREPS in anticipation of full-scale warfare erupting.  The Gaza War (a/k/a 'Swords of Iron') is nearing its finale as far as HAMAS and the PIJ in Gaza are concerned. Israel has achieved full operational control of the Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border, the Rafah Crossing and is pa more
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Global SITREP A10-24: The End of HAMAS and The War in the North Part V
by Sean Osborne
2M ago
The Theater of Prophetic War 30 May 2024: Eschatology Today may be the first to note that the current war launched against Israel by the Islamic jihadists of HAMAS in Gaza on October 7, 2023, and then joined by the Islamic jihadists in Lebanon, Iraq, Iran and Yemen has fully transitioned from a war of localized tactical engagements to a war of theater-wide strategic engagements. This transition brings us to the doorstep of the over-arching prophetic scenario discussed here for more than the past decade. The deployment and use of strategic strike weapons such as 1,000 miles plus drone more
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Global SITREP A9-24: The End of HAMAS and The War in the North Part IV
by Sean Osborne
2M ago
10 May 2024: Israel will do what Israel must do. Eliminating the primary jihadist threat of HAMAS and its Islamic Jihad allies in Gaza is the first priority of what must be done. The IDF will expand its military operations far beyond the eastern section of Rafah and in so doing annihilate the remaining for or so "battalions" of the terrorists in southern Gaza over the coming days or even weeks. The thing is that despite all pressures and intimidations thrown at Israel by the leftist Biden Administration and Globalist allies, the IDF is now fully engaged in the battle in southern Gaza and wil more
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Global SITREP A8-24: The War in the North Part III
by Sean Osborne
3M ago
US Army M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles in Syria 22 April 2024/14 Nisan 5784: We begin SITREP A8-24 and Part III of this series on Erev Pesach ('Eve of Passover') by noting once again that nothing was resolved in the recent strike/counter-strike between Israel and the Twelver regime currently in power in Iran.  On the surface the demand upon Israel's War Cabinet led by PM Bibi Netanyahu government to defer from escalation of the war primarily lies with the Biden Administration and certain European countries. To these demands Netanyahu's coalition war cabinet reluctantly agreed t more
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Global SITREP A7-24: The War in the North Part II
by Sean Osborne
3M ago
12 April 2024: The cyber-sky is full of media and supposed insider flak at present regarding the who, what, when and how the Twelver Regime might attempt to strike in retaliation for Israel's strike on the IRGC-QF headquarters destruction of eleven days ago. And this doesn't even account for a highly probable Israeli response, a potential American retaliation against Iran and the massive amount of international hand-wringing over the entire possible if not probable rumors of war scenarios.  Most of the guesswork in the MSM citing anonymous official sources has, obviously, missed the mar more
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Global SITREP A5-24: Timely Warnings
by Sean Osborne
4M ago
  Overlay of 2017-2024 Total Solar Eclipses 21 March 2024: Reverend Jeff Moses this month has issued a three-part prophetic series on the upcoming total solar eclipse (8 April 2024) that crosses the continental USA from the southwest to the northeast. Reverend Moses overlays this coming event with information concerning the total solar eclipse of 2017 (7 years prior). These warning sermons from Reverend Moses of 10, 17 and and 20 March 2024 strongly reflect the Holy Spirit's repeated impressions upon Eschatology Today of late concerning the imminence of significant, world-changi more
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Global SITREP A4-24: The Parah Adumah (Red Heifer), Numbers 19 and October 7, 2023
by Sean Osborne
5M ago
  2 March 2024: In approximately, or within the next 50 days time, the Numbers 19:1-10 ordinance (statue) given to Moses and Aaron by God will be carried out on a newly constructed platform on the western side of the Mount of Olives. This day is has been reported since last year to be just prior to the 2024 observance of Passover on 22 April.  The Numbers 19 ordinance is news to no one who has read Eschatology Today or any truly Christian publication in recent months. This blog has brought the subject forward several times since 2015 when the Parah Adumah (Red Heifer) was firs more
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Global SITREP A3-24: Gaza Endgame
by Sean Osborne
5M ago
19 February 2024: SITREP A3-24 Gaza Endgame is intended to be a gap-filler for the next 20 days or so. March 10 is according to Israeli military command is the deadline upon which HAMAS and its associate terrorist organizations must unilaterally release all hostages (dead or alive) or face the IDF entering Rafah in full force. During this 20-day or so interim we'll attempt to capture important developments as Israel stands against the world in denial of the creation or recognition of a "Palestinian state" within its borders, and the threat of war with Hezbollah and/or enemies based in Syria more
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Global SITREP A2-24: The Point of No Return
by Sean Osborne
6M ago
30 January 2024: Eschatology Today has long interpreted Israel's current war as one which would eclipse all previous wars the country has fought from 1948-1973 combined. That mark has clearly been achieved even without total war with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iranian proxy forces in Syria frontier having erupted. (All indications from Israel are that an IDF Lebanon operation is very, very close, by the way.) The Middle East is now at a point of no return to what it was on October 6, 2023. Those days are over, gone forever. The U.S. government is comparing the current situation to the fall of more
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