Z3 News
I am James Bailey. I started this site in November 2012 to provide end-time news before it happens. The Z represents our end-time news focus because Z comes at the end of the alphabet. The 3 identifies how we know the news before it happens, which is by hearing from God. Our goal is to help God’s people draw closer to Him and get better prepared for the days ahead.
Z3 News
3d ago
Originally published by Lana Vawser Ministries.
Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Deeper depths, deeper depths, deeper depths,’ and the sense as He spoke these words was the invitation into the secret place, into the hidden place in Him, in a deeper way than we have experienced it before.
As I leaned into His heart and listened, I heard:
‘My people, the shaking is increasing. My people, the fire is about to increase in intensity in ways that you have not known before, and I am calling you, My people, deeper into the depths of My heart and My Word.… [Continue reading...]
The post I HEARD THE LOR ..read more
Z3 News
3d ago
Originally published by Wandaalger.me.
The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare, and in His temple all cry, “Glory!”
Psalms 29:7-9 ESV
In this day of needed justice and purification of the Body and the Bride, many are trying to find their voice. Many are seeking to give voice to the wrongdoings of others, the abuses and control, the secret sins of hidden places, and long forgotten failures of the past in the House of ..read more
Z3 News
1w ago
Originally published by Lana Vawser Ministries.
Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘My Word is the weapon against the warfare.’
As I leaned in and listened to the Lord’s heart, I heard:
‘My people, there are many in this hour who are facing opposition from the enemy where he has come to UNDERMINE authority. There has been a significant push that many have been feeling where the enemy is coming to attempt to cause them to abdicate their authority. But I say unto you, that MY WORD is the weapon against the warfare.… [Continue reading...]
Z3 News
1w ago
Originally published by Wandaalger.me.
Have you felt unable to move forward and take the next step? Have disappointments of the past immobilized your faith and caused you to get stuck in your tracks? I believe spirits of Fear and Self Protection are whispering into many ears and leading to a dead end. If this is you, God wants to reintroduce you to His Grace as an untapped source of power and strength.
For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives i ..read more
Z3 News
1w ago
Originally published by Lana Vawser Ministries.
Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘I am bringing you into a new realm of understanding.
As I leaned in and listened to the Lord heart, I heard the Lord say:
‘My people, I am inviting you into a new realm of understanding. I am bringing you deeper into a realm of understanding in My heart and My mind that you have not walked in before. I say unto you, that the only entry point into this new realm of understanding that I am bringing you into is humility.… [Continue reading...]
Z3 News
2w ago
Originally published by Wandaalger.me.
And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah.
2 Samuel 6:6-7
I don’t like releasing these kinds of words. It would be far easier to just encourage the saints and help everyone to feel better about themselves. And yet, there are times when the Spirit of the Lord grips my heart so completely, I cannot shake what the Father is conveying.
… [Continue reading...]
The post GET YOUR HAND OFF THE CART! first appea ..read more
Z3 News
2w ago
Originally published by Faithful Walk Healing Ministry.
Many believe that good are times ahead, we will experience a restored economy, and that the “golden age” has come. But the truth is, our faith is about to be tested. Great troubles are coming upon the land(s), and many will fall away to seducing spirits.
Nevertheless, I want to encourage the remnant. This is the season that those who have been refined by [His] fire, who have passed under the rod of correction, the Lord will anoint you to do exploits.… [Continue reading...]
The post Prophecy Update 2025: The Church of Philadelphia ..read more
Z3 News
2w ago
Right before posting my dream, I didn’t realize there was quite a few dreams regarding a tsunami hitting Houston from more than 9 years ago. This was my first time ever having a tsunami dream yet it was so vivid. This dream was in 2021 or 2022, I would have to get the exact date in the future.
In the dream I was driving on a Houston Highway (I live 4 hours from Houston). My son and youngest daughter was in the car with me.… [Continue reading...]
The post PROPHETIC DREAM OF A TSUNAMI HITTING HOUSTON first appeared on Z3 News ..read more
Z3 News
3w ago
Originally published by Lana Vawser Ministries.
As we have entered 2025 I have felt the Lord thundering John 15. It has felt like the call to abide in Him is being thundered louder than ever.
As I leaned in and listened to the Lord’s heart and His voice, I heard:
‘My people, ABIDE IN 2025. I am calling you deeper into the revelation and outworking of what it looks like to live in the vine. For I say unto you, that many are attempting to find nourishment in places outside of Me and I say unto you, I am the true vine and you are the branches (John 15:5) and I am drawing you, My people, into a ti ..read more
Z3 News
3w ago
Right before posting my dream, I didn’t realize there was quite a few dreams regarding a tsunami hitting Houston from more than 9 years ago. This was my first time ever having a tsunami dream yet it was so vivid. This dream was in 2021 or 2022, I would have to get the exact date in the future. Before this dream, I originally didn’t see the connection regarding Houston. I’ve been there several times and wanted to move there back in 2015.… [Continue reading...]
The post PROPHETIC DREAM OF A TSUNAMI HITTING HOUSTON first appeared on Z3 News ..read more