Breakfast Cure Blog
Break out of your breakfast rut! Easy healthy breakfast recipes & ideas. Tasty whole grain comfort food in just one minute with The Breakfast Cure breakfast bundles
Breakfast Cure Blog
10M ago
Are you considering hosting a Breakfast Cure brunch at your house or a congee/jook/porridge tasting at the clinic? Here are a few key tips to help make these events successful from the start.
We’ve served hundreds of samples in one day at our tastings during events like the Pacific Symposium. We’ve also served Breakfast Cure to our patients after an acupuncture treatment as they take a moment to enjoy basking in the acu-glow.
We’ve had many gatherings with friends and family and heard stories that warm our hearts from Breakfast Cure fans about holiday mornings with a full spread of toppings, s ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
2y ago
Let’s Nourish and Preserve Yin
Our current times surround us with endless encouragement to produce, achieve and spend our precious time actively accomplishing. Increasing energy and boosting metabolism are very popular. Chinese medicine offers plenty of great insight into building qi/energy and boosting yang/function. However, if you are suffering from dryness, flushes of heat, insomnia, or mood swings you are likely more interested in what foods make the best diet for Kidney Yin deficiency!
So let’s talk about a diet to nourish Yin with food in order to offer a conversation that balances all ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
2y ago
Have you ever spent endless hours working to help make life easier for someone or a group of people, only to realize you may have skipped over the most obvious and ridiculously simple solutions you could have offered?
This morning while talking with Tiffany, a colleague in Santa Cruz, California, and advocate for our profession as a volunteer member of the board at CSOMA. We got to chatting about easier ways to share congee and Breakfast Cure with patients who we know would benefit and love it.
“I use handouts for educating my patients about everything from cupping to bone broth. How about mak ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
2y ago
Food is one of the most important tools for warming and building Yang, the animating energy of our organs and systems. Because we eat multiple times a day, it’s very simple, easy, and effective to use warm and warming foods to nourish our Kidneys and our Yang energy. Have you ever wondered what foods make the best diet for Kidney Yang Deficiency? I invite you to cozy up with a warm cup and join me in this exploration.
How to Build Kidney Yang Deficiency with Diet
If your acupuncture practice is anything like mine, you are all too familiar with deficient pulses. How often do you l ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
2y ago
When patients arrive in my treatment room feeling “wound up” and “stressed out”, I check the state of the liver organ and associated energy channel or meridian. Before we dive into how to soothe liver qi stagnation with diet, let’s begin with a little exploration into the role of the liver in Chinese medicine.
The Free Flow of Liver Qi-Energy
The Liver organ and channel oversee the flow of energy throughout the entire body. We feel emotionally balanced and calm yet energetic when the Liver Qi is flowing freely.
When Liver Qi stagnates and the energy becomes stuck, we experience mental an ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
2y ago
All too often my patients show signs of Spleen Qi deficiency, and the best way to help them is through dietary recommendations. The best Spleen Qi deficiency diet includes warm, cooked foods as well as ingredients that are naturally warming.
The pale, puffy tongue with teeth marks and feeling weak or rolling pulses are immediate signals that a patient is experiencing Spleen Qi Deficiency. I hear how tired or even weak they feel, their worries, and the concerns they tend to over-think. There are complaints about bloating, loose stools, or constipation too.
What is Spleen Qi Deficiency?
In ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
2y ago
How about a trip to a tropical paradise? Introducing our newest flavor, a hydrating, heat-regulating recipe. Tropical Paradise Breakfast Cure keeps the metabolism-boosting benefits of warm food in your belly. At the same time, cooling pineapple and mango help you beat the heat. This recipe add another vegan, gluten-free flavor made with organic ingredients to the Breakfast Cure menu.
To create this recipe, we had to locate some deep and varied sources of flavor. Introducing some brand new players in the Breakfast Cure morning ensemble. We are super excited to share our new ingredients with you ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
3y ago
One question we hear often around Breakfast Cure boils down to, “Porridge vs Congee – What’s the difference?”
Porridge is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “a thick, soft food made from oats boiled in milk or water, eaten hot for breakfast.” Generally more oat-based in much of the UK, many other grains are used to make porridge, such as wheat kernels, buckwheat or kasha, barley, farro, etc., Porridge may be cooked with less water and eaten with a bit more body or relatively thick. Enjoyed at breakfast, porridge is mostly a morning meal.
Across Asia, rice porridge has many ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
3y ago
Why eat a vegan breakfast? More people are moving to plant-based meals. It’s important to help make that process easy, convenient, and delicious. At Breakfast Cure, we are also fully committed to making breakfasts that feel like a hug, warm and comforting. Organic, gluten-free, plant-based ingredients make our job easy because whole, real-food ingredients also taste the very best.
Plant-based diets can include some foods from other sources. Eating a vegan breakfast is one way to ensure at least one meal per day is free from animal products and by-products like eggs and dairy. Some people choos ..read more
Breakfast Cure Blog
3y ago
Though we typically talk to our customers about cooking Breakfast Cure in a 1.5 to 2 quart slow cooker, one of the more common questions we get is: what if I don’t have a slow cooker? Are there other ways to cook Breakfast Cure? Yes! Here are four surprising ways to cook Breakfast Cure.
We get it – there are already so many kitchen appliances
and only so many places to store them! Additionally, if you are new to Breakfast Cure, maybe you just want to try a package or two before you commit to (another) kitchen gadget. Breakfast Cure is designed to be the fastest and easiest homemade meal possib ..read more