Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel Breakfast Criminals is about starting your day with love: breakfast bowl recipes, acai bowls, inspiring interviews, yoga and wanderlust.
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
3y ago
What’s that in my tea? Thiacloprid, Acetamaprid, chlorpyrifos . . . the list goes on. If you aren’t familiar with these “ingredients,” you might be surprised that these carcinogens are among dozens of other pesticides, herbicides, and toxins that are in many popular tea brands. Yuck!
It’s indeed true that popular brands like Celestial Seasonings, Teavana, Bigelow, Lipton, Trader Joe’s and Twinings of London, among others are kind of loaded with toxic junk. 1 Even many “organic” tea brands are full of toxins.
If you have discerning taste and want a tea that offers antioxidants, including catec ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
3y ago
Coffee might be the most popular drink in the entire world with over 400 billion cups consumed every single day, but if you are experiencing some of the woes of high caffeine intake, it might be time to quit coffee for good or at least cut back. Whether or not you’re going to quit cold turkey or just limit drinking coffee, this guide will walk you through how to do it.
Don’t worry, we also address the dreaded caffeine withdrawal symptoms that can pop up along the way.
Like millions of other people, we’re a huge fan of coffee at Breakfast Criminals. It’s delicious, and can certainly help jump ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
3y ago
It’s true that coffee is full of antioxidants. In some ways a cup of Joe is the perfect morning boost – until you’re addicted to caffeine and you need more and more coffee to get that same “get up and go” feeling to jump start your day. Here’s the thing… coffee’s caffeine kick comes at a cost. In this review, I’ll tell you why I started looking for alternatives to coffee after only one year of drinking it, and why MUD\WTR is a great option if you want to kick your coffee addiction. What’s MUD\WTR? Named by its founder and CEO, Shane Heath, because of its muddy look, MUD\WTR is a combina ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
Not another omelette!
When you look for keto breakfast recipes, it’s important you don’t make the mistake of adding foods that will alter the metabolic state needed for you to burn fat and build lean muscle.
You’ve successfully replaced foods like vegetable oils, high-carb veggies, and even some beans and legumes throughout the rest of your day so that you don’t knock your body out of ketosis, but how do you do your keto breakfast right, without using eggs?
Some common keto mistakes:
Indulging in high-fat, low carb foods but eating too many unhealthy fats.
Not drinking enough water. This is ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
This post contains affiliate links, which means that we make a small commission when you place orders using our links.
I’m an avid health aficionado, yoga teacher, mother, and business owner. I’m always on the lookout for ways to better fuel my hectic life. Without good diet and lifestyle choices, I’d quickly crash and burn. Plus, I don’t want to live an average life, so I don’t.
In the Standard (average) American Diet (SAD) the consumption of too many simple carbs and sugars leads to obesity, depression, and a host of health problems we could all easily avoid. While some carbs are like quino ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
If you’re like me, you know that the right cup of coffee in the morning can define how the rest of your day goes. And since I got into starting my day with energizing butter coffee, my coffee ritual got a serious upgrade.
My mayan mocha fuels a few hours of productive work, followed by a nourishing savory meal that serves as a breakfast and lunch.
I used to be the kind of person who goes out in the morning to buy my coffee, but that’s not been the case since I got more into coffee and have been brewing my own coffee. After brewing, I blend it with spices like cinnam ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
Affiliate disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links, which means that we make a small commission when you place orders using our links. That doesn’t impact the price you pay. Thank you for your support!
If you’re like most frantically busy people, you’re likely not getting enough Omega-3s in your diet. When this one nutrient is missing, you can expect brain fog, depression, anxiety, inflammation and a host of other health issues that affect the day-to-day quality of your life.
Fortunately, there is a company that provides one of the most abundant sources of this nutrient fatty acid ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
Guest post by Christina Sarich for Breakfast Criminals. Chrisina is a writer, artist, yogi, musician and visionary living in Austin, TX. Edits and photos by Ksenia Avdulova Brief. Is it time to change out your regular cup of coffee for mushroom coffee? The benefits seem to outweigh any cons, and the taste and warmth you love in your morning ritual doesn’t have to go away. Here, we’ll review one of the most popular mushroom coffee brands so that you can decide if it truly is time for an upgrade.
Affiliate disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links, which means that we make a small com ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
The tour of our tiny cabin is officially out on Apartment Therapy as part of their “Tiny Tours series”.
What started as a small idea to break a wall and connect the two rooms that the cabin consisted of, turned into a full-on overhaul – inside and out.
On the inside of the tiny cabin, we renovated the floors, the walls, and added brand new mudroom and a dreamy bathroom with a freestanding tub and oil rubbed bronze hardware, all from Signature Hardware.
On the outside, our contractor did excavation and landscaping, added a concrete patio, a new roof, and installed gorgeous reclaimed siding fro ..read more
Breakfast Criminals - Superfood breakfast recipes, yoga lifestyle & travel blog
4y ago
A love-list by our collaborator Abbi Miller
Originally published in 2014
I’m sure Cupid is a great cherub, really. But if his arrow hasn’t struck us or the apple of our eye by February 14th, it can leave us feeling a little duped. Personally, I can find this holiday simultaneously romantic and painful, and I know I’m not alone.
There is this stigma, this “in or out” division that happens with the Valentine Haves and Have-nots on this beloved day. I say, it’s all skate. Rather than sitting at home sulking when you don’t have a honey, be sweet to yourself! Many healers ..read more