5 Simple Steps You Can Take To Change Your Money Mindset
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
Change and control go hand in hand. Some changes fall easily into your scope of control, whereas others remain just outside it. You can’t control the weather no matter how much you wish that sunny January morning was actually sparkling snow. But there are other times when it doesn’t feel like you have control over a situation when you really do — and your personal financial health (and money mindset) is certainly one of them. People often fixate on the money aspects they can’t control, like the market or returns, instead of focusing on what they can control like savings, spending, investi ..read more
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How to Reset Your Finances in a Pandemic
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
When you look back on 2020and the pandemic, what would you like to reset? Perhaps it’s more time with your loved ones, better work-life balance, adopting healthier eating habits, getting more sleep, or using your money wisely. There are likely many areas of your life that you want to revamp. The whirlwind of 2020 taught us many lessons – how to work, maintain relationships, and experience personal growth during a pandemic.  The coronavirus pandemic forced everyone to change their behaviors, especially with money. Make 2021 the year you take intentional steps to improving your life and you ..read more
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What Makes Your Financial Goals SMART?
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
It’s easy to get ahead of yourself. When spotting an issue, you might jump into problem-solving mode without even thinking. Say someone is renovating an old house and decides their first step is to paint the front door. This plan doesn’t make sense and is not smart because it’s not prudent to do the finishing touches without addressing the larger structural issues first. You can apply the same idea to your finances. There may be many changes you want to make with your money. Maybe you want to invest more, or double down on your retirement savings, or ensure next year you get that dream vacatio ..read more
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The Money Tasks You’re Avoiding And How To Make Progress (Part 2)
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
In our last post, we kicked off our two part series of addressing the money tasks you’re avoiding and the steps you can take to make progress. Today, we’re covering four additional areas that you can make headway in your financial life.  4. Open an IRA How many times have you sat down at the dinner table and said to your spouse, “After we eat, let’s open an IRA.” Yeah, probably never. When you actively contribute to your workplace retirement account, invest in a separate portfolio, and funnel money into your savings account, it can be difficult to open – let alone manage – another account ..read more
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The Money Tasks You’re Avoiding And How To Make Progress (Part 1)
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
Financial wellness is like eating healthy – it’s hard work and no fun but you know it’s good for you. Think about it, you always feel better after a healthy meal instead of a highly-processed one. But building a balanced meal plan takes more time and effort to accomplish. The same is true for a healthy financial plan. Not every financial planning task is exciting and groundbreaking, but each step secures your goals and vision for the future.  So let’s dust off your to-do list and explore actionable resources to help you accomplish some healthy financial tasks.  1. Increase (or G ..read more
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What Is a Money Script (And How Does It Impact Your Finances?)
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
Much of our daily behavior relies on habits. Take your morning routine. Do you jump right out of bed or do you snooze a few cycles? Are you a brush-your-teeth-before-breakfast or after- breakfast type of person? Do you tie your shoes with a single or double loop? Some of these things you might not even notice unless pointed out to you. They are learned behaviors and preferences that move you through the world, and they greatly impact your life. Researchers found this same principle applies to money.Your views, attitudes, and belief system about money shape the way you approach, discu ..read more
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Why Should You Care About Financial Planning?
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
Money is a tool; a tool that can help you shape, design, and live the life you want. Way too often, people talk about money as the destination, when it’s really a medium to facilitate the journey. Financial planning can take your money game up a notch by bringing clarity, strategy, and intention to your financial life. It can illuminate your priorities and get you thinking about money differently. A healthy financial plan gives you the tools to take control of your finances and start living your life with passion, purpose, and freedom. So what’s the value of a financial plan? Let’s take a ..read more
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Workable Wealth Investing Series: What’s in an Investment Portfolio?
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
Welcome back to the third part of our investment lexicon series. In part one, we introduced the concept of financial markets and discussed their broad reach. In part two, we looked at the U.S. stock market and its many intricacies, including what it is, ways of tracking it, and strategies to approach investing in it. Today, we’ll explore the ways you can participate in the stock market, namely the creation and management of your investment portfolio. What is your portfolio? What is it made of and how can you customize it to fit your needs? Let’s get to it. Breaking Down a Portfolio Your i ..read more
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Workable Wealth Investing Series: What Investment Strategies Should I Use?
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
4y ago
Welcome back to the second part of our investment lexicon series. By now you have a good understanding of what the market is, how the stock market works, and different methods of tracking market performance. Now it’s time to look at some key tools to keep in mind when investing in the stock market.  Remember, each strategy has its pros and cons so the best way to maximize them is working with a financial planner who’ll help your portfolio reflect the right risk with your financial goals. Let’s jump in. Diversification Diversification is a risk management strategy that seeks to ensure your ..read more
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Workable Wealth Investing Series: What You Need to Know About the Market
Workable Wealth Blog
by Mary Beth Storjohann
5y ago
In your quest for financial wellness, you have probably heard countless times the importance of investing as part of a well-rounded financial plan. While this is true, most articles don’t tell you how to invest wisely, what role investments play in your wealth-building journey or even what the Market can tell you.  We understand that you want to invest in a way that’s aligned with your goals and values. But you can’t do that without a clear understanding of what the financial market is, how it operates, and strategies to approach it. In this four-part series, each piece will provide a mor ..read more
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