The Houseplant Guru Blog
I am Lisa Eldred Steinkopf and am crazy about houseplants. My house is full and I keep adding more. This site is about houseplants and the plants I see when I travel, especially at conservatories.
The Houseplant Guru
1y ago
Not too long ago, I attended the Ann Arbor Orchid Society meeting. It was so informative and I want to share with you what I learned ..read more
The Houseplant Guru Blog
1y ago
Fern fronds have spores on their undersides. Often they are mistaken for scale insects. Why? What are the purpose of spores on the fern ..read more
The Houseplant Guru Blog
1y ago
Are the pollen sacs missing on your African violet? What happened to them? It's actually a good thing for you and the violet. Read on ..read more
The Houseplant Guru Blog
1y ago
Underplanting? What is it? It will work great for your houseplants to add interest to large planters. No more bare potting mixture showing ..read more
The Houseplant Guru
1y ago
Is your orchid leaf wrinkled and pleated? Why? Can it be fixed? Red on to find out the answers to these questions about your orchid leaves ..read more
The Houseplant Guru
2y ago
Plant leaves can tell you how to care for them. Does that sound weird? It is true. Read on to find out how they are talking to you ..read more
The Houseplant Guru
2y ago
Why do plant companies put glued together rocks on top of plants? It isn't easy to remove, but read on to find out why you should ..read more
The Houseplant Guru
2y ago
Lycopodiums are now known as Huperzias and are easy to take care of if you give them the right growing conditions. I love mine ..read more
The Houseplant Guru Blog
2y ago
Did you know about zebra mussels and Marimo balls? I didn't. Where have I been? They have been found on these little algae houseplants ..read more
The Houseplant Guru
2y ago
Is your amaryllis bulb blooming? Did you know it has a chemical called lycorine in it? Is it poisonous? Read on ..read more