Let’s talk about: Horse insurance and why I’d never be without it.
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
2M ago
An insight into what cover I have and why I think it’s important. Now, you might be thinking… “that bloody Wimpy’s sponsored by KBIS, course she’s going to be banging on about insurance!” or thoughts to that effect! But alas my friends, I have been insured with KBIS for over 10 years, with 5 different horses and always because of the same reasons, so hear me out, just for a cotton picking little minute! Scenario Number 1: You spend 5 years saving up all your money, buy a horse, get it home and it breaks a leg in the field the next day and requires euthanasia. You probably haven’t had time to ..read more
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Bumper Update 2023
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
It's been a while... I have SO much to update that I thought I would do it here for those of you that love a more in depth read.  Let’s start with the main reason you probably follow me – The Horses. Pat Update It’s no secret that things are a bit different around here at the moment. Back in June, Pat went in for a full lameness investigation following a lengthy spell of intermittent lameness that came to a head at Shelford ODE at the end of May. The work up showed evidence of Bone Spavin and we medicated the hocks with steroid that day. He came home and did a week of walking and then ..read more
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The thing I’ve always wanted to write…
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
This is the one post I’ve been waiting to write for you since I started this page in 2016.   It started yesterday with the usual nervous coursewalk as per any other event. Apart from, this wasn’t just any old event. Pat and I have had a rocky road out eventing, search our BE record and you’ll see a smattering of decent results interspersed with some truly shocking ones that left my confidence in tatters. Last year in particular had only one completion, one elimination thanks to a crashing XC fall at fence 2 and then a total shit show of a SJ retirement at the last event we did in 2021 ..read more
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Happy 2022: A recap and a whole load of new years goodness!
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
  Farewell last year I first started writing this thinking what a total non-starter 2021 was. But as I dissected it, I soon realised that actually, it was filled with a huge amount of positives.   Pea was out on loan, and Pat was all fit and ready for competing in time to smash his first event of the season (BE90 at Oasby) for a placing. My confidence sky rocketed and I entered two more events in quick succession.  I stacked it onto the second XC fence at Norton Disney which didn’t dent my confidence or pride half as much as I thought it would and at Richmond I was running ..read more
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Giving up MASSIVE knickers for lent
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
Yes, that’s right… you clicked on it, I didn’t force you to come here. Lent is 40 days long, not including Sundays (so, technically, it’s 46 days long over here.) It starts today, Ash Wednesday and culminates the eve of my 35th birthday, 4th April. With the sh*t storm that has been this last year, I am taking on a couple of ‘personal’ fun challenges to take my mind off the other things that occupy far too much of my brain space! When I was deciding on which things that I wanted to give up, I made a conscious effort to choose very wisely based on outcomes rather than random ‘I’m giving up wine ..read more
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Stable Management Tips: What’s in my grooming bag?
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
Hello my dear friends and welcome back to some very exciting content! I would like to start by wishing you all a very happy February and I hope that, even in lockdown, that you are managing to cling onto a handful of sanity. Here’s something to keep you moderately entertained, so sit back and enjoy reading about my grubby brushes and how infrequently I use them.  The Shameful Truth Okay, so I am not one of those people that takes pleasure in preening my horses and in honesty, I actually only really ‘groom’ before and after a ride nowadays. As you may know, my horses (one at the moment whi ..read more
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SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING: Miscarriage – Our Devastating Truth
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
I really am struggling to know where to begin this time, but I know that in order to deal with this, I need to write it all down, I need it to become a part of our lives and not something I’m scared of talking about. On August 12th, I took two pregnancy tests – both were positive… It was one of the happiest days of my whole life. Please watch this short video and it will bring you up to speed;  https://wimpyeventer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Vic.mp4   I literally just breathed properly for what feels like an eternity. On Friday 23rd October, at 16weeks pregnant, I went online and ..read more
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Having a baby and that mum juggle… the things they don’t tell you!
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
Whether you have kids or not, the juggle of hobbies/work/social life/love life/showering/etc. is a challenge in itself. But I’ll tell you what, throwing a baby into the mix has you leaving behind certain parts of who you were whether you like it or not.  The Harsh Realisation I wont lie, I have cried (more than once) over how different things are these days, like the mourning for my carefree, rarely-sober weekends pre-baby. I remember very vividly the first time I realised my life had changed.  I was almost 4 weeks into motherhood, vagina heeled, back on a horse, and all feeling ver ..read more
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The Wimpy Weekender – July 2020
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
Now, I’ve had the time of my life, and I owe it all to yooooouuuu…. As many of you will know, this was my third time organising my Wimpy Weekender camps.  The first one was back in May last year, it was a roaring success despite a few (behind the scenes) teething issues.  The second was in August at Keysoe and this one ran much less stressfully despite be being 5 months pregnant and having the worst tooth infection of my life!! 2020, I had banked on holding 5 more, up and down the UK but thanks to Covid-19, we kicked off with our first (of two this year) by heading back to Keysoe thi ..read more
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The Truth Behind: How to get your leg over
Diary of a Wimpy Eventer
by Vic Brant
4M ago
This is the first part in my ‘Truth behind’ series and what better than to mark the three year anniversary of my first book release than to share all the nitty gritty with you on here! So, I’ve been asked many a time, how I managed to write and publish my books and the process I went through in order to make them a success, how many I’ve sold, how profitable it has been, etc. I will point out first of all, that I didn’t have any knowledge of publishing (self or traditional), or of putting the damn thing together and how much work that would be, particularly when you have your heart set on colo ..read more
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